Kaepernick Donated To Terrorists - How's That Kneeling With Him Working Out?

Instead of condeming it if in the WH, I fully expect Barry and Michelle would be joining Kaep, the domestic terrorist-supporter, in taking a knee, perhaps in honor of their good pal Bill Ayers.

(Funny, just like in Charlottesville, turns out President Trump was 'right', as Kaep turns out to be a terrorist-supporter. :p )
Kaepernick is an ignorant asshole. Nothing he does surprises me.
"Through our Akerele program, we introduce young girls, ages 4-12 to Assata Shakur and her revolutionary politic and love of Black people."

Yes, Shakur loved blacks so much Shakur killed a cop.
The NFL sure showed Trump and America by joining terrorist-supporter Kaepernick in disrespecting the National Anthem.

Yes, supporters of domestic terrorists and cop killers and the dupes who ignorantly join them have a right to distespect this nation, the national anthem, vets, and Americans.


Colin Kaepernick donated $25,000 to 'Assata's Daughter's' honoring domestic terrorist - Hot Air

yup you have this guy donating to a charity that supports a cop killer hiding out in cuba

what a guy
He donates to Trump?

If you work with the Russians to undermine the country, you are a traitor.

If you lie and make people scared of defending the wrongful murders of unarmed black men, you are a terrorist.

No one is worse for the country than Trump. He will leave a lasting impression. One even worse than Bush.

"Mr. Kaepernick later faced criticism for his defense of former Cuban strongman Fidel Castro and wearing a T-shirt showing a 1960 meeting between Castro with Malcolm X."

Yeah, Kaep has no intention of disrespecting this country or the national anthem. :p

I forget - Why isn't he playing football in Cuba, again?

He donates to Trump? If you work with the Russians to undermine the country, you are a traitor.
Agreed, if you work with the Russians to undermine this country you are a traitor ... good thing Trump didn't do so.

(Any day now with that evidence, right?!)

This cop killer was an 'honored VIP' at the Democrats' Women's March ... but Democrats don't support cop killers.

Obama is pals with Bill Ayers, a domestic terrorist who was part of a group who killed 1st responders ... but Democrats don't support cop killers / terrorists
...and, unfortunately, every player who joined with Kaep in 'solidarity' by kneeing down on his behalf was actually supporting someone who supports cop killers.
Six more NFL dupes took a knee during the national anthem during a game today in support of the cop killer donor / supporter. I wonder how many more did?!

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