Kamala Harris tells students black people were enslaved in America for 400 years

Nope, sorry, that embarrassing blog vomit does not appear in either set of ideas.

Like I said...not if your life depended on it...
The 1619 project and CRT are divisive plans designed by anti-American globalists and White hating Black "academics". Their sole purpose is to program the next generation of kids to distrust each other. That is disgusting and anti-American.
The 1619 project and CRT are divisive plans designed by anti-American globalists and White hating Black "academics". Their sole purpose is to program the next generation of kids to distrust each other. That is disgusting and anti-American.
Oops, none of that appears in either set of ideas.

Like I said

Not if your life depended on it

You know less than nothing about either of those things.

You are mad because your puppet masters told you to be mad.
That does not give proper respect to the 600,000 or so Americans who died in the war that freed the slaves. 1865 is the date slavery legally ended, 246 years after 1619.
Blacks are telling themselves that slavery is ongoing. Now. Today. It never ended.
Wait...1619 to 1864 is only 173 years.

Black people are still slaves?

Oh...right....the Dem plantation. I forgot.

I reiterate, the 1619 project and CRT are anti-American CRAP that will do NOTHING but create division and hatred between Black and White people. Is that what you want for the next generation?
So what if you think that? You don't know a thing about either and couldn't describe any part of either if your life depended on it.

Might as well get a ferret's opinion on calculus.
So what if you think that? You don't know a thing about either and couldn't describe any part of either if your life depended on it.

Might as well get a ferret's opinion on calculus.
All you do is try and drag me into a personal fight. It's not going to work. You have no defense for indefensible anti-American CRAP. I want the next generation of Black and White people to get along and not be distrustful and hateful towards each other. Period.
"The first African slaves to arrive in the "new world" were brought over by Christopher Columbus in 1493"

That's never been conclusively proven, and very debatable. We know Columbus had one personal African slave of his own on the 1493 voyage, but did he bring a ship load over then? Not likely, especially since he created his own mother lode of slaves from the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean. In fact, he shipped many of them back to Europe, as well as moved them around to other places in the Caribbean and South America.
Maybe, maybe not, but that wasn't the point.If the first African slave/s were brought over by Christopher Columbus, regardless whether he/they were sent back later, in 1493, the 400 year statement is reasonable.
Maybe, maybe not, but that wasn't the point.If the first African slave/s were brought over by Christopher Columbus, regardless whether he/they were sent back later, in 1493, the 400 year statement is reasonable.
America has not been a country for 400 years so that's clearly wrong. Furthermore if you are going to bring in pre-Constitutional America then you should acknowledge the over 1000 year history of the Black slave trade where Blacks were sold to many different countries for many centuries.

This is deliberate on the part of Democrats to paint America as the ;sole abuser of Black people. They are deliberately trying to deceive the American people to push Black victim hood because it works for them politically.
How can American politics and politicians be taken seriously, except to the extent that America's power makes them so dangerously serious?
Then don't take any of them seriously.

You can, instead, look at actions. Actual laws passed and laws blocked. Laws enforced and not enforced. Court judgments.

They can piss on you and tell you it is raining... and you can observe that it is just piss. Hold them to it.

You don't take any of them seriously, ever?

Okay.... when Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump both said they would confirm/appoint SCOTUS nominees who would overturn Roe v Wade... did you take them seriously?

When Trump promised his rich friends they would get a lot richer if he got elected (and then passed huge, ill-advised tax cuts for them during a period of growth), did you take him seriously?

I took him at his word on that one.
Every single time Kamala Harris opens her suck hole she make a fool of herself. She’s easily the dumbest person ever elected as VP.

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