If Trump would become incapacitated or die while serving a 2nd term - Vance would automatically become president.

Trump's sons and his son in law have already advised him through four years as president. They know very well how the presidency should be run.

They will not have a problem at all advising Vance. Besides Vance would make one of Trump's sons his VP.
Personally, I find that to be a very scary scenario. Vance would become an unelected president. What do you think?

Vance is as unfit to be president as Trump; yet another good reason to vote against Trump.
I guess Chief Sitting Bullshit forgot about how Teddy Roosevelt, LBJ and other Veeps got in without being elected first? Hint: involves a bullet and a gun. Or how about good old Harry S. Truman? Took over for Franklin Delano after he croaked. Or Gerald Ford after Nixon resigned?

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