Kamala will be a formidable candidate in 2024

Ms. Kamala is a hoe.

This is a hoe


This is a whore…


There is a difference.


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Kamala is a racist. upon arriving at the all-black Howard University (Thurgood Marshall's alma matter), she says her first thought was: "This is heaven! everyone looks like me"

i thought liberals think diversity is heaven?

Kamala would make a better Supreme Court justice than president, anyway, my friends
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Kamala also happens to be the lead author of legislation to provide $2,000 a month to individuals during corona

But suddenly, despite being desperately needed right now, she’s nowhere to be found on the issue
Conventional wisdom dictates that Biden will be a one term president, the obvious successor to the top of the presidential ticket for 2024 will be Kamala Harris, and what a candidate she will be, with very successful high level experience in all three branches of government; Attorney General of the largest state in USA (judicial), Senator (legislative), Vice President (executive), and when it comes to identity politics, no one even close to her: She is a woman of African American, Indian American, and Caribbean American descent, married to an educated white male, with white children, all these in addition to the fact that the American electorate keeps growing favoring an already established majority of democrats. She will be virtually impossible to beat...

Poor pathetic ignorant commie, an attorney general is part of the executive branch, not judicial. Also the bitch couldn't even make it to the first primary in 2016, simply put, she's a loser affirmative action pick.

Is it KDS or HDS? VDS?

Sorry commie, it's not my fault your comrade is ignorant, or harris didn't have any support nationally from her own party.


I wouldn't say she didn't have any support. Her being picked for the job resulted in millions of small dollar donations to the campaign.

You guys should make up your mind as to whether she was a drag on the ticket or who Democrats were really voting for and that she will be president in a matter of months.
She was chosen because she is a ho who is easily bought off-----and was already a member of the biden crime/sexual perv club as she had dated Bidens other dead son previously so obvisiously had been sexually tested by the biden crime family. communists/globalists have been using perv sex as a way to test someone's loyalty to their movement since atleast the 60's and 70's that I know about.

Now, now. That's completely unfair. She was not chosen because she's a whore.

She was chosen because she's a "whore of color". If she'd been a white whore, she'd have been out of luck.

how is kamala a whore, does she brag bout grabbing guys by the dick, does she treat her children like sexual partners like pussygrabber-ivanka, does she pay strippers for sex, has she been accused of rape-assault by multiple people, was she ever a cheap escort like melania?
how is kamala a whore…?

The only way that she got anywhere in politics was by selling sexual favors to a married man in exchange for political and career opportunities. In exchange for sucking Brown's Willie, she was appointed to her first few political positions, and given help in advancing from there. If that hadn't happened, then to this day, she would be nothing more than a mediocre ambulance chaser.

I would have to say that trading sexual favors for valuable consideration, such as the help that she got with her political career, qualifies her as a whore in the very most literal sense of the word.
Conventional wisdom dictates that Biden will be a one term president, the obvious successor to the top of the presidential ticket for 2024 will be Kamala Harris, and what a candidate she will be, with very successful high level experience in all three branches of government; Attorney General of the largest state in USA (judicial), Senator (legislative), Vice President (executive), and when it comes to identity politics, no one even close to her: She is a woman of African American, Indian American, and Caribbean American descent, married to an educated white male, with white children, all these in addition to the fact that the American electorate keeps growing favoring an already established majority of democrats. She will be virtually impossible to beat...

Poor pathetic ignorant commie, an attorney general is part of the executive branch, not judicial. Also the bitch couldn't even make it to the first primary in 2016, simply put, she's a loser affirmative action pick.

Is it KDS or HDS? VDS?

Sorry commie, it's not my fault your comrade is ignorant, or harris didn't have any support nationally from her own party.


I wouldn't say she didn't have any support. Her being picked for the job resulted in millions of small dollar donations to the campaign.

You guys should make up your mind as to whether she was a drag on the ticket or who Democrats were really voting for and that she will be president in a matter of months.
She was chosen because she is a ho who is easily bought off-----and was already a member of the biden crime/sexual perv club as she had dated Bidens other dead son previously so obvisiously had been sexually tested by the biden crime family. communists/globalists have been using perv sex as a way to test someone's loyalty to their movement since atleast the 60's and 70's that I know about.

Now, now. That's completely unfair. She was not chosen because she's a whore.

