Just When You Thought Joe Biden Couldn't Get Any Creepier, He Makes Yet Another Inappropriate Joke

Indeed, straight from Joe Xi's mouth. He just loves little girls especially his daughter Ashley taking warm naked showers with daddy Joe

Out of context garbage, brainwashed ignoramus...

Well, this is fine.

Given the fact that his own daughter admitted that he "inappropriately" touched her in the shower, and this corrupt chucklenuts is all over social media sniffing children, I find this objectionable.

Bonus round:

Hey Dems, next time you want to steal an election and pretend we did it (cuz everyone knows you always project) - at least don't insert another brain dead potato.

Since when do you care about inappropriate jokes?!

Reality hi
Since when do you care about inappropriate jokes?!

I dunno, I guess uncomfortable pedophilia-adjacent statements are my line in the sand.

But if you're OK with that (esp. from the President of the United States - whose own daughter accused him of what could be considered incestuous pedophilia), that's on you bub.

Seek help.
Says the tough guy using the phrase "Magaturd".

Oh, the irony.
Well, you're not republicans. You're not conservatives. You're not interested in reasonable political discussion. Thus, the only thing left is you must be fucking filthy entitled magaturd douchebags.
Reality hi

I dunno, I guess uncomfortable pedophilia-adjacent statements are my line in the sand.

But if you're OK with that (esp. from the President of the United States - whose own daughter accused him of what could be considered incestuous pedophilia), that's on you bub.

Seek help.
I take more of an issue with partisan hacks Mischaracterizing and lying about statements to accuse people of pedophilia for political gain. That’s on you
No I’m accusing you of lying. Read slower and work harder on comprehension


I just can't keep up with the esoteric intellectualism displayed by people quoting the MSM like programmed robots ad nauseum.

Next time I want your opinion, I'll ask Don Lemon.

At least it'd be (slightly) more entertaining than this dreck.

I just can't keep up with the esoteric intellectualism displayed by people quoting the MSM like programmed robots ad nauseum.

Next time I want your opinion, I'll ask Don Lemon.

At least it'd be (slightly) more entertaining than this dreck.
Pretty rich coming from somebody spreading third hand information you got from partisan media sources. You’re doing exactly what you’re trying to accuse me of.
Pretty rich coming from somebody spreading third hand information you got from partisan media sources. You’re doing exactly what you’re trying to accuse me of.
Dude, I'm sorry you're so clueless - I really am.

But don't blame me that you haven't seen the direct quote from her diary, a diary (BTW) - that was even authenticated by the NY Times.

You've got the world wide web at your fingertips (thanks to Al Gore - amirite??) -but you refuse to use it due to your own partisan mental block.

That's on you pal.
total crap, anti-American chumps....just like all you know...
I can also quote heavy.com (is that a Michael Moore website?)

Read it and weep bucko:

One line in the diary is causing the most controversy. The author wrote that she remembers “showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate),” according to the pages published by National File.

Despite being under investigation, Project Veritas did not publish the diary because of concerns it wasn’t real.However, since that time, federal officials have launched the criminal investigation into Ashley Biden’s diary, indicating that the diary was really the president’s daughter’s journal. The diary also contains an allegation that the writer was concerned she was molested, although the page does not specify by whom.

The FBI has not specifically verified that those pages came from the diary it’s investigating; however, major news organizations, including The New York Times, have reported that the handwritten pages published on the conservative website were “from” Ashley Biden’s diary.

Hhmmmm....sure sounds like Biden molested his own daughter. Allegedly!
Dude, I'm sorry you're so clueless - I really am.

But don't blame me that you haven't seen the direct quote from her diary, a diary (BTW) - that was even authenticated by the NY Times.

You've got the world wide web at your fingertips (thanks to Al Gore - amirite??) -but you refuse to use it due to your own partisan mental block.

That's on you pal.
I have seen the quote that you’re talking about and it says absolutely nothing about getting molested by her father. You’re straight up lying
I have seen the quote that you’re talking about and it says absolutely nothing about getting molested by her father. You’re straight up lying

It says he touched her in the shower, and that it was probably inappropriate!

If any minor said that to a cop, that dad would be getting a visit from the law.

But not good ole' Scranton Joe.

He's molesting and incesting for the people! Allegedly!

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