Kamala Harris will never become President


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Forget the 25th Amendment, the Democrats seem to have painted themselves into a corner. Unless Joe Biden miraculously dies in office, the Democrats are stuck with Old White Joe. And even if he does die in office, I'm sure they'll find a way to keep Kamala Harris from replacing him.

The Democrats elected Joe Biden on the basis of his popularity and their belief that he would be the one to oversee the post-pandemic recovery. What a clusterfuck that turned out to be. Even so, they are not about to replace him with the most unpopular person to ever run for the presidency, Kamala Harris. If you don't believe me, remember the 2017 governor's race in Virginia: It didn't matter that Northam's coonface pictures showed up, they still elected him.

So now it appears that even Joe Biden is throwing Harris under the bus.

Kamala Harris Is Set up to Get Shivved in the Back by Joe Biden Again

"Today, as things further deteriorate in Afghanistan, a question popped into my head — where’s Kamala Harris? The vice president hasn’t spoken publicly since the chaos started, mimicking the disappearing act she pulled early in Joe Biden’s presidency. Over the past weeks, she’s been the subject of several hit pieces as well, likely sourced from within the White House."

Kamala Harris Is Set up to Get Shivved in the Back by Joe Biden Again – Republican Daily
Our darling VP will become the first female President in the history of this country and we will usher in a new era of peace, love and teaching the World to sing in perfect harmony…

( As you digest that for a moment just remember who wrote it and I will be trolling down the river )

So remember my words my fellow countryman and when VP Harris is ushered in as the next Greatest Hope for our Country, well I will be in hiding because you will be looking for me and wanting to tar and feather me for this horrible joke I wrote!

I think it's unlikely that Harris will ever be elected in her own right, because more often than not, we don't elect sitting vice presidents. Nixon, Humphry, Mondale, Quayle, Gore all lost when they ran. Biden and Bush were kind of the exceptions... (and Nixon the second time he ran, I guess).

That said, the GOP has a bigger problem... they can't escape the influence of Trump... That puts whoever the GOP runs in 2024 at a disadvantage.

All Biden has to do in 2024 is ask, Are you better off than you were four years ago?

Okay. Well, looking right now.

Unemployment is down to 5.5% from a high of 14%
Despite the spike of Delta, we don't have nearly as many people dying of covid as we did last year, and it will be gone by the end of the year.
We don't have riots in the streets.

Are people upset about the images from Afghanistan? Yup. Will it have the psychological effect the fall of Saigon had? Nope.

I think it's unlikely that Harris will ever be elected in her own right, because more often than not, we don't elect sitting vice presidents. Nixon, Humphry, Mondale, Quayle, Gore all lost when they ran. Biden and Bush were kind of the exceptions... (and Nixon the second time he ran, I guess).

That said, the GOP has a bigger problem... they can't escape the influence of Trump... That puts whoever the GOP runs in 2024 at a disadvantage.

All Biden has to do in 2024 is ask, Are you better off than you were four years ago?

Okay. Well, looking right now.

Unemployment is down to 5.5% from a high of 14%
Despite the spike of Delta, we don't have nearly as many people dying of covid as we did last year, and it will be gone by the end of the year.
We don't have riots in the streets.

Are people upset about the images from Afghanistan? Yup. Will it have the psychological effect the fall of Saigon had? Nope.

Anyone who really thinks they're better off right now is blithely oblivious to what going on around them, and has been lulled into a false sense of security. Trump didn't cause the pandemic, nor did he cause the riots.
Sleepy Joe, along with the rest of the First Family- his old lady Dr. Jill and his beloved son Hunter- still remember how Kamala mocked him as a racist during the 2020 campaign. And the Big Guy didn't like it at all.

I'm sure that they will be pulling out the long knives if she gets too close to power.

In the meantime, expect the Bidens to keep her close and to make her feel confident in their relationship.

As Brando told Pacino back in the day "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer".
Forget the 25th Amendment, the Democrats seem to have painted themselves into a corner. Unless Joe Biden miraculously dies in office, the Democrats are stuck with Old White Joe. And even if he does die in office, I'm sure they'll find a way to keep Kamala Harris from replacing him.

The Democrats elected Joe Biden on the basis of his popularity and their belief that he would be the one to oversee the post-pandemic recovery. What a clusterfuck that turned out to be. Even so, they are not about to replace him with the most unpopular person to ever run for the presidency, Kamala Harris. If you don't believe me, remember the 2017 governor's race in Virginia: It didn't matter that Northam's coonface pictures showed up, they still elected him.

So now it appears that even Joe Biden is throwing Harris under the bus.

