Kamala Harris was put in charge of the Southern border 55 days ago. No news conference yet, no trip to the border.

I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

And yet somehow the border "crisis" is under control.

From your link:

  • On Tuesday, 281 children were apprehended at the border, nearly half the numbers seen in March.

How is that "under control" it is better than before but far from under control.

The author, Charles Davis is a leftist who views the world one way:

Sorry you need to do better Crepitus
2019 averaged over 6,000 a month. It's under control.
You are delusional.

Nearly 6,000 PER DAY now, Dumbass.

And over 90% are sent right back where they came from.
They are? And you have a link for that of course. Why not 100%?
This is from 2020, and President Biden has kept those rules, so it would be similar. I read it somewhere for this year, too, but it was ages ago and I'm not going to hunt for it for you because you won't accept it, anyway. You could inform yourself and actually google it though, if the facts don't scare you too much.

More than 90 percent of those arrested by CBP are now summarily “expelled” from the country under the emergency measures, including minors, asylum seekers and others normally afforded additional protections.

WAPO? Have you seen live footage of what is happening? Have you seen the statement from the border patrol agents and the US citizens living in border area? It is horrifying. I truly expected more from you. Usually you are logical

Over half a million would-be border crashers have been sent packing to where they came from, in the first 4 months of 2021 alone.
Yes, a lot of people are coming. We can't control that overnight. All we can do is control the number we let enter.

This argument of the right isn't a very good ad for the billions spent on the Wall so far. Why isn't it showing signs of working like T**** said it would?

There are all sorts of ways to stop that overnight...

Like shoot a few and broadcast it to the world.

Or something more reasonable like Romney's plan to make people self deport. That won't work overnight but it would be pretty close
I don't see why we would want people to self deport at this point. In order for the economy to grow, we need lots of workers. President Biden has reluctantly raised the refugee cap, which will allow more of our southern neighbors here, but not by a lot. I couldn't find info on if President Biden has increased immigration caps apart from refugee and asylum caps.
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

And yet somehow the border "crisis" is under control.

From your link:

  • On Tuesday, 281 children were apprehended at the border, nearly half the numbers seen in March.

How is that "under control" it is better than before but far from under control.

The author, Charles Davis is a leftist who views the world one way:

Sorry you need to do better Crepitus
2019 averaged over 6,000 a month. It's under control.
You are delusional.

Nearly 6,000 PER DAY now, Dumbass.

And over 90% are sent right back where they came from.
Right. Immediate expulsion due to Covid.
Really? You are claiming 90% test positive for the Fauci Flu?
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

And yet somehow the border "crisis" is under control.

From your link:

  • On Tuesday, 281 children were apprehended at the border, nearly half the numbers seen in March.

How is that "under control" it is better than before but far from under control.

The author, Charles Davis is a leftist who views the world one way:

Sorry you need to do better Crepitus
2019 averaged over 6,000 a month. It's under control.
You are delusional.

Nearly 6,000 PER DAY now, Dumbass.

And over 90% are sent right back where they came from.
They are? And you have a link for that of course. Why not 100%?
This is from 2020, and President Biden has kept those rules, so it would be similar. I read it somewhere for this year, too, but it was ages ago and I'm not going to hunt for it for you because you won't accept it, anyway. You could inform yourself and actually google it though, if the facts don't scare you too much.

More than 90 percent of those arrested by CBP are now summarily “expelled” from the country under the emergency measures, including minors, asylum seekers and others normally afforded additional protections.

WAPO? Have you seen live footage of what is happening? Have you seen the statement from the border patrol agents and the US citizens living in border area? It is horrifying. I truly expected more from you. Usually you are logical

Over half a million would-be border crashers have been sent packing to where they came from, in the first 4 months of 2021 alone.
Yes, a lot of people are coming. We can't control that overnight. All we can do is control the number we let enter.

This argument of the right isn't a very good ad for the billions spent on the Wall so far. Why isn't it showing signs of working like T**** said it would?

There are all sorts of ways to stop that overnight...

Like shoot a few and broadcast it to the world.

