K Marx about Putin´s empire ( Muscovy ). I must admit both creators or Marxism - Communism Marx and Engels were well educated men. Which makes Marxism

Perhaps the incitement of war was for them a pretext for mass purges of Western Ukraine
German brothels massively accept Ukrainian refugees for a roof over their heads. I am sure that the same applies to Ukrainian children. only in the shadow sector.
There are half the children there, they cleaned out all the orphanages.

I didn't doubt it from the very beginning.
Surzhiks are the languages of central Ukraine, you moron. It is believed that these are mixtures of Ukrainian and Russian, but in fact there is almost nothing from Ukrainian there.

Official Ukrainian is the language of Western Ukraine, they write all documents in it, and they broadcast state channels in it. They don't speak it and don't even understand it
Yes, the surzhik is a mixture of Ukrainian and Russian. Once again, official Ukrainian language is based on Poltava dialect, you clueless idiot.
Yes, the surzhik is a mixture of Ukrainian and Russian. Once again, official Ukrainian language is based on Poltava dialect, you clueless idiot.
There is no such thing as a Poltava Ukrainian, fucking cretin. Poltava surzhik is no different from Kharkov
Even before joining the Commonwealth, they did not speak Ukrainian, because it was part of the Principality of Lithuania

There is no such thing as a Poltava Ukrainian, fucking cretin. Poltava surzhik is no different from Kharkov
I will tell you even more, 'Poltava surzhik' was spoken even in Don and Kuban regions. Heck, read what Poltava dialect means, it is not confined only to the current Poltava oblast, you clueless piece.
So what was their real job? Throw 4 million Ukrainians, including 2 million children, to European sex users. Get rid of them, turn them into trash. This is a genocide on the same scale as the Holocaust.
'Poltava surzhik' was spoken even in Don and Kuban regions.
These are South Russian dialects, they were even closer to Ukrainian than the Surzhiks of central Ukraine, because there part of the population came from Poles, from Polish tribes of Vyatichi and Radimichi

I remind you that the main victims of the UPA(Ukrainian Insurgent Army) mass genocides are Volyn and Galicia - the territories of Western Ukraine, the former Lesser Poland
This just explains why the Lithuanians are so active in fomenting this conflict. Hetmans are their people. They owned both the Hetmanate and Belarus
These are South Russian dialects, they were even closer to Ukrainian than the Surzhiks of central Ukraine, because there part of the population came from Poles, from Polish tribes of Vyatichi and Radimichi
South Russian dialects were not even closer to Ukrainian, they were Ukrainian per se. The Ukrainian language is based on so called Poltava dialect, which comprises far wider region that the Poltava region proper.

I remind you that the main victims of the UPA(Ukrainian Insurgent Army) mass genocides are Volyn and Galicia - the territories of Western Ukraine, the former Lesser Poland
And? Volyn and Galicia that is where the UPA mainly operated and it was formed mainly there. The main victims of the UPA were the Poles and Jews.
Volyn and Galicia that is where the UPA mainly operated and it was formed mainly there. The main victims of the UPA were the Poles

Western Ukraine is all composed of Poles, it is a native Polish land, and the Ukrainian language is a dialect of Polish.

There is a lot of talk about this, but I have not seen any facts confirming this. I remind you that the president of Ukraine, who supports the ideas of the UPA, is a Jew.

This continues now in the form of pseudo-migrations
South Russian dialects were not even closer to Ukrainian, they were Ukrainian per se. The Ukrainian language is based on so called Poltava dialect, which comprises far wider region that the Poltava region proper.
In the Poltava region now they speak Russian, Don spoke Surzhyk half Great Russian half Ukrainian, these are linguistic data.
There is no evidence that the Hetmanate ever spoke Ukrainian. But there could be Polish settlements. They came from the Principality of Lithuania, then they were part of the Commonwealth, together with Lithuania, then they joined Muscovy, Part of the population were Turks and Serbs
Western Ukraine is all composed of Poles, it is a native Polish land, and the Ukrainian language is a dialect of Polish.

There is a lot of talk about this, but I have not seen any facts confirming this. I remind you that the president of Ukraine, who supports the ideas of the UPA, is a Jew.

This continues now in the form of pseudo-migrations
There are a number of versions where the Ukrainian language came from and when the Ukrainians began consider themselves as a separate nation. I don't want to start this shitshow and begin arguing with that.

Dialect of Polish? Okay, let it be that. In any case I think that the time has come for Ukraine and Poland to form a political union.
Perhaps Poltava once spoke the South Russian dialect, and Donbass spoke it exactly, because it was the land of the Lower Don Host. But now they all speak ordinary Russian.
and when the Ukrainians began consider themselves as a separate nation.
After apearence Ukraine itself - after 1917-20
There are a number of versions where the Ukrainian language came from
Nonsense. There are no versions, linguistically everything is absolutely accurate there - this is the Polish language
In any case I think that the time has come for Ukraine and Poland to form a political union.
It seems that traitors are sitting in Poland, they are assisting Banderists. Poland also includes part of the former Lithuania, in the Warsaw area. They are now acting together with the Kiev criminals. Half of the transit of human material for European perverts passed through Poland. And they destroy the monuments of the atrocities of the UPA

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