Kamala will base her policies on race--here's the video


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
.....race race race RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.....exactly what I've said before--all the blacks officials base their policies/judgments/thinking on race and not common sense--not what is right = THEY are the racists
....look at this video--OMG!! it's only :50 long
da pooorr black man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • The two men are both given the same length rope, however the white man is seen standing by the end of his , while the black man can't reach his
...but I thought it was white men that can't jump--it show da black man can't jump in the video !! hahahhahahahahaha

Last edited:
Oh, how proud Martin Luther King would be.

( they must really loathe that man and his dream )

.....race race race RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.....exactly what I've said before--all the blacks officials base their policies/judgments/thinking on race and not common sense--not what is right
....look at this video--OMG!! it's only :50 long
da pooorr black man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • The two men are both given the same length rope, however the white man is seen standing by the end of his , while the black man can't reach his

Yep, everyone gets a trophy mentality, mixed with some racial inequality.
Works every time...Bleeding Hearts - Crying Liberals.
.....race race race RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.....exactly what I've said before--all the blacks officials base their policies/judgments/thinking on race and not common sense--not what is right
....look at this video--OMG!! it's only :50 long
da pooorr black man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • The two men are both given the same length rope, however the white man is seen standing by the end of his , while the black man can't reach his
...but I thought it was white men that can't jump--it show da black man can't jump in the video !! hahahhahahahahaha

We have to say that most Democrat policies are based on race because most Democrats are racist, the Democrat Party has always been racist they insist this is not the case while Projecting their institutionalized and Centuries old racism instead on others who have fought against racism.
Why is it Trump's supporters always want to talk about Biden or Harris? They rarely talk about Trump. Well, I will.

99 million votes are in already. That 's is 73% of 2016 total. Why? Conronavirus notwithstanding, Americans are in a hurry to vote Trump out of office. Here are some reasons why.

“The Election should end on November 3rd., not weeks later!” Trump has stated countless times, adding, “Hopefully, the few states remaining that want to take a lot of time after Nov. 3 to count ballots, that won’t be allowed by the various courts.”

“You would think you want to have the votes counted, tabulated, finished by the evening of Nov. 3,” he said at a recent campaign event.

"In reality, the scenario Mr. Trump is outlining — every vote in a modern election being “counted, tabulated, finished” by midnight — is not possible and never has been. No state ever reports final results on election night, and no state is legally expected to," the Times.

Trump didn't know that? My sixth grade neighbor knew that.

Trump is assailing a decision that allows Pennsylvania’s elections officials to count mailed ballots that are received in the three days after Tuesday’s election. Then our President threatened physical violence if he doesn't get his way.

Addressing a campaign rally Monday at the airport in Avoca in battleground Pennsylvania, Trump called the situation “very dangerous, and I mean dangerous, physically dangerous,” President Trump.

Following that revealing statement, our President then threatened the governor of Pennsylvania.

The Independent reports, "Trump has warned the governor of Pennsylvania that he and his supporters are “watching” him, in a thinly-veiled threat on the eve of the election."

“You look at what’s going on in Philadelphia - we’re watching you, governor,” the President said.

Then he added, "Make sure your governor doesn’t cheat, because they are known for very bad things here. But we have a lot of eyes watching, a lot of very powerful eyes here. They don’t want that to happen.”

To Trump supporters: Here is your chance to talk about Trump. Can anyone explain his or her reasons for voting for Trump?

Responses are not expected. Trump's followers attempt to avoid Trump as much as possible. One can hardly blame them?
Another aspect of the strange circumstances surrounding the 2016 election is that a significant number of Democratic voters are solely responsible for Trump's election victory.

Young Sanders supporters were aggrieved that their candidate didn't get the nomination, and, in their anger and disappointment, they managed to elect Trump.

Newsweek reports, "According to the analysis of the 2016 Cooperative Congressional Election Survey, fewer than 80 percent of those who voted for Sanders in the Democratic primary did the same for Clinton when she faced off against Trump a few months later. What's more, 12 percent of those who backed Sanders actually cast a vote for Trump.

"The impact of those votes was significant. In each of the three states that ultimately swung the election for Trump—Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania—Trump's margin of victory over Clinton was smaller than the number of Sanders voters who gave him their vote."

