Just to be clear.

No. He is under ā€œinvestigationā€ entirely due to politics.
No. Heā€™s under investigation because of the choices he made. To take home hundreds of classified documents and refuse to return them.

He has only himself to blame. It would have been completely avoided if he had done what every other president does at the end of their presidency. But he was too busy pretending he didnā€™t lose.
No. Heā€™s under investigation because of the choices he made.
Wrong. Heā€™s under ā€œinvestigationā€ because of choices Garland and Wray and Brandon made. Do try to keep up.
To take home hundreds of classified documents and refuse to return them.

He declassified them. So he Tom home nothing classified. And the GSA packed them up. He was allowed to be in physical possession of them. In fact, you dolt, his lawyers were in long negotiations with the governments lawyers regarding the manner and timing of return of many of the documents for the National Archives.
He has only himself to blame.

Repeating your error doesnā€™t suddenly and magically make it right. Youā€™re still wrong.
It would have been completely avoided if he had done what every other president does at the end of their presidency.
Like Obama retaining 30 MILLION PAGES of such records, you mean? šŸ˜‚
But he was too busy pretending he didnā€™t lose.
He wasnā€™t pretending. He may have been mistaken. But thatā€™s a separate issue. Try to stay ON Topic. The topic is his continuing physical possession of some documents,
Wrong. Heā€™s under ā€œinvestigationā€ because of choices Garland and Wray and Brandon made. Do try to keep up.

He declassified them. So he Tom home nothing classified. And the GSA packed them up. He was allowed to be in physical possession of them. In fact, you dolt, his lawyers were in long negotiations with the governments lawyers regarding the manner and timing of return of many of the documents for the National Archives.

Repeating your error doesnā€™t suddenly and magically make it right. Youā€™re still wrong.

Like Obama retaining 30 MILLION PAGES of such records, you mean? šŸ˜‚

He wasnā€™t pretending. He may have been mistaken. But thatā€™s a separate issue. Try to stay ON Topic. The topic is his continuing physical possession of some documents,
So many falsehoods and many things which are claimed but not proven.

First, he made off with these documents. He is not legitimately allowed to be in possession of them. Thatā€™s what the national archives is for. You repeat the falsehood that Obama retained 30 million pages. Thatā€™s a lie. The national archives retained 30 million pages.

You claim he declassified them. What did he declassify? I have no idea. Neither you. No one does. Not unless he turns over the documents he supposedly declassified. Theyā€™re not his. He doesnā€™t own them. The government does.
No. Heā€™s under investigation because of the choices he made. To take home hundreds of classified documents and refuse to return them.
Nobody -including you- knows that any of the documents were classified, let alone hundreds....That information hasn't been released.

Why are you monbats wedded to this blatant misinformation?
Nobody -including you- knows that any of the documents were classified, let alone hundreds....That information hasn't been released.

Why are you monbats wedded to this blatant misinformation?
How do you propose we figure out what was classified and what was declassified? Given no one knows.
So many falsehoods and many things which are claimed but not proven.
So many falsehoods and many things which are claimed but not proven.

Thatā€™s why I responded to your many misstatements separately. Youā€™re welcome.
First, he made off with these documents.
No. He didnā€™t. They were however in his physical possession. If you have a point there, you failed to make it.
He is not legitimately allowed to be in possession of them.
Sure he is.
Thatā€™s what the national archives is for.

In part. And eventually. But otherwise, youā€™re wrong. You donā€™t grasp the PRA. Your ignorance doesnā€™t control, though.
You repeat the falsehood that Obama retained 30 million pages. Thatā€™s a lie.

No. Itā€™s the truth. Your denial is the lie.
The national archives retained 30 million pages.
The National Archives eventually took physical custody over the records. That much is true.
You claim he declassified them. What did he declassify? I have no idea. Neither you.
He declassified the papers marked ā€œclassifiedā€ under any category. That you donā€™t know this or choose not to believe it also doesnā€™t control. I cite Kash Patel. You? You cite nobody and nothing other than the markings that were on some documents when they initially got classified.
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Why are you monbats wedded to this blatant misinformation?
These emotionally unhinged useful idiots have been fed a non-stop stream of nothingburgers for years on end. They're just too stupid to step back, look at the big picture, and ask the obvious questions.
Thatā€™s why I responded to your many misstatements separately. Youā€™re welcome.

No. He didnā€™t. They were however in his physical possession. If you have a point there, you failed to make it.

Sure he is.

In part. And eventually. But otherwise, youā€™re wrong. You donā€™t grasp the PRA. Your ignorance doesnā€™t control, though.

No. Itā€™s the truth. Your denial is the lie.

The National Archives eventually took physical custody over the records. That much is true.

He declassified the papers marked ā€œclassifiedā€ under any category. That you donā€™t know this or choose not to believe it is also doesnā€™t control. I cite Kash Patel. You? You cite nobody and nothing other than the markings that were on some documents when they initially got classified.
You donā€™t declassify papers. You declassify information. Without knowing what was on those papers, meaning without knowing what information is declassified, we donā€™t know what damage has been done to national security and what information the government should release to us.

It makes no sense that he would declassify information and not tell anyone.

Kash Patel makes no sense.
Irrelevant to the fact that you don't know, yet insist on claiming that you do.

"....so many things which are claimed but not proven."
Itā€™s quite relevant. Just admit you donā€™t know.
I'm the one who pointed out that nobody knows....That would include me, schmuck.
But we need to find out. Donā€™t you agree?

Nobody disputes that documents seized had classified markings.
You donā€™t declassify papers. You declassify information.

The information, you lummox? Is on the papers. Itā€™s the papers that are classified. Thatā€™s why they get ā€œdeclassified.ā€ Itā€™s right there in the word.
Without knowing what was on those papers, meaning without knowing what information is declassified, we donā€™t know what damage has been done to national security and what information the government should release to us.
Doesnā€™t matter. He declassified the documents at issue. Whether or not you agree with his decision to do so is irrelevant.
It makes no sense that he would declassify information and not tell anyone.
No? How about for the immediate purpose of authorizing himself to have them in his physical possession outside of the White House. Try to think a bit before writing.
Kash Patel makes no sense.
In other words, you ignorantly just happen not to agree with or care for what he says. Thatā€™s a different matter altogether. You remain wrong.
But we need to find out. Donā€™t you agree?

Nobody disputes that documents seized had classified markings.
Deflection from the fact....You don't know, yet insist on invoking the narrative that it is known.

That there have been leaks that things were "marked" isn't evidence that can or cannot be disputed....They're leaks, AKA hearsay.....Gossip.
But we need to find out. Donā€™t you agree?

Nobody disputes that documents seized had classified markings.
Because? At some point ā€” before being declassified ā€” they had been classified. Otherwise, they wouldnā€™t have needed to have been DEclassified.

Honest to God. This isnā€™t even difficult material. Exactly how slow are you?
No? How about for the immediate purpose of authorizing himself to have them in his physical possession outside of the White House. Try to think a bit before writing.
Thatā€™s not what declassify means.

It means to remove the restrictions that the government places on dissemination of information. If he declassified information, we all get to see it. Not just him.
Because? At some point ā€” before being declassified ā€” they had been classified. Otherwise, they wouldnā€™t have needed to have been DEclassified.

Honest to God. This isnā€™t even difficult material. Exactly how slow are you?
Iā€™m trying to explain this to you, but you have a hard time grasping simple questions. I have to break through your programming because youā€™re given prepared answers to questions, and when the question doesnā€™t fit, your programming breaks.

How do we go about determining what information was declassified?

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