Kalamazoo shooter....a "progressive" Left wing tears are flowing...not a rightwinger..again...

FBI says a terror plot is uncovered once a week. Isis is growing and organized. Americans enjoy a false sense of security. I don't want to be a sheep among wolves.
Do you think you can defeat this with what you keep in your pants?
You think your consulting will do any good?? Consultant
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Our justice system isn't allowed to just shoot people. That's very Fascist however. ISIS certainly approves.
Again, did you not say humans are a disease?? Consultant
Why, dumbfuck, must I keep saying this? Last time, humanity is a disease...
Why do you give shit then?? Consultant

Anyway, what kind of consulting do you do??
I'm not telling you again, dummy, that's none of your business. And give a shit? One should fight evil, and humanity is evil. Most of it is made up up destructive mindless dumbfucks like you.
The consulting you do must be very devious...
To be so secretive
No, I told one bit about myself and Republicans throw it in my face when it has nothing to do with the topic. He shouldn't tell you anything personal. Point is America has a gun nut culture
Our justice system isn't allowed to just shoot people. That's very Fascist however. ISIS certainly approves.
Again, did you not say humans are a disease?? Consultant
Why, dumbfuck, must I keep saying this? Last time, humanity is a disease...
Why do you give shit then?? Consultant

Anyway, what kind of consulting do you do??
I'm not telling you again, dummy, that's none of your business. And give a shit? One should fight evil, and humanity is evil. Most of it is made up up destructive mindless dumbfucks like you.
The consulting you do must be very devious...
To be so secretive
Nope, it's just none of your fucking business, so stop asking.
FBI says a terror plot is uncovered once a week. Isis is growing and organized. Americans enjoy a false sense of security. I don't want to be a sheep among wolves.
Do you think you can defeat this with what you keep in your pants?
You think you're consulting will do any good?? Consultant
Pays the bills, like that shit you sell. Makes my clients happy, most of whom are morons like you,
Hypocrite. You want all guns gone. But you own guns. Why? You burn yours first.
I own guns because I need to kill things, from time to time, Chances are, you don't. Almost no ones does you just love your deadly toys, that make you feel like a man.
I think more good people with guns can lower the risks. We all say, 'where is a cop when you need one". We can't afford more cops so we need to arm more trained and responsible ccw gun carriers.

I need to get a permit. Michigan is thinking about doing away with the class requirement. I don't think that's a good idea but if it passed ID start carrying a gun
The last thing we need are more people playing John Wayne. They shoot at shoplifters, they shoot car-jacking victims in the head and run away. Pass.
When is the last time you seen that happen?? Consultant
Less than a year, and that's off the top of my head.
Did you consult them afterward?? Consultant
PaintMyHouse.....burn your guns then. You can hunt with a bow & arrow or fishing rod if you need meat.

If they're so evil....and you don't need them...get rid of yours.
When I no longer need them, I will...
Lets see you walk your talk, YouTube you doing it. Consultant
Waiting a decade or two, at present timing.
Why?? Consultant
Still need them. Most people don't.
Why, dumbfuck, must I keep saying this? Last time, humanity is a disease...
Why do you give shit then?? Consultant

Anyway, what kind of consulting do you do??
I'm not telling you again, dummy, that's none of your business. And give a shit? One should fight evil, and humanity is evil. Most of it is made up up destructive mindless dumbfucks like you.
The consulting you do must be very devious...
To be so secretive
Nope, it's just none of your fucking business, so stop asking.
Everyone here wants to know?? Consultant
One more and you go on ignore so, STFU.
PaintMyHouse.....burn your guns then. You can hunt with a bow & arrow or fishing rod if you need meat.

If they're so evil....and you don't need them...get rid of yours.
When I no longer need them, I will...
Lets see you walk your talk, YouTube you doing it. Consultant
Waiting a decade or two, at present timing.
Why?? Consultant
Still need them. Most people don't.
Still need them for varmints and such?? Consultant
Queers are mentally unstable and usually have a propensity towards violence.
Your homophobia is uninteresting. Keep your fears in check, please.

It's not "homophobia" you moron, it's the truth.

The CDC says homos are more violent: http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/cdc_nisvs_victimization_final-a.pdf

Gays make up a disproportionate amount of serial murderers, that's a fact.

I don't really care if you and the rest of the assclown brigade get upset about it.

It makes sense. Most serial killers are mentally ill. And homosexuality is a mental disorder just like liberalism.

I think homosexuality is much more serious than just a "mental disorder". People with mental disorders don't go around raping or murdering people when they get upset.
Most rapes are committed by hetero men

"Most rapes" yes, because they are a vast majority. Yet homos make up for a disproportionate amount of sex crimes. If you don't know what that means then you're an idiot. But I suspect you do know what it means and you're just trying to spin things to fit your agenda.
Why do you give shit then?? Consultant

Anyway, what kind of consulting do you do??
I'm not telling you again, dummy, that's none of your business. And give a shit? One should fight evil, and humanity is evil. Most of it is made up up destructive mindless dumbfucks like you.
The consulting you do must be very devious...
To be so secretive
Nope, it's just none of your fucking business, so stop asking.
Everyone here wants to know?? Consultant
One more and you go on ignore so, STFU.
Everyone's going to be asking you this all the time. You might as will give in consultant...
PaintMyHouse.....burn your guns then. You can hunt with a bow & arrow or fishing rod if you need meat.