In Wisconsin, 51,000 Sanders supporters voted for Trump. Trump's margin of victory was 22,000.

In Michigan, 47,000 Sanders supporters voted for Trump. Trump's margin of victory was 10,000.

In Pennsylvania, 116,000 Sanders supporters voted for Trump. Trump's margin of victory was 44,000.

The young Sanders devotees bought Trump's con.

Donald J. Trump

Sad to watch Bernie Sanders abandon his revolution. We welcome all voters who want to fix our rigged system and bring back our jobs.
8:04 PM · Jul 25, 2016

Those young Democrats will vote again in 2020, and no doubt they realize the horrible mistake they made.

They won't make that mistake again.
Why is it Trump's supporters always want to talk about Biden or Harris? They rarely talk about Trump. Well, I will.

99 million votes are in already. That 's is 73% of 2016 total. Why? Conronavirus notwithstanding, Americans are in a hurry to vote Trump out of office. Here are some reasons why.

“The Election should end on November 3rd., not weeks later!” Trump has stated countless times, adding, “Hopefully, the few states remaining that want to take a lot of time after Nov. 3 to count ballots, that won’t be allowed by the various courts.”

“You would think you want to have the votes counted, tabulated, finished by the evening of Nov. 3,” he said at a recent campaign event.

"In reality, the scenario Mr. Trump is outlining — every vote in a modern election being “counted, tabulated, finished” by midnight — is not possible and never has been. No state ever reports final results on election night, and no state is legally expected to," the Times.

Trump didn't know that? My sixth grade neighbor knew that.

Trump is assailing a decision that allows Pennsylvania’s elections officials to count mailed ballots that are received in the three days after Tuesday’s election. Then our President threatened physical violence if he doesn't get his way.

Addressing a campaign rally Monday at the airport in Avoca in battleground Pennsylvania, Trump called the situation “very dangerous, and I mean dangerous, physically dangerous,” President Trump.

Following that revealing statement, our President then threatened the governor of Pennsylvania.

The Independent reports, "Trump has warned the governor of Pennsylvania that he and his supporters are “watching” him, in a thinly-veiled threat on the eve of the election."

“You look at what’s going on in Philadelphia - we’re watching you, governor,” the President said.

Then he added, "Make sure your governor doesn’t cheat, because they are known for very bad things here. But we have a lot of eyes watching, a lot of very powerful eyes here. They don’t want that to happen.”

To Trump supporters: Here is your chance to talk about Trump. Can anyone explain his or her reasons for voting for Trump?

Responses are not expected. Trump's followers attempt to avoid Trump as much as possible. One can hardly blame them?
Mr Trump stands for everything Biden/Harris doesn't--Biden/Harris are RACISTS--Mr Trump is not
“You would think you want to have the votes counted, tabulated, finished by the evening of Nov. 3,” he said at a recent campaign event.

"In reality, the scenario Mr. Trump is outlining — every vote in a modern election being “counted, tabulated, finished” by midnight — is not possible and never has been. No state ever reports final results on election night, and no state is legally expected to," the Times.

Trump didn't know that? My sixth grade neighbor knew that.

Virtually no response from Trump's supporters. One fantasized about Trump and Biden, but that doesn't count. It sounded like a quote from the KKK manual.

No surprise. As I have said many times -- and Trump's followers prove it as they did here -- Trump's fans desperately avoid what Trump is doing and saying.

To Trump's followers, reality is a bitch. So, why do they support Trump?

They don't know.
GA is No Safe for Trump unless they find additional Ballots. Very important for the legal Battle. Will all be about PA and one out of Arizona and Wisconsin. Good Chance for Trump. Supreme Court throwing out inorrectly signed and Marked Mail in ballots could already do the job.
Why is it Trump's supporters always want to talk about Biden or Harris? They rarely talk about Trump. Well, I will.

99 million votes are in already. That 's is 73% of 2016 total. Why? Conronavirus notwithstanding, Americans are in a hurry to vote Trump out of office. Here are some reasons why.

“The Election should end on November 3rd., not weeks later!” Trump has stated countless times, adding, “Hopefully, the few states remaining that want to take a lot of time after Nov. 3 to count ballots, that won’t be allowed by the various courts.”

“You would think you want to have the votes counted, tabulated, finished by the evening of Nov. 3,” he said at a recent campaign event.

