Kaepernick gets big Nike endorsement, creates conundrum for SJWs

It looks like he may have tuned into a semi colin. What was Nike thinking?
Show us the outrage somewhere besides in the conservative imagination.
I mean, you could at least try to make this difficult


and part deux - LMGTFY

happy reading, baw :beer:
Lol, moving the goalposts. A time honored republican tradition.
I am not moving goalposts baw, you asked for me to show you outrage outside of conservative circles over Nike sweatshops, I did that

Let me know if I can help you with anything else
Show us the outrage somewhere besides in the conservative imagination.
I mean, you could at least try to make this difficult


and part deux - LMGTFY

happy reading, baw :beer:
Lol, moving the goalposts. A time honored republican tradition.
I am not moving goalposts baw, you asked for me to show you outrage outside of conservative circles over Nike sweatshops, I did that

Let me know if I can help you with anything else
No, that's not what I asked. Outrage over Kaepernick/Nike. Let's see the so-called social justice warriors being upset. Back up your story, don't deflect or move the end zone back.
No, that's not what I asked. Outrage over Kaepernick/Nike. Let's see the so-called social justice warriors being upset. Back up your story, don't deflect or move the end zone back
I would say "nice attempt at a dodge", but it isn't even a good effort

Too bad for you that i can read I guess :dunno:

Here, let me remind you what you said, it's even quoted in the strip g you just replied to...

Show us the outrage somewhere besides in the conservative imagination.

My point was specifically that SJWs had to choose between supporting Nike for hiring Kaepernick or their outrage over sweatshops

I NEVER Said that they were outraged over Kaepernick's protests

Talk about "moving goalposts"

Or maybe reading comprehension is really hard for you

Better luck next time
No, that's not what I asked. Outrage over Kaepernick/Nike. Let's see the so-called social justice warriors being upset. Back up your story, don't deflect or move the end zone back
I would say "nice attempt at a dodge", but it isn't even a good effort

Too bad for you that i can read I guess :dunno:

Here, let me remind you what you said, it's even quoted in the strip g you just replied to...

Show us the outrage somewhere besides in the conservative imagination.

My point was specifically that SJWs had to choose between supporting Nike for hiring Kaepernick or their outrage over sweatshops

I NEVER Said that they were outraged over Kaepernick's protests

Talk about "moving goalposts"

Or maybe reading comprehension is really hard for you

Better luck next time
Lol, that was your whole fucking OP.

SMH. I quit. It's too early in the day for this idiocy.

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