Or something more reasonable like Romney's plan to make people self deport. That won't work overnight but it would be pretty close
I don't see why we would want people to self deport at this point. In order for the economy to grow, we need lots of workers. President Biden has reluctantly raised the refugee cap, which will allow more of our southern neighbors here, but not by a lot. I couldn't find info on if President Biden has increased immigration caps apart from refugee and asylum caps.
Come in legally. Either we have laws or we dont
The VP is accountable for the Border. This is not yet another appointment in her career where she gets an exemption from accountability. Clearly she feels entitled to no accountability.

She cleaned up a 4 year mess in under 2 months.

Now she’ll start arresting the employers. They’ll pay huge fines and instead of spending billions on chasing illegals, she’ll be recovering costs from the people who created the problem in the first place.

Illegal immigration declines every time a Democrat is in office because they stop employers from hiring illegals and they don’t come if they can’t work.
She cleaned up a 4 year mess in under 2 months.

Illegal immigration declines every time a Democrat is in office

Hey Dragonlady I know words always confuse your pea brain, so maybe pics will help you. Look at this "picture" and tell us all how Commiela Whoris cleaned up the illegal immigration mess, AND how illegal immigration declined with Pedo Joe.

I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

Her "detractors". Meaning, the opposition party. I guess my answer is....Who gives a shit?
The last guy just posed in front of his "beautiful" wall and made grandiose speeches about it.
I don't believe he ever toured any of the holding facilities or even gave one speech about the plight
of the immigrants his administration was detaining.
He had the border under control you dumb fuck.

He didn’t have anything under control. He flat out didn’t deal with it. Posing beside a fucking wall isn’t dealing with a problem. It’s posing. Something your savior was good at. I know at least Biden and Harris are dealing with it behind the scenes, as they should. I thought you butt lickers would have figured that out now. The professionals are back in charge.
You’re kidding right? Wow

No. I'm not. See Post #60. Explains it better than I could have.
Again, the professionals are back in charge.
So the fact that migrants started coming here in droves wearing thanks Biden shirts and Biden took away the rule that they had to wait in Mexico had zero impact? I cannot take people like you seriously. You are the epitome of what is wrong with our country. Dishonest, partisan, uneducated lemmings.
You seem to live in an alternate fantasy world. There were two distinct surges during Trump's presidency. He responded by not dealing with them. Just built and posed beside his beautiful wall. Well, as you can see, walls don't work.
Your head is too buried in the last guy's rump and your blind hatred for anyone with a "D" beside their name..makes YOU the epitome of what's wrong with a lot of people in this country. The tendency toward the knee-jerk reaction.

That's not true he dealt with them by forcing the mexicans to take them, hahaha

So disingenuous
Why? Mexicans let them in here? Don’t let em in

Yea what the fuck do you think they're doing swimming across the gulf?
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

And yet somehow the border "crisis" is under control.

From your link:

  • On Tuesday, 281 children were apprehended at the border, nearly half the numbers seen in March.

How is that "under control" it is better than before but far from under control.

The author, Charles Davis is a leftist who views the world one way:

Sorry you need to do better Crepitus
2019 averaged over 6,000 a month. It's under control.
You are delusional.

Nearly 6,000 PER DAY now, Dumbass.

And over 90% are sent right back where they came from.
They are? And you have a link for that of course. Why not 100%?
This is from 2020, and President Biden has kept those rules, so it would be similar. I read it somewhere for this year, too, but it was ages ago and I'm not going to hunt for it for you because you won't accept it, anyway. You could inform yourself and actually google it though, if the facts don't scare you too much.

More than 90 percent of those arrested by CBP are now summarily “expelled” from the country under the emergency measures, including minors, asylum seekers and others normally afforded additional protections.

WAPO? Have you seen live footage of what is happening? Have you seen the statement from the border patrol agents and the US citizens living in border area? It is horrifying. I truly expected more from you. Usually you are logical

Over half a million would-be border crashers have been sent packing to where they came from, in the first 4 months of 2021 alone.
Yes, a lot of people are coming. We can't control that overnight. All we can do is control the number we let enter.

This argument of the right isn't a very good ad for the billions spent on the Wall so far. Why isn't it showing signs of working like T**** said it would?

There are all sorts of ways to stop that overnight...

Like shoot a few and broadcast it to the world.

Or something more reasonable like Romney's plan to make people self deport. That won't work overnight but it would be pretty close
I don't see why we would want people to self deport at this point. In order for the economy to grow, we need lots of workers. President Biden has reluctantly raised the refugee cap, which will allow more of our southern neighbors here, but not by a lot. I couldn't find info on if President Biden has increased immigration caps apart from refugee and asylum caps.