She was chosen because she's a "whore of color". If she'd been a white whore, she'd have been out of luck.

how is kamala a whore, does she brag bout grabbing guys by the dick, does she treat her children like sexual partners like pussygrabber-ivanka, does she pay strippers for sex, has she been accused of rape-assault by multiple people, was she ever a cheap escort like melania?
how come you are avoiding answering the question i asked you?...cant think of anything?....
Kamala lists as one of her accomplishments as California AG that she closed 30 "brothels masquerading as massage parlors"

we're supposed to be impressed by that? this is because she doesn't have any tangible accomplishments

Kamala is an opportunist masquerading as Biden's Vice President. she wants the presidency so badly to turn america into socialist country. what a nightmare!
Kamala lists as one of her accomplishments as California AG that she closed 30 "brothels masquerading as massage parlors"

Shutting down her competition. That's an accomplishment comparable to Gavin Newsom shutting down all the wineries in parts of the state, except for the one in which he personally owned a stake.
Conventional wisdom dictates that Biden will be a one term president, the obvious successor to the top of the presidential ticket for 2024 will be Kamala Harris, and what a candidate she will be, with very successful high level experience in all three branches of government; Attorney General of the largest state in USA (judicial), Senator (legislative), Vice President (executive), and when it comes to identity politics, no one even close to her: She is a woman of African American, Indian American, and Caribbean American descent, married to an educated white male, with white children, all these in addition to the fact that the American electorate keeps growing favoring an already established majority of democrats. She will be virtually impossible to beat...

You sound like an idiot "she's a woman of color". You dumbshits didn't even support her to begin with, now the whore is dreamy to you. I'll be you don't see a problem of character too.

She may need to wait till 2028, President Biden looking very good so far, she will be over-qualified by then...

My God, you're even more retarded than I thought before I read this. You're cheerfully shoving a 78-year-old man with clearly failing mental faculties into the most stressful job on the planet Earth, and your dumb ass is prattling about him lasting for 8 years? This is just like you selfish shitstains gabbling about how Ruth Bader Ginsburg was so tough and strong, and cancer was just a quick speed bump that hardly slowed her down . . . until she fell over dead.

President Biden already bringing america back together, he will get Nobel prize...

View attachment 420554

"Bringing America back together again." I hate to break it to you, Sparky, but "America" is not defined as "people who agree with me", and Biden ain't bringing the entire half of America who voted against his senile, sexual-assaulting ass anywhere. I don't doubt he could "win" a Nobel Prize, since your previous Messiah proved that they hand those things out like balloons at a circus, no actual accomplishments required.

You leftists sure spend a lot of time congratulating yourself for existing and "winning" fake victories. Of course, being leftists, you have nothing else TO congratulate yourselves for.

I couldn't believe the Demonicrats sunk low enough to declare this election was about love, tolerance, coming together and such, "come on man!". Something very wrong left.

Kamala has demonstrated she has what it takes to lead this country, I wish impeached pussygrabber is declared banana-republicans candidate for 2024, Kamala wil destroy whatever is left of him if anything...

Translation: Kamala has the only thing I need to see to think she's a great leader: A (D) after her name.
I have yet to see a great leader with a D after their name.
Conventional wisdom dictates that Biden will be a one term president, the obvious successor to the top of the presidential ticket for 2024 will be Kamala Harris, and what a candidate she will be, with very successful high level experience in all three branches of government; Attorney General of the largest state in USA (judicial), Senator (legislative), Vice President (executive), and when it comes to identity politics, no one even close to her: She is a woman of African American, Indian American, and Caribbean American descent, married to an educated white male, with white children, all these in addition to the fact that the American electorate keeps growing favoring an already established majority of democrats. She will be virtually impossible to beat...
She is unlikable and has an extremely fake smile that is obvious to everyone. She does that weird smile when an interviewer goes super negative with their questions, or when she is getting crushed on a debate stage. Her natural reaction should be irritation, not an overtly fake smile. It makes her look completely untrustworthy. She is going to have a hell of a time trying to convince people to vote for her.

Christ man, look her pretending to be in a good mood in the face of these questions. Its such a bad look.

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Conventional wisdom dictates that Biden will be a one term president, the obvious successor to the top of the presidential ticket for 2024 will be Kamala Harris, and what a candidate she will be, with very successful high level experience in all three branches of government; Attorney General of the largest state in USA (judicial), Senator (legislative), Vice President (executive), and when it comes to identity politics, no one even close to her: She is a woman of African American, Indian American, and Caribbean American descent, married to an educated white male, with white children, all these in addition to the fact that the American electorate keeps growing favoring an already established majority of democrats. She will be virtually impossible to beat...
She is unlikable and has an extremely fake smile that is obvious to everyone. She does that weird smile when an interviewer goes super negative with their questions, or when she is getting crushed on a debate stage. Her natural reaction should be irritation, not an overtly fake smile. It makes her look completely untrustworthy. She is going to have a hell of a time trying to convince people to vote for her.

Christ man, look her pretending to be in a good mood in the face of these questions. Its such a bad look.

People voted for that, just amazing to me. Dementia, deep character concerns, HIGH corruption all because they tricked so many into believing an abstract world.
how is kamala a whore, does she brag bout grabbing guys by the dick, does she treat her children like sexual partners like pussygrabber-ivanka, does she pay strippers for sex, has she been accused of rape-assault by multiple people, was she ever a cheap escort like melania?

