Justice Dept. Probing Links Between Trump and Saudi-Backed LIV Golf, have issued subpoenas

Donald Trump isn’t Biden’s opponent. The election is more than a year and a half away. Donald Trump only declared his candidacy in order to make the false claim political persecution in your post.

If running for office, disqualified someone from being arrested for the crimes, they’re committing, every criminal in the USA it would declare his candidacy and go on a crime spree.

This pretty much what Trump has done. Trump has been on a crime spree since before he took office and he hid behind the shield of the DOJ’s reluctance to prosecute a sitting president in order to avoid a reckoning for his crimes.

He tried to overthrow the government to keep that shield in place, and he failed. All of his life Donald Trump has bought his way out of prosecution when his crimes work on coverage, including the Trump University fraud trial, which was underway when he was elected.

Since he left office, he’s played the victim card. Every investigation is a witchhunt. Everyone is lying except Trump.

He never did any of those things and if he did them, they weren’t illegal and if they were illegal, they’re not legal when the president does them.

His assault of E. Jean Carroll not illegal because men like him have the right to assault women he finds attractive.

Trump is the guy who is trying to Weaponized government and spent four years in office trying and failing to jail his opposition.

Trump is clearly gaslighted you and the rest of the Colt to his bullshit and lies. The rest of us aren’t nearly so stupid or gullible.

He's going to use the Jean Carroll verdict to raise funds.

Excellent post, BTW.
What’s being looked into is the contract between LIV Golf and the Trump Corporation. Were the financial arrangements comparable with similar deals with PGA host clubs?

For example, how much was the PGA payment to Doral for hosting one of their premier golf tournaments? Is the LIV Golf contract comparable? If LIV is paying a hundred times more to Doral to host a similar event that’s evidence of bribery and money laundering.

One of the ways that drug dealers in the 1970s used to launder money was to host a big rock concert. Rent a venue, bring in a big name act with an the audience of thousands paying cash for tickets, clothing and souvenirs, and concession stands. Deposit the drug proceeds with the concert proceeds and shazam! It’s yours to spend freely.

Trump contracts with LIV golf and the bribe gets buried in the event contract. And Shazam, it’s all clean to spend it.

When Trump ran into financial difficulties early on in his administration, the Saudi’s rented thousands of rooms in his failing hotels which remained unoccupied, but which helped shore up Trump’s shaky financial situation.

What does Trump provide or do for the Saudi golf tournament?
What does Trump provide or do for the Saudi golf tournament?

It’s what he did while in office. He approved the Saudi’s getting nuclear technology from the US but I think Congress blocked it. He tried at least.

The first place he visited after he was elected was Saudi Arabia. There was that big show with the glowing orb and all. He sold them military equipment that previous administrations refused. And last, but not least, there’s that whole cover up with the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

I think there were some thing going on behind the scenes with MBS and Putin too because now MBS is siding with Putin.

They threw money at his hotels as while he was in the office to keep him afloat financially, but there’s a limit to how much money they could give him for all he did for them.

Especially after the payments to Jared and Mulvaney have come under such scrutiny, and are now under investigation by the Senate. The booking of the hotel rooms raised huge red flags at the time.
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The DOJ is investigating all of the corruption between the Trump administration and the Saudis. That includes Jared Kushner’s $2 billion paycheque, Nick Mulvaneys, $1 million paycheck, and the relationship between Liv Golf and Trump.

Trump took a huge financial hit when the PGA pulled all of their tournaments from Trump on golf courses when he was president. He’s now facing a cash crunch that he’s out of office, and no one will lend to him.

So while Republicans are investigating the $35,000 payment to Beau Biden’s widow, the department of justice is investigating billions of dollars of payments and corruption between the Trump administration, and the Saudi government.

Care to place bets on which of these investigations will result in criminal charges?
Complete and total lies.
The Saudis invested in the company Kushner has, they did not “write him a check” for $2 billion. Is there anything illegal about having Saudis invest in your company? No. But the left is still supposedly upset that the Saudis killed that “journalist”. Yet it doesn’t seem like we put an embargo on Saudi oil, as we import oil from them to this day.

Unlike Hunter, this is a legitimate business. As far as we know Jared isn’t smoking crack and banging hookers and children.

Not sure why this would be linked to Trump so much, his administration got us off Middle East oil for the most part. You’d think if they were “buying off” someone, they’d pick someone like Crooked Joe since he loves to shut down US oil production. Maybe, just maybe, these Saudis are just investing in his firm to make money for themselves? Will you still claim it is a payoff of some kind when the receipts show their investments are making money?
It’s what he did while in office. He approved the Saudi’s getting nuclear technology from the US but I think Congress blocked it. He tried at least.