Kamala Harris Is Set up to Get Shivved in the Back by Joe Biden Again

"Today, as things further deteriorate in Afghanistan, a question popped into my head — where’s Kamala Harris? The vice president hasn’t spoken publicly since the chaos started, mimicking the disappearing act she pulled early in Joe Biden’s presidency. Over the past weeks, she’s been the subject of several hit pieces as well, likely sourced from within the White House."

Kamala Harris Is Set up to Get Shivved in the Back by Joe Biden Again – Republican Daily
The only way in which that hooker becomes president is if Joe dies; a mixed blessing for the party. They get rid of Joe (good) but have a woman even more despicable than Hillary as their champion (very bad).

I think it's unlikely that Harris will ever be elected in her own right, because more often than not, we don't elect sitting vice presidents. Nixon, Humphry, Mondale, Quayle, Gore all lost when they ran. Biden and Bush were kind of the exceptions... (and Nixon the second time he ran, I guess).

That said, the GOP has a bigger problem... they can't escape the influence of Trump... That puts whoever the GOP runs in 2024 at a disadvantage.

All Biden has to do in 2024 is ask, Are you better off than you were four years ago?

Okay. Well, looking right now.

Unemployment is down to 5.5% from a high of 14%
Despite the spike of Delta, we don't have nearly as many people dying of covid as we did last year, and it will be gone by the end of the year.
We don't have riots in the streets.

Are people upset about the images from Afghanistan? Yup. Will it have the psychological effect the fall of Saigon had? Nope.
Your happy talk post is your opinion, not necessarily fact.
1. Agree Xiden or Kamala are unelectable in 2024, so who will the DNC put up? Remember the fiasco in 2020?
2. The GOP either re-runs Trump,or picks someone new, I will not be voting for Trump in the primary, but if he wins, I'll vote for him in the general.
3. If Biden asks "are you better off than you were 4-years ago" the answer is NO. The democrats have open borders, CRT, 1619, the AFG disaster, racism, runaway inflation, and mishandling the covid pandemic, just to name a few.
4. Trump had a 3.5% unemployment before covid hit.
5. Xiden shutdown the KeystoneXL pipeline while approved Putin's Nord Stream 2 pipeline. How much did Hunter get for that benefit to Putin?
6. Riots in the streets? How about defund the police? Cities are shooting galleries. People don't feel safe on the streets. There is no "law and order" The country is a mess.
she and her team clearly learned the lessons of her first run at the presidency. There's not a greater education than the second kick of the mule. She doesn't want to get kicked again
Anyone who really thinks they're better off right now is blithely oblivious to what going on around them, and has been lulled into a false sense of security. Trump didn't cause the pandemic, nor did he cause the riots.
Trump mismanaged both the pandemic and the protests. I say protests because at least 95 percent of the protests had no damage or injuries. So trump calling them riots was a lie and it is documented that because trump did what he did in Portland, it caused violence to increase.
Biden is not senile. You guys don't seem to get that. Meanwhile many of the same people calling Biden senile support a man who is just as old. Trump is 75.
Trump has the genes, he's got that stamina. Trump's smart, he's strong. not just strong, he's smart!

i wonder where he gets that stamina?
Trump mismanaged both the pandemic and the protests. I say protests because at least 95 percent of the protests had no damage or injuries. So trump calling them riots was a lie and it is documented that because trump did what he did in Portland, it caused violence to increase.

That crazy talking. Be sure to thank Trump for "mismanaging" to get you that vaccine shot you got.

And it wasn't Trump who mishandled the riots, it was the Democrat governors and Mayors who refused to crack down on them. President Trump showed a monumental amount of restraint. If it had been me, those rioting motherfuckers would have been shot dead on the spot and left to rot in the sun.
That said, the GOP has a bigger problem... they can't escape the influence of Trump... That puts whoever the GOP runs in 2024 at a disadvantage.
Republicans have not been able to rid themselves of the Party of Trump

If Republicans run Trump for the third straight time, they will lose Bigly

If they run a Trump Lite candidate, Dems will still strangle him with his pro Trump statements

Was the election stolen?
Why didn‘t you speak out against Jan 6?
Why were you not supportive of Vaccines and masks?
Biden is not senile. You guys don't seem to get that. Meanwhile many of the same people calling Biden senile support a man who is just as old. Trump is 75.

Plenty of people Sleepy Joe's age are sharp as tacks.

Sleepy Joe, unlike the Trumpster, just doesn't seem to be one of them.

Although you could be right. Perhaps Biden is like The Chin, who publicly pretended for years to be goofy in the head while running the rackets in New York City.
RE: Thread title

That's what political insiders used to confidently say about a mediocre Senator called Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

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