Kamala announces 1 billion dollar investment in broadband for poor communities

How many times are we going to give internet access to the poor community?....I count 5 times going back to Al Gore....

none are so deaf as those who refuse to hear Basq

increasing the volume ain't gonna help that

I read a report earlier some place that facebook was going to be providing broadband in some rural areas of Virginia.

Can you imagine? One of the most censor happy companies on the planet having control over the Internet itself?

Pft. People better wake the heck up.

Actually, heres a source from facebook itself...

Heh heh. I think facebook would be the last entity I'd want in charge of my Internet connection. Didn't they just get caught hiring contractors to read encrypted whatsapp chats and passing whatever dialogue that was antithetical to their own politics over to prosecutors?

Th little worm who runs that company reminds me of some kind of weirdo droid or something, to be honest. That cat gives me the heebie jeebies just looking at him.
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I’m sure the poor people in those areas will be happy with the new broadband service they can’t afford because they still don’t have a, what do you call it, that’s right, A JOB.

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