Kamala Harris was put in charge of the Southern border 55 days ago. No news conference yet, no trip to the border.

The VP is accountable for the Border. This is not yet another appointment in her career where she gets an exemption from accountability. Clearly she feels entitled to no accountability.

She cleaned up a 4 year mess in under 2 months.

Now she’ll start arresting the employers. They’ll pay huge fines and instead of spending billions on chasing illegals, she’ll be recovering costs from the people who created the problem in the first place.

Illegal immigration declines every time a Democrat is in office because they stop employers from hiring illegals and they don’t come if they can’t work.
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

Her "detractors". Meaning, the opposition party. I guess my answer is....Who gives a shit?
The last guy just posed in front of his "beautiful" wall and made grandiose speeches about it.
I don't believe he ever toured any of the holding facilities or even gave one speech about the plight
of the immigrants his administration was detaining.
He had the border under control you dumb fuck.
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

And yet somehow the border "crisis" is under control.

180,000 illegals crossed the border last month, Dumbass.

It isn't under control.
Read the link.
No thanks. Speeding up the process of shipping illegal kids infected with the China Flu into the US and to child traffickers isn't my idea of solving the problem.
Ok, so remain uninformed.

Willful blindness is the worst kind.
Biden is a complete failure and you're a dumbass for thinking different. You bumbling fucks actually think that Americans want Biden over Trump.
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

And yet somehow the border "crisis" is under control.

From your link:

  • On Tuesday, 281 children were apprehended at the border, nearly half the numbers seen in March.

How is that "under control" it is better than before but far from under control.

The author, Charles Davis is a leftist who views the world one way:

Sorry you need to do better Crepitus
2019 averaged over 6,000 a month. It's under control.
Now it 160,000 a month.
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

Her "detractors". Meaning, the opposition party. I guess my answer is....Who gives a shit?
The last guy just posed in front of his "beautiful" wall and made grandiose speeches about it.
I don't believe he ever toured any of the holding facilities or even gave one speech about the plight
of the immigrants his administration was detaining.
He had the border under control you dumb fuck.

He didn’t have anything under control. He flat out didn’t deal with it. Posing beside a fucking wall isn’t dealing with a problem. It’s posing. Something your savior was good at. I know at least Biden and Harris are dealing with it behind the scenes, as they should. I thought you butt lickers would have figured that out now. The professionals are back in charge.
The VP is accountable for the Border. This is not yet another appointment in her career where she gets an exemption from accountability. Clearly she feels entitled to no accountability.

She cleaned up a 4 year mess in under 2 months.

Now she’ll start arresting the employers. They’ll pay huge fines and instead of spending billions on chasing illegals, she’ll be recovering costs from the people who created the problem in the first place.

Illegal immigration declines every time a Democrat is in office because they stop employers from hiring illegals and they don’t come if they can’t work.

What has she done in 2 months? Did she close the cages she blamed Trump for when the cages and policy were started by Obama? Where are you getting your numbers that illegal immigration declines under Democrats?
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

Her "detractors". Meaning, the opposition party. I guess my answer is....Who gives a shit?
The last guy just posed in front of his "beautiful" wall and made grandiose speeches about it.
I don't believe he ever toured any of the holding facilities or even gave one speech about the plight
of the immigrants his administration was detaining.
He had the border under control you dumb fuck.

He didn’t have anything under control. He flat out didn’t deal with it. Posing beside a fucking wall isn’t dealing with a problem. It’s posing. Something your savior was good at. I know at least Biden and Harris are dealing with it behind the scenes, as they should. I thought you butt lickers would have figured that out now. The professionals are back in charge.
You’re kidding right? Wow
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

Her "detractors". Meaning, the opposition party. I guess my answer is....Who gives a shit?
The last guy just posed in front of his "beautiful" wall and made grandiose speeches about it.
I don't believe he ever toured any of the holding facilities or even gave one speech about the plight
of the immigrants his administration was detaining.
He had the border under control you dumb fuck.

He didn’t have anything under control. He flat out didn’t deal with it. Posing beside a fucking wall isn’t dealing with a problem. It’s posing. Something your savior was good at. I know at least Biden and Harris are dealing with it behind the scenes, as they should. I thought you butt lickers would have figured that out now. The professionals are back in charge.
You’re kidding right? Wow

No. I'm not. See Post #60. Explains it better than I could have.
Again, the professionals are back in charge.
The VP is accountable for the Border. This is not yet another appointment in her career where she gets an exemption from accountability. Clearly she feels entitled to no accountability.

She cleaned up a 4 year mess in under 2 months.

Now she’ll start arresting the employers. They’ll pay huge fines and instead of spending billions on chasing illegals, she’ll be recovering costs from the people who created the problem in the first place.

Illegal immigration declines every time a Democrat is in office because they stop employers from hiring illegals and they don’t come if they can’t work.

