Justice Department recommends 40-year sentence for man convicted of attacking Paul Pelosi

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
It’s inappropriate posturing by the DOJ.

Yes, I saw what he did (from the perspective of the police body cam), and I agree he should have been convicted and should spend time in prison. He could have easily killed Mr. Pelosi with his vile actions.

Maybe two years isn’t enough. But for sure certain, 40 years is ridiculous.

Even 10 sounds like a lot.
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It’s inappropriate posturing by the DOJ.

Yes, I saw what he did (from the perspective of the police body cam), and I agree he should have been convicted and shouldn’t time in prison. He could have easily killed Mr. Pelosi with his vile actions.

Maybe two years isn’t enough. But for sure certain, 40 years is ridiculous.

Even 10 sounds like a lot.
True. When I first watched the event, I thought that was at least 5 to 7. Of course, that was after I got over the, "That guy needs a trophy" reaction. :)
The whole incident has been scripted theatre from the beginning .
And very low quality .
It staggers me that so many simply regurgitate what they have had fed to them .

Just for starters :-
I looked up the alleged attacker, David Depape.
He has only three photos on the internet and they are all from a 2013 CIA event. He is listed at Instantcheckmate, but his profile has been scrubbed, meaning the CIA got there first in preparation for the Pelosi event.
There are no relatives listed, because they don't want people linking him to top families or to the CIA.
But of course I am going to do it anyway. You see how easy that was? That is the first thing a private investigator would do when presented with this “news”.
Do you really think the big computers don't know anything about this white guy from Berkeley? The mainstream media has already tracked down his relatives and interviewed them, but the big computer doesn't know anything about them? How did the papers find them within hours?
I also know because the very first thing the San Francisco Chronicle tells us—in the lead sentence—is that Depape is a 911 Truther. He also posted on social media, questioning the 2020 election. He questioned vaccine safety. I guess he also questioned whether there is a Santa Claus and a GreatPumpkin.
So the story is scripted through and through.
Why? Not only to blackwash 911Truth and various kinds of deniers, but mainly to try to create sympathy for Pelosi, and through her for the Dems.
It is an obvious sign of desperation, since the Dems can see they are about to get waxed.

Just the opening salvo from Miles Mathis , October 2022
DePape definitely needs to serve time, maybe a year or two. How does this event justify a 40 year sentence? Because it's Nancy Pelosi's husband? There are rapists, killers, and pedophiles who don't get that much time.

Nobody should be allowed to do what DePape did with impunity and it is good that he will serve prison time for doing it. I agree that 40 years in absolutely inconsistent for a crime that there is no evidence there was any intent to kill or even seriously injure the other person. The usual penalty for a crime such as Depape committed according to Findlaw is two to twenty years.

And the DOJ saying it was a threat to our democracy? Give me a break. A deranged disturbed person who, according to his lawyers, had a long list of 'targets' including Tom Hanks, Hunter Biden, George Soros and Rep. Adam Schiff, former Attorney General Bill Barr, former Vice President Mike Pence, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Gov. Gavin Newsom. Nancy Pelosi was just the first on that list. Paul Pelosi was not.

The guy probably belongs in a mental institution instead of prison.

But to my fellow Patriots, there is ZERO evidence that this was a 'homosexual tryst gone bad' or that Paul Pelosi is gay. Those pushing that theory should stop it.
DePape definitely needs to serve time, maybe a year or two. How does this event justify a 40 year sentence? Because it's Nancy Pelosi's husband? There are rapists, killers, and pedophiles who don't get that much time.

My first thought was similar to this. But the man attacked the home of the Speaker of the House. He was serious about hurting, maiming, or even killing her.

The sentence is not harsh because of the person Nancy Pelosi. It's harsh because it was an attack on the home of the Speaker of the House. If she had been home...
It’s inappropriate posturing by the DOJ.

Yes, I saw what he did (from the perspective of the police body cam), and I agree he should have been convicted and should spend time in prison. He could have easily killed Mr. Pelosi with his vile actions.

Maybe two years isn’t enough. But for sure certain, 40 years is ridiculous.

Even 10 sounds like a lot.
Did you support Hinkley getting out early?
The Speaker of the House is second in line to succeed the President, after the Vice President.

the context of why the sentence is not unfair.
I’m not shedding a tear for this guy, but what’s the difference with his target being speaker of the house or a cab driver?
The Speaker of the House is second in line to succeed the President, after the Vice President.

the context of why the sentence is not unfair.
So, in your ongoing pretend “analysis,” the situation of an attempted assassin who was found not responsible due to his mental illness is somehow akin to what a convicted assaulter should get for his criminal conviction.

Ho-kay 🙄

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