Kamala Cannot Keep Hiding During One Crisis After Another

To watch her run passed the press as they are shouting questions she won't answer has our enemies around the world salivating....
To watch her run passed the press as they are shouting questions she won't answer has our enemies around the world salivating....
She's not engaged or in charge.

She's looking forward to all of the perks and trappings of the job, but she will never do her job in a competent manner.

I think everyone is beginning to realize this.
74 days this woman has been hiding from the press and her chance at the presidency is faltering as every day passes.

As long as she thinks hiding from the press is presidential then she's going to lose bigtime.

I hope and pray that it's your words to God's ear. All of us who take the time to see what is happening in our world know pretty much what most of the score is. But since the Democrats have been successful in taking control of pretty much ALL the message--government, media, search engines, social media, entertainment, education, scientific institutions, big business, many religious organizations etc.--many millions of Americans only hear what the Democrats want them to hear. And that is never the whole story even if some of it happens to be correct.

You've probably seen the clips of the talking heads on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, PBS et al gushing their glowing compliments of how smart, informed, articulate, presidential Biden/Harris/Walz are. And you've heard them trash anybody on the right in absolutely unconscionably ridiculous ways. I read/hear very very few news accounts from the leftists propaganda machines that can find a way to mention Trump that don't manage to get in at least one line about Trump repeating a lie no matter what the subject of the news report is.

Of course that 'lie' is what THEY say the lie is and it usually has no basis in fact.

Millions of Americans hear only that.
Where has she been hiding? And Biden is the president. When has a VP handled a crisis when a president was living?


So you guys are dishonest.

The one thing we do know is that we don't need trump trying to handle a crisis. COVID is a testament to that.
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