What has she done in 2 months? Did she close the cages she blamed Trump for when the cages and policy were started by Obama? Where are you getting your numbers that illegal immigration declines under Democrats?
Upgrading Ellis Island could solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis in a manner that conforms to our Commerce Clause. We should be able to fund a world class research hospital campus to help with pandemics.
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

And yet somehow the border "crisis" is under control.

180,000 illegals crossed the border last month, Dumbass.

It isn't under control.

Yes it is. Everyone got processed. Immigrants aren’t being detained for a misdemeanour offence. For profit prisons are being closed, and the immigrant aren’t being locked up with no due process.

$700 per day per prisoner. More than 40,000 non-criminal aliens were being kept in custody at taxpayers expense while Trump did NOTHING.

Locking people up and doing nothing is not a solution. Like everything else Trump did, it was expensive, chaotic, abusive, was rife with abuse and corruption and it didn’t work.

The USA will be paying out hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements to the immigrants whose rights were violated, whose children were stolen and lost, who were raped and abused by the “for profit” prison guards Trump brought in when DHS workers refused to violate court orders banning his child separations.

And the a there’s the unnecessary and forced sterilizations and routine beatings and abuses heaped on these people in the camps which only ended when covid swept through the camps and they had to be shut down.

Kamala Harris has put DHS and the US Immigration Service back in charge of all detainees. For profit prisons and camps are all being closed and dismantled.

The children are all processed and back with their families. Those without families are with sponsors or in foster care. Their families have been notified of their whereabouts. There are fewer and new arrivals of unaccompanied minors.

The “lost” children are slowly being reunited and their parents brought back to the USA. The administration is partnering with the rights groups who launched these searches as soon as DHS provided the list as per court orders. Rights groups are locating the parents and the Administration is being them to the US.

Toddlers aren’t being sent to court without parents or lawyers present.

The ONLY thing you’re complaining about is that Vice-President Harris hasn’t taken the time to take credit for this remarkable turnaround, or made a grand display of it for the press.

I mean first you complain that Joe did a photo-op and now you’re complaining that VP Harris isn’t doing photo-ops.

I guess because you’re too lazy to read reports, statements or articles about the turnaround on the southern border and everything that’s been accomplished there in a very short time, you assume it didn’t happen.

I guess you need a heavily made up buffoon telling you what a great job he’s doing and how he’s the greatest President ever as he blows 25 billion dollars on concentration camps and a wall, neither of which did anything to address the immigration problems facing the USA.

You don’t anything happened until Trump told what happened and what to think about it. Problem was, nothing Trump told you was true.

Poor stupid FuckBoi.

What a delusional old hag you are!
Dude, she ripped you guys a whole new orifice. You can't play this one off.

Dude, she is a leftist wacko from Canaduh posting on another countries message board. She is so uninformed she makes Danielops look intelligent.
Uh... No. She's so well informed she just handed you conservitards your collective asses.
The VP is accountable for the Border. This is not yet another appointment in her career where she gets an exemption from accountability. Clearly she feels entitled to no accountability.

She cleaned up a 4 year mess in under 2 months.

Now she’ll start arresting the employers. They’ll pay huge fines and instead of spending billions on chasing illegals, she’ll be recovering costs from the people who created the problem in the first place.

Illegal immigration declines every time a Democrat is in office because they stop employers from hiring illegals and they don’t come if they can’t work.

What has she done in 2 months? Did she close the cages she blamed Trump for when the cages and policy were started by Obama? Where are you getting your numbers that illegal immigration declines under Democrats?
Upgrading Ellis Island could solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis in a manner that conforms to our Commerce Clause. We should be able to fund a world class research hospital campus to help with pandemics.

Using Ellis Island as a model along the border might work as well. I am all about fast path to citizenship but I am also about vetting and verifying.
The VP is accountable for the Border. This is not yet another appointment in her career where she gets an exemption from accountability. Clearly she feels entitled to no accountability.

She cleaned up a 4 year mess in under 2 months.

Now she’ll start arresting the employers. They’ll pay huge fines and instead of spending billions on chasing illegals, she’ll be recovering costs from the people who created the problem in the first place.

Illegal immigration declines every time a Democrat is in office because they stop employers from hiring illegals and they don’t come if they can’t work.

What has she done in 2 months? Did she close the cages she blamed Trump for when the cages and policy were started by Obama? Where are you getting your numbers that illegal immigration declines under Democrats?
Upgrading Ellis Island could solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis in a manner that conforms to our Commerce Clause. We should be able to fund a world class research hospital campus to help with pandemics.

Using Ellis Island as a model along the border might work as well. I am all about fast path to citizenship but I am also about vetting and verifying.
All foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general Government and federally identified for civil purposes. We should have no illegal problem or any illegal underclass.
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

And yet somehow the border "crisis" is under control.

180,000 illegals crossed the border last month, Dumbass.

It isn't under control.
Read the link.
No thanks. Speeding up the process of shipping illegal kids infected with the China Flu into the US and to child traffickers isn't my idea of solving the problem.
Ok, so remain uninformed.