The first place he visited after he was elected was Saudi Arabia. There was that big show with the glowing orb and all. He sold them military equipment that previous administrations refused. And last, but not least, there’s that whole cover up with the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

I think there were some thing going on behind the scenes with MBS and Putin too because now MBS is siding with Putin.

They threw money at his hotels as while he was in the office to keep him afloat financially, but there’s a limit to how much money they could give him for all he did for them.

Especially after the payments to Jared and Mulvaney have come under such scrutiny, and are now under investigation by the Senate. The booking of the hotel rooms raised huge red flags at the time.
So why is it okay for Canada to import 15% of the oil from Saudi Arabia?

Where is Canada’s embargo?

Oh yea, you’re full of shit. It’s okay for Turdeau to do business with Saudi, but not Jared Kushner.
So why is it okay for Canada to import 15% of the oil from Saudi Arabia?

Where is Canada’s embargo?

Oh yea, you’re full of shit. It’s okay for Turdeau to do business with Saudi, but not Jared Kushner.

That’s the weakest attempt at deflection I’ve ever seen.

What does Canada buying oil from SA, have to do with the Trump Family taking bribes from MBS???

The Saudi’s wrote Jared a $2 billion check for his “hedge fund”.

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doj hates the pga because so many are republican.
gotta destroy it.
Lol Liv is not the PGA retard. Hilarious 😂 it's the Saudi form of it. You know those Arabs that are the biggest supporters of wahabism. The country that produced Osama bin Laden and most the 911 high jackers. The same ones that Trump sold billions upon billions of weapons to then they turn around and give Trumps son in law a couple billion dollars. Then they go and form brick currency with our enemies trying to devalue the dollar. Those guys retard.
It’s what he did while in office. He approved the Saudi’s getting nuclear technology from the US but I think Congress blocked it. He tried at least.

The first place he visited after he was elected was Saudi Arabia. There was that big show with the glowing orb and all. He sold them military equipment that previous administrations refused. And last, but not least, there’s that whole cover up with the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

I think there were some thing going on behind the scenes with MBS and Putin too because now MBS is siding with Putin.

They threw money at his hotels as while he was in the office to keep him afloat financially, but there’s a limit to how much money they could give him for all he did for them.

Especially after the payments to Jared and Mulvaney have come under such scrutiny, and are now under investigation by the Senate. The booking of the hotel rooms raised huge red flags at the time.

Saudi Arabia has been looking at nuclear desalination for two decades. It produces clean water and lots of electricity. They put nuclear weapons in Pakistan years ago. If they want nuclear technology they can just buy it from France or Spain. There's nothing sinister going on.

Buying hotel rooms is nothing as well. They travel a lot and have hotel suites in Spain and Milan.
Lol Liv is not the PGA retard. Hilarious 😂 it's the Saudi form of it. You know those Arabs that are the biggest supporters of wahabism. The country that produced Osama bin Laden and most the 911 high jackers. The same ones that Trump sold billions upon billions of weapons to then they turn around and give Trumps son in law a couple billion dollars. Then they go and form brick currency with our enemies trying to devalue the dollar. Those guys retard.

Saudi Arabia revoked OBL's citizenship in the mid 1990s so he hated Saudi Arabia as much as he hated the US.

I like Wahhabis. I grew up around them. They value a peaceful, civil society. Most westerners don't know anything about them so they believe all the instant experts.
Wow….the Justice Department sure is engaged in full frontal assault against Biden’s opponent, isn’t it?

Between the local government “trials” to the US Government‘s assault to keep one specific man out of the WH, it shows the dangers of a weaponized government.
Trump shouldn't be such a piece of shit I guess.

Why do you think Trump should be able to commit crimes just because he is a candidate?
That’s the weakest attempt at deflection I’ve ever seen.

What does Canada buying oil from SA, have to do with the Trump Family taking bribes from MBS???

The Saudi’s wrote Jared a $2 billion check for his “hedge fund”.

So it is okay for the Canadian companies to do business with Saudi Arabia but not US companies? Or just not Trump’s family?

I ask again, what law is being broke? Be specific.

If this is a “bribe”, what are they buying? President Trump is not in office. When he was, he got America off Saudi oil.

Your lies aren’t adding up. Put up or shut up time.
The Biden crime family is facing criminal charges relating to years of illegal influence peddling and lefties worry about Trump and a freaking golf course? WTF?
It is amazingly UnAmerican to ignore the morass a current President is mired in while chasing a previous one in an effort to impede potential reelection over issues from 5-20 years ago

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