Just watch what our beloved leftist media has done. A pathetic white sjw karen going crazy on behalf of blacks.

I didn't, but a millions of other white people did. I knew too much about him, I'm from Chicago He did NOTHING as a state rep or as a Senator.
I wished I would’ve had your inside information Tee Dub as I wasted my vote on him first go round, but wisened up way before he entered his second term.
People are constantly told one thing about relations with others. Then when the local news is on, even without mentioning race, the video showing violence is damning to perception of safety in the minds of some. So the local news hides all it can but shows the videos of the terrible things that happen. It happens everywhere, but it is constant in local urban areas. Day after day after day. So in this case, a picture is worth a thousand words.
Wouldn’t it be great if whites could be completely honest without having to worry about being politically correct? And if conservative blacks would join us in calling out the high crime and poverty communities? What tough love advice would we give them?

1. get out. And don’t bring the ghetto mentality with you.

2. don’t have kids you can’t afford. It’s the same advice my parents gave to me. Don’t ruin your life. Get a degree, job, wife then kids. In that order.

3. befriend the cops. Respect the cops.

4. take school more seriously. There’s a reason blacks have a lot of low paying jobs. They only have high school diplomas.

5. stop suing companies for racism when they fire you. They’ll stop hiring blacks.

6. showing up on time and speaking like obama is important. Talk jive with your friends. Talk like will Smith to your coworkers and customers.

What else?
No but that's the problem. You lump all black people together and treat them all bad. Same for cops. That's the point of BLM. Sorry if they have to get a little violent. It's been proven if you want to force change you have to get a little blood on your hands or the politicians don't do shit about shit.
Do you oppose freaked out school boards asking biden to protect them from parents who object to their far left brainwashing of children?
You voted for romney and McCain? Even you today would question those decisions. And bush sucked too. Trump was the worse. So your judgement is in question.
I vote for those who share the last name of heroes who have died in our wars, of those who have built this nation, of those who have grown our food….Barely American Greeks with no interest in preserving and protecting American virtue will vote for Kenyan Muslims and the like….know what I mean.
Do you oppose freaked out school boards asking biden to protect them from parents who object to their far left brainwashing of children?
I’ve heard those wacko parents freak out at meetings. They are unhinged nuts. Usually Karen’s.

yes I object to threatening elected officials. I would expel their kids from the public school district. Go to private school Karen. Where they teach critical race theory
Exactly BL, and that meme could also show white liberals holding their hands over the mouths of black liberals when it comes to grandstanding and scoring their “personal” political points even if it means blacks lose points in the mix.

Just goes to show that the left is continuing its history of viewing blacks as merely tools to be used, not as people.
We should all feel pity for "Karen."

If she or a loved one is ever the victim of a senseless violent crime, she will be thoroughly disillusioned.

She will finally realize how foolish she was to let her heart bleed for certain folks.
Parents who care about their children have a right to raise their voice to the lib “educators”
Raise their voices? Sure, a little. Respectfully. But "We know where you live" should be considered a threat and not tolerated. It was caught on film? Then prosecute the woman who said it.

Is that what it's coming to? Appoint my guy even if he lost or else? You're all unhinged Karen's. And you are the vocal minority. Enough.
But "We know where you live" should be considered a threat and not tolerated
Its a chant that has been made often on the left without libs declaring martial law

I have been warning the social justice crazies that any game they invent others can learn to play
Its a chant that has been made often on the left without libs declaring martial law

I have been warning the social justice crazies that any game they invent others can learn to play
Time to get tough on anyone who's a nut. And right now the nuts are cons.

Just watch this. This is the result of their mass brainwashing on a mass scale

I'm reminded the reaction by co-workers the day Trump was elected. White liberals are the worst.

There's a severe dumbing down taking place, leftists, gadgets & misinformation are leading it. No shit I see what were functional humans decades ago beginning at child hood, basic things that are now lost on at least half the people. We're losing our ability to apply critical thought & calculate. Dependency & distractions plays well into it, and we became soft.

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