Kamala has died! not the VP contender from California, but the African from Uganda 80's heel wrestling legend, known for his scary & demeaning look

Hulk Hogan says about Kamala: " His passion for entertaining a crowd was second to none."
high quality picture even though this match is from 1983. Kamala got to press his hand on Tony Atlas' manboobs. i'm jealous!

Kamala nailed his debut, though i wish they would have let jump off the top rope!

Kamala gives a masterpiece in wearing your opponent down until his body just gives up. beautiful!

The Ugandan Warrior Kamala was an amazing performer
I enjoyed all of his stuff on Youtube, he famously wrestled Hulk Hogan
A character like that can never exist in todays world

Kamala was brought to America by the late King Curtis Iaukea, an alumni of Punahou School (Obama's alma mater).

Iaukea found him on the north slope of Kilimanjaro. After his career was over he stayed in America, moving to the tremendous state of Mississippi.

Kamala beats Crazy Mick Foley in 10 seconds, then smashes him off the top rope!

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