While i agree with your assessment of demography

We can ship in unlimited skilled immigrants we are the most desirable place for high skilled immigrants to move ont he planet.

We do not need people with 6th grade educations. We aren't Europe. We don't need low skill* migrants. We can pick whoever we want out of billions of people.

I see no problem with wages spiking. This is how that happens. You have a shortage of people who want to work at the low end. We can supplement with highly educated elites that will make a social safety net easier to maintain not harder.
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

And yet somehow the border "crisis" is under control.

From your link:

  • On Tuesday, 281 children were apprehended at the border, nearly half the numbers seen in March.

How is that "under control" it is better than before but far from under control.

The author, Charles Davis is a leftist who views the world one way:

Sorry you need to do better Crepitus
2019 averaged over 6,000 a month. It's under control.
You are delusional.

Nearly 6,000 PER DAY now, Dumbass.

And over 90% are sent right back where they came from.
Right. Immediate expulsion due to Covid.
Really? You are claiming 90% test positive for the Fauci Flu?
They don't have to. They just have to come from a country with an outbreak. Christ, our border officials can't seem to test the ones they DO let in, let alone the border jumpers.
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

Her "detractors". Meaning, the opposition party. I guess my answer is....Who gives a shit?
The last guy just posed in front of his "beautiful" wall and made grandiose speeches about it.
I don't believe he ever toured any of the holding facilities or even gave one speech about the plight
of the immigrants his administration was detaining.
Trump actually did something to stem the tide of illegals, Jack! This Administration has encouraged it! Who gives a shit about having secure borders? Obviously nobody who's a Democrat! You could care less about what this is doing to the nation.
Upgrade Ellis Island so they have some place legal to go.
How are they going to get there?
Better dynamics. Since they won't have to, try their luck as refugees, people with more money may go instead and make room for the less wealthy to move up locally.
So you completely ignored the question and didn't answer it, so I'll ask again. The people trying to cross the southern border can barely afford to walk across. How are they going to afford either a boat or plane ticket to Ellis Island?
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

Her "detractors". Meaning, the opposition party. I guess my answer is....Who gives a shit?
The last guy just posed in front of his "beautiful" wall and made grandiose speeches about it.
I don't believe he ever toured any of the holding facilities or even gave one speech about the plight
of the immigrants his administration was detaining.
Trump actually did something to stem the tide of illegals, Jack! This Administration has encouraged it! Who gives a shit about having secure borders? Obviously nobody who's a Democrat! You could care less about what this is doing to the nation.
Upgrade Ellis Island so they have some place legal to go.
You're going to put a hundred thousand people on Ellis Island? You really don't have a clue...do you, Daniel? LOL
No. I have solutions not problem like right wingers.
You have imaginary ideas, not solutions. As has been pointed out to you (and you will totally ignore), Ellis Island is simply one of the WORST ideas for dealing with the disaster at the southern border.
Not at all, especially with pandemics, and even more especially with a world class research hospital campus. Not having recourse to Ellis Island is why right wingers are such whiners about the border.
And again the main question remains, how are the poor going to get there?
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

Her "detractors". Meaning, the opposition party. I guess my answer is....Who gives a shit?
The last guy just posed in front of his "beautiful" wall and made grandiose speeches about it.
I don't believe he ever toured any of the holding facilities or even gave one speech about the plight
of the immigrants his administration was detaining.
He had the border under control you dumb fuck.

He didn’t have anything under control. He flat out didn’t deal with it. Posing beside a fucking wall isn’t dealing with a problem. It’s posing. Something your savior was good at. I know at least Biden and Harris are dealing with it behind the scenes, as they should. I thought you butt lickers would have figured that out now. The professionals are back in charge.
You’re kidding right? Wow

No. I'm not. See Post #60. Explains it better than I could have.
Again, the professionals are back in charge.
So the fact that migrants started coming here in droves wearing thanks Biden shirts and Biden took away the rule that they had to wait in Mexico had zero impact? I cannot take people like you seriously. You are the epitome of what is wrong with our country. Dishonest, partisan, uneducated lemmings.
You seem to live in an alternate fantasy world. There were two distinct surges during Trump's presidency. He responded by not dealing with them. Just built and posed beside his beautiful wall. Well, as you can see, walls don't work.
Your head is too buried in the last guy's rump and your blind hatred for anyone with a "D" beside their name..makes YOU the epitome of what's wrong with a lot of people in this country. The tendency toward the knee-jerk reaction.

