Kaepernick gets big Nike endorsement, creates conundrum for SJWs

As someone who has never purchased a pair of such shoes, I thought the goal was to attract new buyers, not make them take their business elsewhere.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I guess that my recent Asics purchase at my local Kohl's store was the right move to make.
What would the Vietnamese kid be doing if he didn't get to work in the sweatshop, roaming the street foraging for bugs to eat?

why not ask the Potus what his and his dtr slave labor does.
Potus is not a member of USMB nor do I expect him to participate in this thread.

I don't expect Kaepernick to participate here either, but I am happy for him.
No one in this thread is asking Kaepernick any questions.

Lets not even ask, we all know that Trump and his dtr use sweat shops.

So if it’s wrong for the Trump companies, why is it OK for Nike?
why not ask the Potus what his and his dtr slave labor does.
Potus is not a member of USMB nor do I expect him to participate in this thread.

I don't expect Kaepernick to participate here either, but I am happy for him.
No one in this thread is asking Kaepernick any questions.

Lets not even ask, we all know that Trump and his dtr use sweat shops.

So if it’s wrong for the Trump companies, why is it OK for Nike?

You guys put him and his likes in office. They like slave labor, and by the way, most of our corps do, yet we give them tax abatements and a huge tax cut.
The majority on the Right have been as dim as those on the Left.

People who SAY they strongly object to the direction the Elitists/Globalists (disguised as Democrats & Socialists) are taking us, yet refuse to give up their support of venues supporting the Left are a big part of the problem. Your money spent on leftist companies and their products is then used as campaign contributions and advertising for the Left causes.

How can you say you object to Antifa & BLM when you buy Nike, use Facebook, Twitter, go to Hollywood movies, click on Google ads & visit Starbucks etc?
If you call yourself a Rightwing conservative, it was your DUTY LONG AGO to seek out those companies helping support the leftist cause and vote with your wallet.

If you haven't been doing this for YEARS, you're already a supporter of the Kneelers and Hillary and the entire Progressive/Socialist movement. You were just too dim to realize it.
Where is this supposed outrage or conundrum or whatever? It doesn't exist. You (or some other rwnj) made it up. It's a lie.

Dare I say "fake news".
Yer tryin' too hard kid.

Haha...the truth is such an inconvenience for Lefties isn’t it?
What truth is that junior? The real one or the one the OP made up for us?

Do you not believe that Nike shoes aren’t made in sweat shops overseas? You didn’t know that sweat shops oppress workers and exploit child labor?


The OP is made up.
What's made up, snowflake?
Where is this supposed outrage or conundrum or whatever?
so you are saying that social justice warriors don't care about 3rd world children in sweatshops??

no one cares???

FWIW, does not matter how you answer, you lose credibility either way

Where is this supposed outrage or conundrum or whatever?
so you are saying that social justice warriors don't care about 3rd world children in sweatshops??

no one cares???

FWIW, does not matter how you answer, you lose credibility either way

Show us the outrage somewhere besides in the conservative imagination.
Gee, I want to support Kap, cuz he's all in on disparaging America, but damn, how can I buy these shoes in good conscience KNOWING that some Vietnamese kid is working in a sweatshop 80 hours a week for roughly 50 cents a day?


Nikes Makes Colin Kaepernick The Face Of Their ‘Just Do It.’ Campaign

Bought my Nikes four years ago. I've always worn Nike. From the toys we grew up playing with in the 70's, to just about every article of clothing and gadget we so-called capitalist pigs enjoy and can't seem to do without, some part of it is made by sweatshop labor. While such consumer products are here and available, I'll enjoy them. After they're gone I am capable of surviving without them. While I can't stand the ex-football player in question, I am not going to politicize and burn my damn footwear.
Kaepernick won't stand for the flag but he'll bow down to the dollar with "In God We Trust" on it. That should make some SJWs blow a few synapses.
Kaepernick won't stand for the flag but he'll bow down to the dollar with "In God We Trust" on it. That should make some SJWs blow a few synapses.

Agree ^^

In other words.....Hypocrisy Thy Name Is Left.
I think it’s unlikely that Nike will be negatively affected over the long term.

They are a world wide brand and will likely recover from their initial loss.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Nike, Colin Kaepernick, Oprah Winfrey, Nadine Burke Harris.jpg

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