Kamala has no time to deal with the vital issue Biden tasked her with (border) but she has time to go hang out on The View

Dude - you need to raise your standards. When I think of Shamala and/or Hillary, which I try to not to do as often as possible, the word sexy does not cross my mind.

That said, democrats in general are more interested in perception and image than in reality. If an orphanage burns down, their 1st thought is "I hope somebody on the right did it". Hence, Biden's call to the Afghan prez to get him to change the perception that the rest of the world has about what was going on there because it was politically damaging to Biden's plans. Hence also Kamala's visits to The View where she can look good vs the border where there's a shitstorm in progress.
Like I said - sexy! :woohoo:

But they really need to start dressing the part; maybe they can pick up some tips from Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS.

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