"Just War Theory". According to The "Just War Theory" would War With N. Korea be justifiable?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
The "Just War Theory" is a doctrine to ensure war is morally justifiable through a series of criteria, all of which must be met for a war to be considered just.

The "Just War Theory" postulates that war, while terrible, is not always the worst option.

There are two primary sets of criteria, First establishing jus ad bellum (the right to go to war) and the second is establishing jus in bello ( The right conduct within war). Recent years, some theorist, have proposed a third category with in the "Just War Theory", Just post bellum(ending a war).

According to the "Just War Theory", waging war against N. Korea, Trump would need evidence to meet all the criteria of jus ad bellum (The right to go to war).

jus ad bellum (The right to go to war) criteria
Just cause
-The reason to go to war needs to be just, cannot therefore be solely for recapturing things taken or punishing people who have done wrong.
-innocent life must be in imminent danger and intervention must be to protect life.

Comparative Justice
-while there my be rights and wrongs on all sides of conflict, to overcome the presumption against the use of force, the injustice suffered by one party must significantly outweigh that suffered by the other.

Compete Authority
-Only duly constituted public authorities may wage war

Right intentions
-force maybe used only in a truly just cause and solely for that purpose. Correcting a suffered wrong is considered a right intention, while material gain or maintaining economies is not.

Probability of success
-Arms may not be used in a futile cause when disproportionate measures are required to achieve success.

Last Resort
-Force may be used only after all peaceful and viable alternatives have been seriously tried and exhausted or are clearly not practical.

-The anticipated benefits of waging war must be proportionate to its expected evils or harms.
In modern terms, just war is waged in terms of self defense, or in defense of another( with sufficient evidence).

So according to the "Just War Theory" does Trump have evidence that meets all the criteria needed to wage war on N. Korea?
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NK deserves the crap bombed out if it, because of the threats of its leader, the oppression of the NK people, and the fact that NK has never agreed to end the Korean war. If your neighbor kept waving his gun in your face and threatening to shoot you, I'd say you're justified in blowing his head off.

South Korea should have the call on this, as it's them with most of the flesh in the game, and the US should fully back what SK wants to do.
Preemptively destroying North Korean leader's means by which he has already publicly stated, that he would use to kill millions of Americans?

The lack of understanding the nature of "just war" as expressed above depresses one's hopes for the writers' logical abilities.

A pre-emptive attack on North Korea will lead to hundreds of thousands of victims in South Korea and Japan.
I don't think the Orange Klown has read any of this theory, and he wouldn't understand it if he did.
His justification for such a plan would be 'Will it distract from the Mueller witch-hunt?'.
I don't think the Orange Klown has read any of this theory, and he wouldn't understand it if he did.
His justification for such a plan would be 'Will it distract from the Mueller witch-hunt?'.

Sure because Mueller Which hunt is much more important than nukes possibly landing on American soil.

Only you are obsessed with the farce investigation. Only you... Don't project your stupidity on others.
The lack of understanding the nature of "just war" as expressed above depresses one's hopes for the writers' logical abilities.

A pre-emptive attack on North Korea will lead to hundreds of thousands of victims in South Korea and Japan.

That is only speculative. Besides, I sincerely doubt that you would really give a crap about "hundreds of thousands" of South Koreans and Japanese if ground zero happens to be your street.

Do you think this is a fucking game of thrones or something?
The lack of understanding the nature of "just war" as expressed above depresses one's hopes for the writers' logical abilities.

A pre-emptive attack on North Korea will lead to hundreds of thousands of victims in South Korea and Japan.

That is only speculative. Besides, I sincerely doubt that you would really give a crap about "hundreds of thousands" of South Koreans and Japanese if ground zero happens to be your street.
"Ground Zero" is not going to be the US. Kim knows the US would nuke the entirety of NK if that happened. Your sincere doubts raises sincerely the concern that you are insane.
Any preemptive strike on the socialist country would be under the theory that the causalities of the preemptive strike would be smaller than future casualties of not doing anything now. NK's nuclear arsenal will only continue to grow, if we don't stop it.

I don't think the US is yet in any nuke danger from the NK, but that'll change.
The lack of understanding the nature of "just war" as expressed above depresses one's hopes for the writers' logical abilities.

A pre-emptive attack on North Korea will lead to hundreds of thousands of victims in South Korea and Japan.

That is only speculative. Besides, I sincerely doubt that you would really give a crap about "hundreds of thousands" of South Koreans and Japanese if ground zero happens to be your street.
"Ground Zero" is not going to be the US. Kim knows the US would nuke the entirety of NK if that happened. Your sincere doubts raises sincerely the concern that you are insane.

It says something to me that you have so much insight into mind of a deranged person. But you have a limited knowledge about the North Korean belief structure.

They follow the Juche ideology, which is that Kim Il-sung and his successors are held as divine beings. They believe that when they die, they will continue to exist but they will be in the presence of
Kim Il-sung.

Do you really think a depraved leader such as Kim Jon Un who has had members of his own family executed by anti-aircraft fire, cannons, blowing them up, or feeding them to dogs, is afraid of death?
JGalt did not serve in Korea. I did for several years. I understand the Korean social, cultural, and political dynamic far better than he does. Hwang Jang-Yop, the theorist who developed the theory of Juche, defected to the South twenty years ago. There is no such concept of transmission of personality eternally through the ages serving the Kim
'dyansty.' Juche means the nation is self-reliant and independent of China and Russia.

JGalt is clearly unbalanced.
NK deserves the crap bombed out if it, because of the threats of its leader, the oppression of the NK people, and the fact that NK has never agreed to end the Korean war. If your neighbor kept waving his gun in your face and threatening to shoot you, I'd say you're justified in blowing his head off.

South Korea should have the call on this, as it's them with most of the flesh in the game, and the US should fully back what SK wants to do.
Kim Jong-in is just a young douchebag probably showing off for some N. Korean sluts. Just for the fact he had the balls to threaten America, to me, that's more than enough of a reason to drop a nuke right on top of Kim jongs residence. N. Korea has been bullying S. Korea for a long time now. I don't know why countries around him aren't doing more. China seems like they would be pissed at America if we would do anything to N. Korea? Other countries shouldn't be ok with them threatening to nuke us when they know Americas capabilities. I also read an article a month or two ago, and it was about N. Korea displaying their military power and they held this massive parade and a section of the parade where thousands of soldiers marching and a war expert analysis said something in the lines of N. Korea that the soldiers weapons that they were carrying like rifles and RPGs were all made of plastic and fake? lol I don't know but I thought that was funny.
JGalt did not serve in Korea. I did for several years. I understand the Korean social, cultural, and political dynamic far better than he does. Hwang Jang-Yop, the theorist who developed the theory of Juche, defected to the South twenty years ago. There is no such concept of transmission of personality eternally through the ages serving the Kim
'dyansty.' Juche means the nation is self-reliant and independent of China and Russia.

JGalt is clearly unbalanced.

Have you completed your registration as a foreign agent yet? You do know that you trolls are now required to report your sources of foreign funding to the U.S. government, right?
The lack of understanding the nature of "just war" as expressed above depresses one's hopes for the writers' logical abilities.

A pre-emptive attack on North Korea will lead to hundreds of thousands of victims in South Korea and Japan.
Who is the writer you are referring to?
If and when we do go to war with NK or any other Marxist cesspool run by despots, can we start by eleminating their most destructive allie?

The American main stream media and the left wing losers that pass along their warped American hating bullshit.

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