"In reality, the scenario Mr. Trump is outlining — every vote in a modern election being “counted, tabulated, finished” by midnight — is not possible and never has been. No state ever reports final results on election night, and no state is legally expected to," the Times.

Trump didn't know that? My sixth grade neighbor knew that.

Trump is assailing a decision that allows Pennsylvania’s elections officials to count mailed ballots that are received in the three days after Tuesday’s election. Then our President threatened physical violence if he doesn't get his way.

Addressing a campaign rally Monday at the airport in Avoca in battleground Pennsylvania, Trump called the situation “very dangerous, and I mean dangerous, physically dangerous,” President Trump.

Following that revealing statement, our President then threatened the governor of Pennsylvania.

The Independent reports, "Trump has warned the governor of Pennsylvania that he and his supporters are “watching” him, in a thinly-veiled threat on the eve of the election."

“You look at what’s going on in Philadelphia - we’re watching you, governor,” the President said.

Then he added, "Make sure your governor doesn’t cheat, because they are known for very bad things here. But we have a lot of eyes watching, a lot of very powerful eyes here. They don’t want that to happen.”

To Trump supporters: Here is your chance to talk about Trump. Can anyone explain his or her reasons for voting for Trump?

Responses are not expected. Trump's followers attempt to avoid Trump as much as possible. One can hardly blame them?
the democrat cultist are dangerous fanatics
Why is it Trump's supporters always want to talk about Biden or Harris? They rarely talk about Trump. Well, I will.

99 million votes are in already. That 's is 73% of 2016 total. Why? Conronavirus notwithstanding, Americans are in a hurry to vote Trump out of office. Here are some reasons why.

“The Election should end on November 3rd., not weeks later!” Trump has stated countless times, adding, “Hopefully, the few states remaining that want to take a lot of time after Nov. 3 to count ballots, that won’t be allowed by the various courts.”

“You would think you want to have the votes counted, tabulated, finished by the evening of Nov. 3,” he said at a recent campaign event.

"In reality, the scenario Mr. Trump is outlining — every vote in a modern election being “counted, tabulated, finished” by midnight — is not possible and never has been. No state ever reports final results on election night, and no state is legally expected to," the Times.

Trump didn't know that? My sixth grade neighbor knew that.

Trump is assailing a decision that allows Pennsylvania’s elections officials to count mailed ballots that are received in the three days after Tuesday’s election. Then our President threatened physical violence if he doesn't get his way.

Addressing a campaign rally Monday at the airport in Avoca in battleground Pennsylvania, Trump called the situation “very dangerous, and I mean dangerous, physically dangerous,” President Trump.

Following that revealing statement, our President then threatened the governor of Pennsylvania.

The Independent reports, "Trump has warned the governor of Pennsylvania that he and his supporters are “watching” him, in a thinly-veiled threat on the eve of the election."

“You look at what’s going on in Philadelphia - we’re watching you, governor,” the President said.

Then he added, "Make sure your governor doesn’t cheat, because they are known for very bad things here. But we have a lot of eyes watching, a lot of very powerful eyes here. They don’t want that to happen.”

To Trump supporters: Here is your chance to talk about Trump. Can anyone explain his or her reasons for voting for Trump?

Responses are not expected. Trump's followers attempt to avoid Trump as much as possible. One can hardly blame them?
Is the thread about Trump?


Then go to one of the hundreds that are. Otherwise you are just whining.
.....race race race RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.....exactly what I've said before--all the blacks officials base their policies/judgments/thinking on race and not common sense--not what is right = THEY are the racists
....look at this video--OMG!! it's only :50 long
da pooorr black man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • The two men are both given the same length rope, however the white man is seen standing by the end of his , while the black man can't reach his
...but I thought it was white men that can't jump--it show da black man can't jump in the video !! hahahhahahahahaha

It is not like they have been hiding this. The dems have been all about equal outcome for awhile now.

The problem is the only real way to reach equal outcome is to drag everyone down to the same level. It is not as though this is a new idea.
GA is No Safe for Trump unless they find additional Ballots. Very important for the legal Battle. Will all be about PA and one out of Arizona and Wisconsin. Good Chance for Trump. Supreme Court throwing out inorrectly signed and Marked Mail in ballots could already do the job.

