Just turned of ABC News with drama queen David Muir

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
" President Trump has yet to acknowledge the 'milestone' number..." was his opening line, spoken in his usual
dire tone of voice implying the coronavirus death toll has reached 100,000.

So I flipped it off 10 seconds in. I refuse to pay attention to any more media overkill or Trump-hate-speak
from the American mainstream media. It's not just gotten old, but disingenuous and frankly dangerous.
The disrespect shown to this president has been far beyond the pale and it's ongoing.

Some of their reporting is alright, but for 4 years, like 95 % of the rest of the MSM, they've been anti-Trump clearly biased against him about everything.
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It does not cost anything to offer condolences to grieving Americans. The refusal of any sort of national mourning for the dead is a political strategy that I find difficult to understand.
It does not cost anything to offer condolences to grieving Americans. The refusal of any sort of national mourning for the dead is a political strategy that I find difficult to understand.

Where was the left's "condolences" to the 240,000 Americans who died of the flu under Obama?
" President Trump has yet to acknowledge the 'milestone' number..." was his opening line, spoken in his usual
dire tone of voice implying the coronavirus death toll has reached 100,000.

So I flipped it off 10 seconds in. I refuse to pay attention to any more media overkill or Trump-hate-speak
from the American mainstream media. It's not just gotten old, but disingenuous and frankly dangerous.
The disrespect shown to this president has been far beyond the pale and it's ongoing.

Some of their reporting is alright, but for 4 years, like 95 % of the rest of the MSM, they've been anti-Trump clearly biased against him about everything.

Like always, if Trump doesn't want bad press, he should quit doing dumb shit.
" President Trump has yet to acknowledge the 'milestone' number..." was his opening line, spoken in his usual
dire tone of voice implying the coronavirus death toll has reached 100,000.

So I flipped it off 10 seconds in. I refuse to pay attention to any more media overkill or Trump-hate-speak
from the American mainstream media. It's not just gotten old, but disingenuous and frankly dangerous.
The disrespect shown to this president has been far beyond the pale and it's ongoing.

Some of their reporting is alright, but for 4 years, like 95 % of the rest of the MSM, they've been anti-Trump clearly biased against him about everything.

Like always, if Trump doesn't want bad press, he should quit doing dumb shit.

What do you do if 95% of Hollywood and TV shows are Prog shills venting their propaganda at everything he does? When a percentage of Americans get their talking points from late night talk show hosts and SNL then you know are nation is so over.
" President Trump has yet to acknowledge the 'milestone' number..." was his opening line, spoken in his usual
dire tone of voice implying the coronavirus death toll has reached 100,000.

So I flipped it off 10 seconds in. I refuse to pay attention to any more media overkill or Trump-hate-speak
from the American mainstream media. It's not just gotten old, but disingenuous and frankly dangerous.
The disrespect shown to this president has been far beyond the pale and it's ongoing.

Some of their reporting is alright, but for 4 years, like 95 % of the rest of the MSM, they've been anti-Trump clearly biased against him about everything.

Well, you know, the President of the United States is supposed to be able to at least show a little empathy for the plight of his subjects....err....constituency and maybe acknowledge the suffering and death toll (that largely belong to his inaction and incompetence). But, like always, I never hold my breath when it comes to Trump. He'll always make it about himself. He is, has been, and always will be, his own worst enemy.
" President Trump has yet to acknowledge the 'milestone' number..." was his opening line, spoken in his usual
dire tone of voice implying the coronavirus death toll has reached 100,000.

So I flipped it off 10 seconds in. I refuse to pay attention to any more media overkill or Trump-hate-speak
from the American mainstream media. It's not just gotten old, but disingenuous and frankly dangerous.
The disrespect shown to this president has been far beyond the pale and it's ongoing.

Some of their reporting is alright, but for 4 years, like 95 % of the rest of the MSM, they've been anti-Trump clearly biased against him about everything.

Like always, if Trump doesn't want bad press, he should quit doing dumb shit.

What do you do if 95% of Hollywood and TV shows are Prog shills venting their propaganda at everything he does? When a percentage of Americans get their talking points from late night talk show hosts and SNL then you know are nation is so over.

If things are that bad for you, you should go live in a cave, and eat nuts and berries.
Well, you know, the President of the United States is supposed to be able to at least show a little empathy for the plight of his subjects....err....constituency and maybe acknowledge the suffering and death toll (that largely belong to his inaction and incompetence). But, like always, I never hold my breath when it comes to Trump. He'll always make it about himself. He is, has been, and always will be, his own worst enemy.
Trump hasn't changed, and hasn't lost any supporters. In fact he'll be gaining more and more
new followers as Obamagate unravels before our eyes. Aren't you excited ?
Well, you know, the President of the United States is supposed to be able to at least show a little empathy for the plight of his subjects....err....constituency and maybe acknowledge the suffering and death toll (that largely belong to his inaction and incompetence). But, like always, I never hold my breath when it comes to Trump. He'll always make it about himself. He is, has been, and always will be, his own worst enemy.
Trump hasn't changed, and hasn't lost any supporters. In fact he'll be gaining more and more
new followers as Obamagate unravels before our eyes. Aren't you excited ?

Well, he may not have lost any supporters but he hasn't gained any either, which will be an issue for him in November.
Outside of his base supporters, no one else likes him. :) And since Obamagate is a made up scandal, there's nothing to unravel.
I'll be excited to see Trump get shown the door and the beginning of the end of the Republican Party.

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