That's not true he dealt with them by forcing the mexicans to take them, hahaha

So disingenuous
Why? Mexicans let them in here? Don’t let em in

Yea what the fuck do you think they're doing swimming across the gulf?
???? You asking me
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

Her "detractors". Meaning, the opposition party. I guess my answer is....Who gives a shit?
The last guy just posed in front of his "beautiful" wall and made grandiose speeches about it.
I don't believe he ever toured any of the holding facilities or even gave one speech about the plight
of the immigrants his administration was detaining.
Trump actually did something to stem the tide of illegals, Jack! This Administration has encouraged it! Who gives a shit about having secure borders? Obviously nobody who's a Democrat! You could care less about what this is doing to the nation.
Upgrade Ellis Island so they have some place legal to go.

Has anyone shown you that Ellis Island is in New York and this problem is on the southern border? Can you have Ivan in the Internet Troll department get a map for you?
Capitalism, what is that, sayeth the right wing. Admit it right wingers, socialism on a national or international basis is all y'all know and understand.
Do you have anything relevant to the discussion you'd like to share?
More than You, that is for sure.
Does anyone else find the idea of Daniel claiming anyone's posts irrelevant to the topic to be ludicrous?
The VP is accountable for the Border. This is not yet another appointment in her career where she gets an exemption from accountability. Clearly she feels entitled to no accountability.

She cleaned up a 4 year mess in under 2 months.

Now she’ll start arresting the employers. They’ll pay huge fines and instead of spending billions on chasing illegals, she’ll be recovering costs from the people who created the problem in the first place.

Illegal immigration declines every time a Democrat is in office because they stop employers from hiring illegals and they don’t come if they can’t work.
More or less illegal immigration after Quid Pro took office? Answer that one honestly.
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

Her "detractors". Meaning, the opposition party. I guess my answer is....Who gives a shit?
The last guy just posed in front of his "beautiful" wall and made grandiose speeches about it.
I don't believe he ever toured any of the holding facilities or even gave one speech about the plight
of the immigrants his administration was detaining.
He had the border under control you dumb fuck.

He didn’t have anything under control. He flat out didn’t deal with it. Posing beside a fucking wall isn’t dealing with a problem. It’s posing. Something your savior was good at. I know at least Biden and Harris are dealing with it behind the scenes, as they should. I thought you butt lickers would have figured that out now. The professionals are back in charge.
Illegal immigration increased or decreased during his tenure? Answer that one honestly.
The VP is accountable for the Border. This is not yet another appointment in her career where she gets an exemption from accountability. Clearly she feels entitled to no accountability.

She cleaned up a 4 year mess in under 2 months.

Now she’ll start arresting the employers. They’ll pay huge fines and instead of spending billions on chasing illegals, she’ll be recovering costs from the people who created the problem in the first place.

Illegal immigration declines every time a Democrat is in office because they stop employers from hiring illegals and they don’t come if they can’t work.

What has she done in 2 months? Did she close the cages she blamed Trump for when the cages and policy were started by Obama? Where are you getting your numbers that illegal immigration declines under Democrats?
Upgrading Ellis Island could solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis in a manner that conforms to our Commerce Clause. We should be able to fund a world class research hospital campus to help with pandemics.
How many immigrants currently enter the US through Ellis Island?
The VP is accountable for the Border. This is not yet another appointment in her career where she gets an exemption from accountability. Clearly she feels entitled to no accountability.

She cleaned up a 4 year mess in under 2 months.

Now she’ll start arresting the employers. They’ll pay huge fines and instead of spending billions on chasing illegals, she’ll be recovering costs from the people who created the problem in the first place.

Illegal immigration declines every time a Democrat is in office because they stop employers from hiring illegals and they don’t come if they can’t work.

What has she done in 2 months? Did she close the cages she blamed Trump for when the cages and policy were started by Obama? Where are you getting your numbers that illegal immigration declines under Democrats?
Upgrading Ellis Island could solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis in a manner that conforms to our Commerce Clause. We should be able to fund a world class research hospital campus to help with pandemics.

