Kaine was very disrespectful to female Asian moderator

All these Trump supporters calling Kane rude. Does anyone else here sense irony?

Trump let the hildebeast ramble and stumble and he will do that again on Sunday. This is about Kaine making a fool of himself and helping the Trump/Pence campaign.

DNC to Kaine: "you get every talking point out, if you have to be a rude asshole and interrupt that's ok, no one gives a shit about you anyway, its all about queen Hillary, Damn it, Its her turn, she let the black guy beat her last time and is so old and sick she has to do it now" "take the bullet for her Timmy boy" "just don't let them ask you why your wife left you for another woman"
Kaine goes full-retard:

In the back of the bus licking the windows.....

Kaine is a dick......the kind of guy that makes you want to knock his teeth out...

He looks like someone a parent wouldn't want around their child, he sends out bad vibes
There's a rumor that if Hillary wins the WH Tim Kaine and Bill Clinton are going to open up their own 'Whose Your Daddy' Day Care in the WH to take care of the staff's small children while they work. :p


But all kidding aside, I've seen other women and mothers comment on it. Some people raise flags and for some reason he's one of them
Kaine went all Trump last night, and, you, pismoe, are unhappy at his imitation of your and Dale's master. That's rich.
Exactly. He did his job. Now what's Trump gonna do? Start acting like an adult? Not likely.

It was all a set up for Sunday. There were no gotcha moments, and neither guy did anything to change anything. Trump may have a future in 2020. I think Kaine and everyone knows that the Dems next nominee will not be a white male.
The pub establishment will make sure that DJT will not be the dude in 2020, nor Pence or Cruz for that matter.

Let's hope the minority Dems and majority Pubs work to impeach Clinton as soon as possible if she is elected.

You're as bad as a wingnut.
We the American people would overwhelmingly reject Clinton if it were not for Trump.


do you understand how stupid that statement is?
jc is turreting everything that comes into his sphere right now.

Where he turreted trump and pence, of course it was false because they are false cuchs.

For those who don't know, a 'turret moment' refers to a stationary weapon that is programmed to shoot at anything within it is spatial programming.

In the military, I made sure that on our perimeters, the squad and platoon leaders turreted their flanks making sure they overlapped the field of fire with the companies on either flank.

Watch jc's next turret response to me.

See, there it is.

geez, he was talking about Tourettes syndrome. try to keep up.

Latino group registers 100,000 new voters in time for the election
Source: Vice News

A nonpartisan civic group pulled out all the stops to ensure that Latino millennials are registered to vote, with celebrity appearances, a "Turn Up for Super Tuesday" music event in San Antonio, and a special voting app launched just for this election.

It seems to have worked. Voto Latino, formed in 2004, says it registered more than 100,000 new voters since last November and expects a "record turnout" of Latino voters in a historic presidential election that's fraught with issues of ethnicity and immigration.

Maria Teresa Kumar, president and CEO of the group, said in an email that the ramped-up efforts to get Latinos registered were partly driven by the attention on their community by "the candidates." "This year in particular, the stakes are extremely high," she said.

"Now it becomes about defining who is American," Kumar wrote. "We need to make sure we represent, so we can change the conversation to make it about what counts: the issues."

Kumar is confident that higher numbers of Latinos registering to vote will translate to more Latinos showing up to vote. "We fully expect there to be a record turnout of Latino voters in 2016," Kumar wrote. "We've seen this election that Latinos are engaged."

Read more: Latino group registers 100,000 new voters in time for the election | VICE News
jc is turreting everything that comes into his sphere right now.

Where he turreted trump and pence, of course it was false because they are false cuchs.

For those who don't know, a 'turret moment' refers to a stationary weapon that is programmed to shoot at anything within it is spatial programming.

In the military, I made sure that on our perimeters, the squad and platoon leaders turreted their flanks making sure they overlapped the field of fire with the companies on either flank.

Watch jc's next turret response to me.

See, there it is.

See a lot of combat in Korea did ya Jakey?
yes, rwnj statements are that asinine and stupid. The only way Clinton could win is that Trump were the other candidate.
Haven't the Trumptards also been saying that Kaine was rude to Pence?

What race is Pence?
Kaine went all Trump last night, and, you, pismoe, are unhappy at his imitation of your and Dale's master. That's rich.
Exactly. He did his job. Now what's Trump gonna do? Start acting like an adult? Not likely.

It was all a set up for Sunday. There were no gotcha moments, and neither guy did anything to change anything. Trump may have a future in 2020. I think Kaine and everyone knows that the Dems next nominee will not be a white male.
The pub establishment will make sure that DJT will not be the dude in 2020, nor Pence or Cruz for that matter.

Let's hope the minority Dems and majority Pubs work to impeach Clinton as soon as possible if she is elected.

You're as bad as a wingnut.
We the American people would overwhelmingly reject Clinton if it were not for Trump.


Actually, we don't know that. Certainly possible.

The problem with your post is your running to impeachment like it's your mommy. Didn't you fucknuts learn a lesson last time?

No matter who wins this election, I just want the country to work, to improve and progress. I don't look to shitty partisan politics like wishing for impeachment before the person is even in office. Looks like more of the far right's shit rubbed off on so called moderates than first thought.
Kaine went all Trump last night, and, you, pismoe, are unhappy at his imitation of your and Dale's master. That's rich.
Exactly. He did his job. Now what's Trump gonna do? Start acting like an adult? Not likely.

It was all a set up for Sunday. There were no gotcha moments, and neither guy did anything to change anything. Trump may have a future in 2020. I think Kaine and everyone knows that the Dems next nominee will not be a white male.
The pub establishment will make sure that DJT will not be the dude in 2020, nor Pence or Cruz for that matter.

Let's hope the minority Dems and majority Pubs work to impeach Clinton as soon as possible if she is elected.

You're as bad as a wingnut.
We the American people would overwhelmingly reject Clinton if it were not for Trump.


Actually, we don't know that. Certainly possible.

The problem with your post is your running to impeachment like it's your mommy. Didn't you fucknuts learn a lesson last time?

No matter who wins this election, I just want the country to work, to improve and progress. I don't look to shitty partisan politics like wishing for impeachment before the person is even in office. Looks like more of the far right's shit rubbed off on so called moderates than first thought.
All of the match up polls between Clinton and the various GOP candidates always showed the weakest candidate for her was Trump.

Impeachment, trial, conviction, and removal are exactly what both Trump and Clinton merit.

I don't think the country would work, even piss poor work, if either are elected.

However, I hope I am proven to be in error.
Kaine did a great job in outing Pence and his protection of Trump's lies.

Would your little group make up your minds? In this post you say he defended Trump in others liberals have said he did not defend Trump. Get your talking points straight, then post.
Kaine did a great job in outing Pence and his protection of Trump's lies.

Would your little group make up your minds? In this post you say he defended Trump in others liberals have said he did not defend Trump. Get your talking points straight, then post.
Basically he defended Two Tone Donnie by denying Donnie said half the shit he said, so he didn't actually defend the shit Two Tone said. I know it's difficult to follow, but hey, Pence has to do what he has to do. LOL
Kaine did a great job in outing Pence and his protection of Trump's lies.
Would your little group make up your minds? In this post you say he defended Trump in others liberals have said he did not defend Trump. Get your talking points straight, then post.
My mind is made up, but yours apparently is not.
I wonder how many votes are actually still in play? I'd think Johnson would give up a couple of points, but given his blunders, if they haven't gone down, maybe they won't.

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