Kalamazoo shooter....a "progressive" Left wing tears are flowing...not a rightwinger..again...

Maybe he put us on ignore. He's a thin skinned liberal sissy anyway.
Again, did you not say humans are a disease?? Consultant
Why, dumbfuck, must I keep saying this? Last time, humanity is a disease...
Why do you give shit then?? Consultant

Anyway, what kind of consulting do you do??
I'm not telling you again, dummy, that's none of your business. And give a shit? One should fight evil, and humanity is evil. Most of it is made up up destructive mindless dumbfucks like you.
The consulting you do must be very devious...
To be so secretive
No, I told one bit about myself and Republicans throw it in my face when it has nothing to do with the topic. He shouldn't tell you anything personal. Point is America has a gun nut culture
Why not, unless someone's embarrassed or ashamed of what they do??
You don't seem to anti gun.
Guns are great, if you need to kill something. Most don't.
I should hope 51% don't need a gun in their lifetime. I hope 5% don't.

I hope I never need mine but I know I don't live in Fantasyland with you
Almost no one needs a gun, period.
Except you.

You'd give yours up if everyone else did. Only allow hunting rifles, no handguns. One shot muzzle loaders or small game shotguns. Maybe 12 gauge 5 shot shotguns only. No ten roung clips. Stop manufacturing assault rifles? Is that what you want?
What I want is no guns, no gun violence, and no gun deaths. That might take some work eh?

I also want world peace and humanity extinct, neither of which I will see in my lifetime.
Remove guns from law abiding citizens and they won't be able to defend themselves against the ones who ignore the laws. You can't magic away the guns out of criminals hands. Or Saddams hands, ISIS hands, HAMAS's hands etc. we need guns because they won't leave us alone unless we make them.
To the OP idiot. He used to work at "Progressive." He is NOT Progressive. He is just another gun nut.
I have several guns and none have ever committed a crime. Perhaps they are broken?
His wasn't...
His guns were functional but he was not. Did the human with the gun kill? Or did the gun with a human? If you take the human factor out you remove the death.
If you take the gun out that also works. My choice, both.

You're the reason we have a constitution. The Founders knew you would show up sooner, or later.
My people wrote it, it just needs to be updated to deal with the fact almost no one needs a gun anymore.
I have several guns and none have ever committed a crime. Perhaps they are broken?
His wasn't...
His guns were functional but he was not. Did the human with the gun kill? Or did the gun with a human? If you take the human factor out you remove the death.
If you take the gun out that also works. My choice, both.

You're the reason we have a constitution. The Founders knew you would show up sooner, or later.
My people wrote it, it just needs to be updated to deal with the fact almost no one needs a gun anymore.
Your homophobia is uninteresting. Keep your fears in check, please.

It's not "homophobia" you moron, it's the truth.

The CDC says homos are more violent: http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/cdc_nisvs_victimization_final-a.pdf

Gays make up a disproportionate amount of serial murderers, that's a fact.

I don't really care if you and the rest of the assclown brigade get upset about it.

It makes sense. Most serial killers are mentally ill. And homosexuality is a mental disorder just like liberalism.

I think homosexuality is much more serious than just a "mental disorder". People with mental disorders don't go around raping or murdering people when they get upset.
Most rapes are committed by hetero men

"Most rapes" yes, because they are a vast majority. Yet homos make up for a disproportionate amount of sex crimes. If you don't know what that means then you're an idiot. But I suspect you do know what it means and you're just trying to spin things to fit your agenda.
I think your a stupid liar
One should only hunt with a gun, they're good at killing things, which is why they were invented.

But you don't need one. A crossbow does just fine.

So get rid of yours. Hypocrite.
When the time is right, and stop being a child scared you'll lose your deadly toys. It's annoying.
Everyone in Switzerland has guns. Very few incidents.

Maybe we need to look at why so many Americans are angry and or mentally ill and solve those things.
Switzerland has much better gun control, and has made it even more strict of late. They also hate it when Americans, who don't know their laws, point to them as example of a gun culture. They are nothing like us, nor do they want to be.
And you know this how?? Consultant
Because the Republicans say the opposite we know whatever they say is not true
His wasn't...
His guns were functional but he was not. Did the human with the gun kill? Or did the gun with a human? If you take the human factor out you remove the death.
If you take the gun out that also works. My choice, both.

