Just where is the DOJ going with the Comey Violations.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
And they are fighting back with whatever ammo they have left. The ammunition is disinformation and gaslighting the public using main stream outlets. It is a war and they are in the final battle using everything at their disposal to go after the one man that can expose all of it: Barr.

However, it won’t work. As they say in old detective movies “the jig is up” and the American people, along with the DOJ, have seen enough evidence to prove that the bureau’s probe was fraught with problems.

It was spying. Plain and simple.

Barr should know, he worked with the CIA early in his career.

He also is not worried about being ‘politically correct’ to benefit the Democrats grilling him before the Senate Judiciary Committee and no matter how many tantrums they throw it isn’t going to stop him from getting to truth.

The watchdog office said Comey broke bureau rules by giving one memo containing unclassified information to a friend with instructions to share the contents with a reporter. Comey also failed to notify the FBI after he was dismissed in May 2017 that he had retained some of the memos in a safe at home, the report said.
One week after he was fired, Comey provided a copy of the memo about Flynn to Dan Richman, his personal lawyer and a close friend, and instructed him to share the contents with a specific reporter from The New York Times. If this is not address as a violation of law our Justice system is broken and needs fix and fixed right.

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