Kamala Harris Slept Her Way to the Top

Irregardless, her politics leave me limp.

We already knew that you need to be lied to to get it up.

Commissars of the FSA (Free Shit Army) like Kamala are the leading cause of impotence.
I hear the Democraps plan on running alot of them for 2020.

The alternative is a bloated white mofo with tiny hands who is not up to the job.

Amazing that the best Prez we've had in decades would have those attributes.
Go figure.....

Sure, tiny hands and a low approval rating.

Let's see how tiny hands don does the second half of his one term.

Well, the 1st half has been simply bigly amazing.
Listen up all you presidential hopefuls — if you’re not fully supporting the Green New Deal, you’re falling behind.
You can smell her. Watching her at the Kavanaugh hearings anyone where the fans passe downwind were hospitalized. She has no answers if elected. Because only trying to get growth will help to pay for all of our promises to the people. Her agendas are anti growth. And she has STD's.

Smell her?

Damn boy, stop trying to hump every leg you get attracted too.
Every orifice ripped wide for decades. They even put cigarette ashes, butts and filters in her holes.
You guys must be really sick of looking at sarah sanders and still butthurt over sarah palin.
Your opinion is IRRELEVANT ya foreigner.

No, you misogynist asshole, my opinion is JUST as relevant as yours. The world is watching you assholes and we're judging your national morality every single day. The way Americans treat women in politics is leading DIRECTLY to the feminist backlash that is sweeping over the nation.

Relevant, uhm... no.

Let me ask, you are the one who is deciding what morality is, right?

Right now, Mike Pompeo is fighting an uphill battle decrying the lack of fair and democratic elections in Venezuela, especially considering that the Trump Administration stands accused of colluding with Russia to elect Trump, and the Republican Party stands accused of massive election fraud in the USA mid-Terms. The USA has no moral ground to stand on when the government of the President may have been illegally elected.

Russia, Russia, Russia...

You leftists are collectively worse than Putin. Propaganda, lies, spying on journalists, weaponizing government against citizens, you name it and Democrat is behind it.

Keep it up Grandpa. You've lost the House. Next is the Senate, and maybe, just maybe, when a woman sits in the White House, and there's a Democratic Senate, you can start to address the racism and misogyny at the root of American "culture".

Well sure, Republicans lost the House, as is normal to happen in midterms.

Racism and misogyny in American "culture" got its roots in Democrat party. Didn't you know that?

Now, why is it matter to you that woman sits in the White House?

The ONLY people who are dismissing the ongoing threat of the cyber war currently underway and being run by the Russian government, are Russian trolls. Both Democrats and Republicans both take this as a grave matter of national security. This is the real "national emergency" than Trump has done NOTHING about.

I think that what you will find is that coming out of the "border security" discussions currently going on in Washington right now, will be a highlight on the need to go after Russian propaganda and cyber wars, as well as intrusions from China and North Korea. Trump keeps trying to blame it all on China. That's his new enemy. Everything is China's fault.

Trump has been ignoring the Russians and even offered to let the GRU work with the CIA on protecting the US from hacking. The CIA declined the invite.

Both Republicans and Democrats are united in knowing that Russia's cyberwar is a huge problem. The Resolutions they are passing in the House and Senate show that. Mitch McConnell now understands that if he continues to side with Trump, his Senators will revolt. He cannot continue to protect this President and have a glimmer of hope of protecting his majority.


What you wrote has nothing to do with the question I asked.
does this make sense? she's a no-nonsense badass but likable at the same time. she's a happy warrior. she does it with a smile! Kamala that is.
does this make sense? she's a no-nonsense badass but likable at the same time. she's a happy warrior. she does it with a smile! Kamala that is.

I see you're using "badass" as positive connotation...

Her track record as AG in San Francisco and California as a whole is atrocious. But why would you care?
Check out those board positions she was given and the dishonest and underhanded decisions she's made. Nah, you don't care for that neither.

In the video I posted above you can see and hear her demonstrating and taking pleasure from needless acts of abuse shows that her heart is full of malevolence towards ordinary people. You don't give power to that kind, you keep them away from power.

By the way, use Google translate and type her name in Finnish. That's exactly what you're getting.

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