Kamala Harris Calls The ‘Loss Of Lives And Livelihoods’ During The Pandemic ‘An Opportunity’


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Democrats are always creating opportunities after destroying everything. You can't transplant personality and gravitas - no matter how much help from the friendly media.

Yes, she's both black and female!
No, she is a moron. We all knew this. The worst candidates I ever saw was Wallace in 1968 and Hillary in her two chances. Until Biden and Harris. Those elected were Carter, Obama and Biden. Carter was good at talking but was to easily manipulated by foreign agendas and to easy on domestic ones in a malaise caused by LBJ in the 1960's. Obama was a smooth talking stooge with extreme views behind the scenes and his people have set the ways we see today. It is so funny for many of the lower classes getting poorer. Obama does not believe what he spouts. And I firmly believe now that Ross Perot was deep state.
She can only self-identify as "Black." Obama was only half-black and he has more African-American in him than she does.

¼ black, at most. Based on pictures I've seen of her father, he might be a ½ black, but that's dubious. He's definitely at least ½ white, if not all white.

And her mother is from India, and rather of the ethnicity that is dominant there.

Not that any of that ought to really matter, if she was being chosen for her qualifications rather than to pander to certain racial demographics. But she has no qualifications, and the rather obvious fact is that she was chosen, specifically to pander to blacks, on the fraudulent basis that she is one of them.

And Obama doesn't really have any “African-American” in him at all. His black side comes from an African who never was American. He has no part whatsoever in the heritage of black people whose ancestors were brought here as slaves, were marginalized and excluded from mainstream white society even after slavery was ended, and who formed their own distinct separate culture. None of his black ancestors were ever Americans, and none of his American ancestors were ever black.
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