Using Ellis Island as a model along the border might work as well. I am all about fast path to citizenship but I am also about vetting and verifying.
All foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general Government and federally identified for civil purposes. We should have no illegal problem or any illegal underclass.
Whether we should or not is irrelevant to the problem of illegal immigration across the southern border.
The VP is accountable for the Border. This is not yet another appointment in her career where she gets an exemption from accountability. Clearly she feels entitled to no accountability.

She cleaned up a 4 year mess in under 2 months.

Now she’ll start arresting the employers. They’ll pay huge fines and instead of spending billions on chasing illegals, she’ll be recovering costs from the people who created the problem in the first place.

Illegal immigration declines every time a Democrat is in office because they stop employers from hiring illegals and they don’t come if they can’t work.
Approx 10 times more illegals crossed the border in April vs April last year, Dumbass.

And just so you know, in America the Vice President has no power to arrest anyone. You get dumber every day.

No one was illegally crossing the border last year in April because of Covid you stupid tool! Even those fleeing for their lives were smart enough to stay away from the worst Covid outbreak in the world.

Trump cult members embraced the outbreak because the Covid was a left wing hoax and they thought they could politicize it to benefit Trump’s re-election campaign.

Like everything else Trump counted on in the reelection campaign, it was a big fucking failure. But it did stop illegal border crossings last year. Letting a deadly pandemic run wild throughout your country discourages people from trying to sneak in when they have no money and no healthcare.

The fact that I even have to explain this to you shows for the stupid ignorant fuck boy you’re really are.
Not to belabor the obvious, but that's a crock.

Where would a poor person from Honduras get better healthcare, Honduras or the United States?
Even during the height of the Wu Flu, where would a poor person from Honduras get a better paying job, Honduras or the United States?
The VP is accountable for the Border. This is not yet another appointment in her career where she gets an exemption from accountability. Clearly she feels entitled to no accountability.

She cleaned up a 4 year mess in under 2 months.

Now she’ll start arresting the employers. They’ll pay huge fines and instead of spending billions on chasing illegals, she’ll be recovering costs from the people who created the problem in the first place.

Illegal immigration declines every time a Democrat is in office because they stop employers from hiring illegals and they don’t come if they can’t work.
Approx 10 times more illegals crossed the border in April vs April last year, Dumbass.

And just so you know, in America the Vice President has no power to arrest anyone. You get dumber every day.

No one was illegally crossing the border last year in April because of Covid you stupid tool! Even those fleeing for their lives were smart enough to stay away from the worst Covid outbreak in the world.

Trump cult members embraced the outbreak because the Covid was a left wing hoax and they thought they could politicize it to benefit Trump’s re-election campaign.

Like everything else Trump counted on in the reelection campaign, it was a big fucking failure. But it did stop illegal border crossings last year. Letting a deadly pandemic run wild throughout your country discourages people from trying to sneak in when they have no money and no healthcare.

The fact that I even have to explain this to you shows for the stupid ignorant fuck boy you’re really are.
Illegal crossing under Veggie Joe are the highest since 2008, Moron.

You have to be the dumbest person to ever log onto the web.

Willful blindness is always the worst.
I do think she had one phone call with some leaders of the Northern Triangle to tell them she was gonna send them money. The lib solution to everything.....SPEND MORE MONEY!

Meanwhile, hundred of thousands of covid infested illegals pour across the border.

How incompetent is she? One job to do and she fails to even show up.

And yet somehow the border "crisis" is under control.

From your link:

  • On Tuesday, 281 children were apprehended at the border, nearly half the numbers seen in March.

How is that "under control" it is better than before but far from under control.

The author, Charles Davis is a leftist who views the world one way:

Sorry you need to do better Crepitus
2019 averaged over 6,000 a month. It's under control.
You are delusional.

Nearly 6,000 PER DAY now, Dumbass.

And over 90% are sent right back where they came from.
They are? And you have a link for that of course. Why not 100%?
This is from 2020, and President Biden has kept those rules, so it would be similar. I read it somewhere for this year, too, but it was ages ago and I'm not going to hunt for it for you because you won't accept it, anyway. You could inform yourself and actually google it though, if the facts don't scare you too much.