Willful blindness is the worst kind.
Biden is a complete failure and you're a dumbass for thinking different. You bumbling fucks actually think that Americans want Biden over Trump.
Willful blindness is the worst kind.
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

Her "detractors". Meaning, the opposition party. I guess my answer is....Who gives a shit?
The last guy just posed in front of his "beautiful" wall and made grandiose speeches about it.
I don't believe he ever toured any of the holding facilities or even gave one speech about the plight
of the immigrants his administration was detaining.
He had the border under control you dumb fuck.

He didn’t have anything under control. He flat out didn’t deal with it. Posing beside a fucking wall isn’t dealing with a problem. It’s posing. Something your savior was good at. I know at least Biden and Harris are dealing with it behind the scenes, as they should. I thought you butt lickers would have figured that out now. The professionals are back in charge.
You’re kidding right? Wow

No. I'm not. See Post #60. Explains it better than I could have.
Again, the professionals are back in charge.
So the fact that migrants started coming here in droves wearing thanks Biden shirts and Biden took away the rule that they had to wait in Mexico had zero impact? I cannot take people like you seriously. You are the epitome of what is wrong with our country. Dishonest, partisan, uneducated lemmings.
The VP is accountable for the Border. This is not yet another appointment in her career where she gets an exemption from accountability. Clearly she feels entitled to no accountability.

She cleaned up a 4 year mess in under 2 months.

Now she’ll start arresting the employers. They’ll pay huge fines and instead of spending billions on chasing illegals, she’ll be recovering costs from the people who created the problem in the first place.

Illegal immigration declines every time a Democrat is in office because they stop employers from hiring illegals and they don’t come if they can’t work.
Approx 10 times more illegals crossed the border in April vs April last year, Dumbass.

And just so you know, in America the Vice President has no power to arrest anyone. You get dumber every day.
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

Her "detractors". Meaning, the opposition party. I guess my answer is....Who gives a shit?
The last guy just posed in front of his "beautiful" wall and made grandiose speeches about it.
I don't believe he ever toured any of the holding facilities or even gave one speech about the plight
of the immigrants his administration was detaining.
He had the border under control you dumb fuck.

He didn’t have anything under control. He flat out didn’t deal with it. Posing beside a fucking wall isn’t dealing with a problem. It’s posing. Something your savior was good at. I know at least Biden and Harris are dealing with it behind the scenes, as they should. I thought you butt lickers would have figured that out now. The professionals are back in charge.
You’re kidding right? Wow

No. I'm not. See Post #60. Explains it better than I could have.
Again, the professionals are back in charge.
So the fact that migrants started coming here in droves wearing thanks Biden shirts and Biden took away the rule that they had to wait in Mexico had zero impact? I cannot take people like you seriously. You are the epitome of what is wrong with our country. Dishonest, partisan, uneducated lemmings.
It is Your alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror that are creating the instabilities in those regions. Why not abolish those public policies to better promote the general welfare.
The VP is accountable for the Border. This is not yet another appointment in her career where she gets an exemption from accountability. Clearly she feels entitled to no accountability.

She cleaned up a 4 year mess in under 2 months.

Now she’ll start arresting the employers. They’ll pay huge fines and instead of spending billions on chasing illegals, she’ll be recovering costs from the people who created the problem in the first place.

Illegal immigration declines every time a Democrat is in office because they stop employers from hiring illegals and they don’t come if they can’t work.
Approx 10 times more illegals crossed the border in April vs April last year, Dumbass.

And just so you know, in America the Vice President has no power to arrest anyone. You get dumber every day.
You don't know the situation hasn't gotten worse in those areas.
The VP is accountable for the Border. This is not yet another appointment in her career where she gets an exemption from accountability. Clearly she feels entitled to no accountability.

She cleaned up a 4 year mess in under 2 months.

Now she’ll start arresting the employers. They’ll pay huge fines and instead of spending billions on chasing illegals, she’ll be recovering costs from the people who created the problem in the first place.

Illegal immigration declines every time a Democrat is in office because they stop employers from hiring illegals and they don’t come if they can’t work.
Approx 10 times more illegals crossed the border in April vs April last year, Dumbass.

And just so you know, in America the Vice President has no power to arrest anyone. You get dumber every day.

No one was illegally crossing the border last year in April because of Covid you stupid tool! Even those fleeing for their lives were smart enough to stay away from the worst Covid outbreak in the world.

Trump cult members embraced the outbreak because the Covid was a left wing hoax and they thought they could politicize it to benefit Trump’s re-election campaign.

Like everything else Trump counted on in the reelection campaign, it was a big fucking failure. But it did stop illegal border crossings last year. Letting a deadly pandemic run wild throughout your country discourages people from trying to sneak in when they have no money and no healthcare.

The fact that I even have to explain this to you shows for the stupid ignorant fuck boy you’re really are.

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