You're the reason we have a constitution. The Founders knew you would show up sooner, or later.
My people wrote it, it just needs to be updated to deal with the fact almost no one needs a gun anymore.

A gun wouldn't have helped her
His guns were functional but he was not. Did the human with the gun kill? Or did the gun with a human? If you take the human factor out you remove the death.
If you take the gun out that also works. My choice, both.

You're the reason we have a constitution. The Founders knew you would show up sooner, or later.
My people wrote it, it just needs to be updated to deal with the fact almost no one needs a gun anymore.

A gun wouldn't have helped her

How do you know?
Liberals like Paint my fucking house want to get rid of all guns, but when you find out they own guns and tell them get rid of yours and lead by example, they say Oh no not my guns. Fucking liberal hypocrites.
I want to control, as much as possible, unnecessary violent deaths. Guns, cars, knives, bombs, wars, etc. It's not really very complicated.
Define "Necessary violent death".
Soldiers, at war, if the war was necessary.
Would cops have guns?

Only the criminals will have guns.
You're the reason we have a constitution. The Founders knew you would show up sooner, or later.
My people wrote it, it just needs to be updated to deal with the fact almost no one needs a gun anymore.

The Founders knew that someone would come along and hate our civil liberties.
For me, just one, so far. Times change.

And yes, they did know that, which is why they didn't found a democracy.

You'll get your way, then somebody else will get his way, then another clown and before you know it we won't have any rights. The Founders knew damn well you people were just right around the corner.
A handful of folks lost their "rights" in Michigan last night. Why should only shooters have rights?
He had his rights.

Now we take them away!

No reason to disarm the populous!
Yet another citizen enjoying his second amendment freedoms

A small price to pay
Uber driver suspected in Michigan shootings, six dead - Destroy Uber agenda for dummies
The specific agenda of this psy-op of the fake shooting series: "destroy Uber".
Reminder: Uber poses a threat to what illuminati get from human cattle in taxi licenses, reflected in consumer prices.
Advancing the agenda also illustrates two key features of illuminati end times:
- the reduction of humans to cattle: taxi drivers attacking Uber, because they were previously ruined by the fees they had to pay to the illuminati.
- illumininati putting legal barriers to real technology progress.

Recent example of a psy-op to ensure that illuminati make an easy buck at the costs of human cattle, by targeting it as early as while they are still children:
Parallelism and other mockery by side:
Fake deaths can also be used to decisevely manipulate children and teenagers.
What's the main agenda behind the fake death of Viola Beach?
Hint: one of the main illuminati weapons targeting children and teenagers to make billions while profiting from the collateral damage of reducing the mental capability of youth.
To confirm that you got it:
it's propagated from the very first second of the video, starting "coincidentally" with the youngest looking one.
At 0:29 two more join and at 1:14 it's already pushed to the limits: three at the same time.
Note that all four of them simultanouslky is NOT the limit, because it would be TOO obvious.
Simulated reality terminated NOW: Lady Gaga as David Bowie after Viola Beach plunges off bridge

Fake shootings: general agenda is "disarm citizens". Specific agendas range from set stage for manhunt for christians (abortion clinic) to muslims (San Bernardino).
How to easily identify a shooting hoax:
Story makes national headlines – hoax
The president and governor weigh in – hoax
In less than 24 hours, surviving “family” members of “victim” have already gone through all stages of grieving process and are at the acceptance stage. – hoax
Surviving “family” members can’t cry on television the day after the event and even smile while they talk about love and forgiveness – hoax.
“Shooter” is quickly killed or apprehended – hoax. “Shooter” leaves behind manifesto, diary, web postings leaving no doubt that he did it and he was able to do it because of the freedom to … fill in the blank. - hoax
Shills see posts like these and immediately attack with claims their sister’s brother’s cousin’s father-in-law knew somebody who was there and was shot or saw the whole thing. – hoax
--> Disarm the US citizens - the ONE and ONLY task that still must be completed in the US and EU, ever since systemic collapse in July 2007.
The changes in script ever since show
- how weak the illuminati are;
- how totally brainwashed the human cattle is, allowing the illuminati, despite their weakness, to transport them to the slaughterhouse.
Citizens Disarmed Agenda: TRAITORS role in DISARM SCRIPT: NRA to republican impostor

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