If they're so evil....and you don't need them...get rid of yours.
When I no longer need them, I will...
So when you're dead?
When I leave the US, or move back to the city.
You don't seem to anti gun.
Ask him what he consults??
Your homophobia is uninteresting. Keep your fears in check, please.

It's not "homophobia" you moron, it's the truth.

The CDC says homos are more violent: http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/cdc_nisvs_victimization_final-a.pdf

Gays make up a disproportionate amount of serial murderers, that's a fact.

I don't really care if you and the rest of the assclown brigade get upset about it.

It makes sense. Most serial killers are mentally ill. And homosexuality is a mental disorder just like liberalism.
Heal the sick and feed the poor is liberal and Christian.

Republicans worship money. They only use God to win votes from greedy people who think they are the party of jesus

Hey Sherlock......healing and feeding takes MONEY.
We got plenty of money. Unregulated Capitalism has 1huge flaw. It needs poor people. The more the better

There is no such thing as "unregulated" capitalism anywhere in the world.
Most of the time it is over regulated.
You don't need them now. Humans have hunted for thousands of years with spears and bows&arrows. Need a deer? Get a crossbow. Want more meat? Go fishing or raise chickens.

YOU don't NEED a gun now. And you want all guns gone.

So....you first fag. Burn yours first. Deal? Afterall....you don't need guns to kill wildlife.
One should only hunt with a gun, they're good at killing things, which is why they were invented.

But you don't need one. A crossbow does just fine.

So get rid of yours. Hypocrite.
When the time is right, and stop being a child scared you'll lose your deadly toys. It's annoying.

When the time is right???

Why not now? You don't need a gun. You can hunt with a crossbow. So....why don't you get rid of your guns and practice what you preach???? Now is as good a time as any.

I KNOW the answer. You just won't say it.
When I need to kill something, and this is the last response on this, a gun is the very best weapon. It's why we invented them. Done.
You could consult them to death??
It's not "homophobia" you moron, it's the truth.

The CDC says homos are more violent: http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/cdc_nisvs_victimization_final-a.pdf

Gays make up a disproportionate amount of serial murderers, that's a fact.

I don't really care if you and the rest of the assclown brigade get upset about it.

It makes sense. Most serial killers are mentally ill. And homosexuality is a mental disorder just like liberalism.
Heal the sick and feed the poor is liberal and Christian.

Republicans worship money. They only use God to win votes from greedy people who think they are the party of jesus

Hey Sherlock......healing and feeding takes MONEY.
We got plenty of money. Unregulated Capitalism has 1huge flaw. It needs poor people. The more the better

There is no such thing as "unregulated" capitalism anywhere in the world.
Most of the time it is over regulated.
Most of the time it is under-regulated, as in the U.S.
You don't need them now. Humans have hunted for thousands of years with spears and bows&arrows. Need a deer? Get a crossbow. Want more meat? Go fishing or raise chickens.

YOU don't NEED a gun now. And you want all guns gone.

So....you first fag. Burn yours first. Deal? Afterall....you don't need guns to kill wildlife.
One should only hunt with a gun, they're good at killing things, which is why they were invented.

But you don't need one. A crossbow does just fine.

So get rid of yours. Hypocrite.
When the time is right, and stop being a child scared you'll lose your deadly toys. It's annoying.
Everyone in Switzerland has guns. Very few incidents.

Maybe we need to look at why so many Americans are angry and or mentally ill and solve those things.
Switzerland has much better gun control, and has made it even more strict of late. They also hate it when Americans, who don't know their laws, point to them as example of a gun culture. They are nothing like us, nor do they want to be.
And you know this how?? Consultant
But you don't need one. A crossbow does just fine.

So get rid of yours. Hypocrite.
When the time is right, and stop being a child scared you'll lose your deadly toys. It's annoying.

When the time is right???

Why not now? You don't need a gun. You can hunt with a crossbow. So....why don't you get rid of your guns and practice what you preach???? Now is as good a time as any.

I KNOW the answer. You just won't say it.
When I need to kill something, and this is the last response on this, a gun is the very best weapon. It's why we invented them. Done.
By the way, I have a muzzle loader, 410 birdgun, crossbow and a 5 shot revolver. No shooting rampages with my arsenal. Most of what I have is for hunting
As long as you eat what you kill. Otherwise you don't need a gun either.
What if what if someone's livelihood is firearms and ammo?? Consultant
It makes sense. Most serial killers are mentally ill. And homosexuality is a mental disorder just like liberalism.
Heal the sick and feed the poor is liberal and Christian.

Republicans worship money. They only use God to win votes from greedy people who think they are the party of jesus

Hey Sherlock......healing and feeding takes MONEY.
We got plenty of money. Unregulated Capitalism has 1huge flaw. It needs poor people. The more the better

There is no such thing as "unregulated" capitalism anywhere in the world.
Most of the time it is over regulated.
Most of the time it is under-regulated, as in the U.S.
You know this how?? Consultant

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