Kamala has no time to deal with the vital issue Biden tasked her with (border) but she has time to go hang out on The View

The border in in complete chaos and the person in charge is playing games.

On a similar note I enjoyed watching AL Sharpton getting called out as he went to the border to pimp race.

This is a TRAVESTY!!!!!!
Honestly I think she just wants to be a celebrity, she doesn't actually want to be a politician of any sort of actually have to work.
You're probably right. But what kind of talent does she have, beyond the particular service she gave to Willie?
You're probably right. But what kind of talent does she have, beyond the particular service she gave to Willie?

Same talent as the Kardashians or Paris Hilton. She wants to be famous for being famous. She can't actually do anything or has any value. She is just comes off as someone who wants to say stuff once in a while, get applauded and go back to doing nothing for again.
Same talent as the Kardashians or Paris Hilton. She wants to be famous for being famous. She can't actually do anything or has any value. She is just comes off as someone who wants to say stuff once in a while, get applauded and go back to doing nothing for again.
I think God must be pissed that we have allowed this country to become so stupid. The judgment is coming. I wish I could sell tickets.
God, isn't that right?! I got my slightly liberal leaning husband well trained to accept that if that program was on a TV in my home, there would be hell to pay.
They need to change the name of the Hen Peck show and call it OUR View, not THE View.

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