More than 90 percent of those arrested by CBP are now summarily “expelled” from the country under the emergency measures, including minors, asylum seekers and others normally afforded additional protections.

WAPO? Have you seen live footage of what is happening? Have you seen the statement from the border patrol agents and the US citizens living in border area? It is horrifying. I truly expected more from you. Usually you are logical

Over half a million would-be border crashers have been sent packing to where they came from, in the first 4 months of 2021 alone.
Yes, a lot of people are coming. We can't control that overnight. All we can do is control the number we let enter.

This argument of the right isn't a very good ad for the billions spent on the Wall so far. Why isn't it showing signs of working like T**** said it would?

There are all sorts of ways to stop that overnight...

Like shoot a few and broadcast it to the world.

Or something more reasonable like Romney's plan to make people self deport. That won't work overnight but it would be pretty close
I don't see why we would want people to self deport at this point. In order for the economy to grow, we need lots of workers. President Biden has reluctantly raised the refugee cap, which will allow more of our southern neighbors here, but not by a lot. I couldn't find info on if President Biden has increased immigration caps apart from refugee and asylum caps.
"Reluctantly"? Do tell, how did you arrive at that conclusion?
The VP is accountable for the Border. This is not yet another appointment in her career where she gets an exemption from accountability. Clearly she feels entitled to no accountability.

She cleaned up a 4 year mess in under 2 months.

Now she’ll start arresting the employers. They’ll pay huge fines and instead of spending billions on chasing illegals, she’ll be recovering costs from the people who created the problem in the first place.

Illegal immigration declines every time a Democrat is in office because they stop employers from hiring illegals and they don’t come if they can’t work.
Approx 10 times more illegals crossed the border in April vs April last year, Dumbass.

And just so you know, in America the Vice President has no power to arrest anyone. You get dumber every day.

No one was illegally crossing the border last year in April because of Covid you stupid tool! Even those fleeing for their lives were smart enough to stay away from the worst Covid outbreak in the world.

Trump cult members embraced the outbreak because the Covid was a left wing hoax and they thought they could politicize it to benefit Trump’s re-election campaign.

Like everything else Trump counted on in the reelection campaign, it was a big fucking failure. But it did stop illegal border crossings last year. Letting a deadly pandemic run wild throughout your country discourages people from trying to sneak in when they have no money and no healthcare.

The fact that I even have to explain this to you shows for the stupid ignorant fuck boy you’re really are.
Not to belabor the obvious, but that's a crock.

Where would a poor person from Honduras get better healthcare, Honduras or the United States?
Even during the height of the Wu Flu, where would a poor person from Honduras get a better paying job, Honduras or the United States?
DragonLady: “Jews invented whining”….antisemitism 101
The VP is accountable for the Border. This is not yet another appointment in her career where she gets an exemption from accountability. Clearly she feels entitled to no accountability.

She cleaned up a 4 year mess in under 2 months.

Now she’ll start arresting the employers. They’ll pay huge fines and instead of spending billions on chasing illegals, she’ll be recovering costs from the people who created the problem in the first place.

Illegal immigration declines every time a Democrat is in office because they stop employers from hiring illegals and they don’t come if they can’t work.
Approx 10 times more illegals crossed the border in April vs April last year, Dumbass.

And just so you know, in America the Vice President has no power to arrest anyone. You get dumber every day.

No one was illegally crossing the border last year in April because of Covid you stupid tool! Even those fleeing for their lives were smart enough to stay away from the worst Covid outbreak in the world.

Trump cult members embraced the outbreak because the Covid was a left wing hoax and they thought they could politicize it to benefit Trump’s re-election campaign.

Like everything else Trump counted on in the reelection campaign, it was a big fucking failure. But it did stop illegal border crossings last year. Letting a deadly pandemic run wild throughout your country discourages people from trying to sneak in when they have no money and no healthcare.

The fact that I even have to explain this to you shows for the stupid ignorant fuck boy you’re really are.
Not to belabor the obvious, but that's a crock.

Where would a poor person from Honduras get better healthcare, Honduras or the United States?
Even during the height of the Wu Flu, where would a poor person from Honduras get a better paying job, Honduras or the United States?
DragonLady: “Jews invented whining”….antisemitism 101
It's the type of argument you get when someone abandons fact and reason for emotion.

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