Actually I think Michigan is a bigger play. Between breaking the law by not allowing observers to oversee the count, and accepting ballots up to three days after the elections is certainly a win for the President.
.....race race race RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.....exactly what I've said before--all the blacks officials base their policies/judgments/thinking on race and not common sense--not what is right = THEY are the racists
....look at this video--OMG!! it's only :50 long
da pooorr black man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • The two men are both given the same length rope, however the white man is seen standing by the end of his , while the black man can't reach his
...but I thought it was white men that can't jump--it show da black man can't jump in the video !! hahahhahahahahaha

What the video displayed is her (and her party's) desire to have equal outcome. Sorry, but life doesn't work that way. We cannot all be equal. Some have musical talents and do well with that. Others have athletic talents and can make millions. Some are extremely smart and become CEO's. Some are good investors and do well with the stock market, real estate, the commodities markets.

Whites got a head start. Really? When my parents pass away, if they leave us anything, it won't be a whole hell of a lot, and my sister and I will be the first generation in our family history to get anything from our parents. It's like this for most white people.

I went to school with blacks. They had the same opportunity as I did to graduate, to attend college, to get a job, to make investments, to avoid having children before they could afford them, to learn a trade or skill thus making their employment more valuable.
It is not like they have been hiding this. The dems have been all about equal outcome for awhile now.

The problem is the only real way to reach equal outcome is to drag everyone down to the same level. It is not as though this is a new idea.

For Democrats, the grass is always greener on the other side. Equal outcome? Ok, let's try that out. Let's make sure our sports reflects our diversity in population. Blacks makeup about 13% of our population. Therefore football teams should have only 13% blacks on them. Basketball the same way. Hispanics makeup 18% of our population. Let's make sure that baseball teams only have 18% of Hispanic players.
Why is it Trump's supporters always want to talk about Biden or Harris? They rarely talk about Trump. Well, I will.

99 million votes are in already. That 's is 73% of 2016 total. Why? Conronavirus notwithstanding, Americans are in a hurry to vote Trump out of office. Here are some reasons why.

“The Election should end on November 3rd., not weeks later!” Trump has stated countless times, adding, “Hopefully, the few states remaining that want to take a lot of time after Nov. 3 to count ballots, that won’t be allowed by the various courts.”

“You would think you want to have the votes counted, tabulated, finished by the evening of Nov. 3,” he said at a recent campaign event.

"In reality, the scenario Mr. Trump is outlining — every vote in a modern election being “counted, tabulated, finished” by midnight — is not possible and never has been. No state ever reports final results on election night, and no state is legally expected to," the Times.

Trump didn't know that? My sixth grade neighbor knew that.

Trump is assailing a decision that allows Pennsylvania’s elections officials to count mailed ballots that are received in the three days after Tuesday’s election. Then our President threatened physical violence if he doesn't get his way.

Addressing a campaign rally Monday at the airport in Avoca in battleground Pennsylvania, Trump called the situation “very dangerous, and I mean dangerous, physically dangerous,” President Trump.

Following that revealing statement, our President then threatened the governor of Pennsylvania.

The Independent reports, "Trump has warned the governor of Pennsylvania that he and his supporters are “watching” him, in a thinly-veiled threat on the eve of the election."

“You look at what’s going on in Philadelphia - we’re watching you, governor,” the President said.

Then he added, "Make sure your governor doesn’t cheat, because they are known for very bad things here. But we have a lot of eyes watching, a lot of very powerful eyes here. They don’t want that to happen.”

To Trump supporters: Here is your chance to talk about Trump. Can anyone explain his or her reasons for voting for Trump?

Responses are not expected. Trump's followers attempt to avoid Trump as much as possible. One can hardly blame them?

Some people (including me) voted for the personally abrasive Donald J. Trump because he was the ONLY high-ranking American official to have the family jewels to refuse to kiss the posterior of a certain group that is currently much in favor.

While some people (such as the detestable Speaker of the House) were literally kneeling to that group, President Trump condemned the violence and looting that accompanied the marches that used cops as a scapegoat for the dreadful behavior of certain young gentlemen.

Everyone else was falling over one another in order to make excuses for the violence that we saw in Portland and Seattle. But not President Trump.

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