Justice department being pressured to allow spying on citizens ?

Screw William Barr. I hope he gets brain cancer from all his electronics.
I think Brennan and Comey were the ones illegally spying for Obama and Clinton.

You do (think Brennan and Comey spied illegally)? You must have the evidence to post such a claim. Please share what you know, and the evidence which convinced you?
Did Brennan have evidence to say the president was a traitor ?
Trump has won his day in court.

Brennan lied under oath to the country. Not everything is about Trump.

Please post the video where Mr. Brennan lied under oath to the country.

CIA director John Brennan lied to you and to the Senate. Fire him | Trevor Timm


John Brennan’s Dishonesty: A Long Record | National Review

Ex-CIA Chief John Brennan Should Have Lost His Security Clearance Long Ago

Brennan blatantly lies to the Senate | C-SPAN.org

CIA Director John Brennan today petulantly denied that he lied in March when he publicly insisted that the CIA had not improperly accessed the computers of Senate staffers investigating the agency’s role in torturing detainees.

Since then, an internal investigation found the CIA had done just that, and Brennan was forced to apologize to Senate intelligence committee members.

The guy did nothing but lie and make excuses for his lies.
This is you evidence? I have no idea if Brennan called Trump a traitor, though his support for Putin and attack on our National Security Advisers suggest President Trump's behavior is at best suspicious.

Which case was settled in Trump favor (he has many many failures).

You made a claim and posted a video which disputes your claim. Mr. Brennan was NOT under oath when he expressed an opinion which does not meet the legal definition of Treason, but does appear to offer aid and comfort to Putin.

And last year, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper lied under oath to Congress when he told Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and the Senate Intelligence Committee that the National Security Agency did not collect any kind of data on millions of Americans, a claim later disproved by documents leaked by former NSA employee Edward Snowden.

Spying seems to be a social issue only during a republican administration. Nobody seemed concerned when Barry Hussein used the IRS to punish political enemies or when rogue elements in the FBI used faked information from a foreign agent to conduct surveillance on a presidential candidate.

A lot of people were concerned. It was the top story at the time. It gets old when people spin things this way. I swear, I think some of you were born yesterday.

Opinion | Spying on The Associated Press

Why did the Obama administration spy on the Associated Press?

True Extent of Obama's Spying on the Press Revealed | RealClearPolitics
We need to strike a reasonable balance because bad guys are increasingly using encrypted communications. The Constitution was never meant to be a suicide pact.
We need to strike a reasonable balance because bad guys are increasingly using encrypted communications. The Constitution was never meant to be a suicide pact.

The Constitution is the Constitution. When you start tearing it up you have lost.

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