You do love to boast about your desperation, hate, and anger. Why do you suppose that is the case?

Conventional wisdom dictates that Biden will be a one term president, the obvious successor to the top of the presidential ticket for 2024 will be Kamala Harris, and what a candidate she will be, with very successful high level experience in all three branches of government; Attorney General of the largest state in USA (judicial), Senator (legislative), Vice President (executive), and when it comes to identity politics, no one even close to her: She is a woman of African American, Indian American, and Caribbean American descent, married to an educated white male, with white children, all these in addition to the fact that the American electorate keeps growing favoring an already established majority of democrats. She will be virtually impossible to beat...
She is unlikable and has an extremely fake smile that is obvious to everyone. She does that weird smile when an interviewer goes super negative with their questions, or when she is getting crushed on a debate stage. Her natural reaction should be irritation, not an overtly fake smile. It makes her look completely untrustworthy. She is going to have a hell of a time trying to convince people to vote for her.

Christ man, look her pretending to be in a good mood in the face of these questions. Its such a bad look.

So, you can read her mind?? you are a moron, she is the best qualified vice president in decades, and will be a super potus, a record 81 million americans voted for her, right wingers wont see those numbers in decades...

Conventional wisdom dictates that Biden will be a one term president, the obvious successor to the top of the presidential ticket for 2024 will be Kamala Harris, and what a candidate she will be, with very successful high level experience in all three branches of government; Attorney General of the largest state in USA (judicial), Senator (legislative), Vice President (executive), and when it comes to identity politics, no one even close to her: She is a woman of African American, Indian American, and Caribbean American descent, married to an educated white male, with white children, all these in addition to the fact that the American electorate keeps growing favoring an already established majority of democrats. She will be virtually impossible to beat...
She is unlikable and has an extremely fake smile that is obvious to everyone. She does that weird smile when an interviewer goes super negative with their questions, or when she is getting crushed on a debate stage. Her natural reaction should be irritation, not an overtly fake smile. It makes her look completely untrustworthy. She is going to have a hell of a time trying to convince people to vote for her.

Christ man, look her pretending to be in a good mood in the face of these questions. Its such a bad look.

So, you can read her mind?? you are a moron, she is the best qualified vice president in decades, and will be a super potus, a record 81 million americans voted for her, right wingers wont see those numbers in decades...

View attachment 433840

hey aress?.....how come you wont answer that question i asked you?....here i will ask again...you said....kamala has demonstrated she has what it takes to lead this country" ....i asked were has she demonstrated this?.....3rd time....care to answer this?...
So, you can read her mind?? you are a moron, she is the best qualified vice president in decades, and will be a super potus, a record 81 million americans voted for her, right wingers wont see those numbers in decades...

WOW, if she's the best-qualified VP in decades, that sure doesn't say much about any previous VP.

Why do you go so far out of your way to look so foolish? Do you work at it or does it just come naturally?
Conventional wisdom dictates that Biden will be a one term president, the obvious successor to the top of the presidential ticket for 2024 will be Kamala Harris, and what a candidate she will be, with very successful high level experience in all three branches of government; Attorney General of the largest state in USA (judicial), Senator (legislative), Vice President (executive), and when it comes to identity politics, no one even close to her: She is a woman of African American, Indian American, and Caribbean American descent, married to an educated white male, with white children, all these in addition to the fact that the American electorate keeps growing favoring an already established majority of democrats. She will be virtually impossible to beat...
She is unlikable and has an extremely fake smile that is obvious to everyone. She does that weird smile when an interviewer goes super negative with their questions, or when she is getting crushed on a debate stage. Her natural reaction should be irritation, not an overtly fake smile. It makes her look completely untrustworthy. She is going to have a hell of a time trying to convince people to vote for her.

Christ man, look her pretending to be in a good mood in the face of these questions. Its such a bad look.

So, you can read her mind?? you are a moron, she is the best qualified vice president in decades, and will be a super potus, a record 81 million americans voted for her, right wingers wont see those numbers in decades...

View attachment 433840

hey aress?.....how come you wont answer that question i asked you?....here i will ask again...you said....kamala has demonstrated she has what it takes to lead this country" ....i asked were has she demonstrated this?.....3rd time....care to answer this?...

just look at her CV (if you know what that is) fuckwad....

Only 2% of all Democrats wanted Kamala to be the DNC nominee during the 2020 Primaries...

So what does the OP believe is going to change the minds of 98% of Democrats who despised her?
Conventional wisdom dictates that Biden will be a one term president, the obvious successor to the top of the presidential ticket for 2024 will be Kamala Harris, and what a candidate she will be, with very successful high level experience in all three branches of government; Attorney General of the largest state in USA (judicial), Senator (legislative), Vice President (executive), and when it comes to identity politics, no one even close to her: She is a woman of African American, Indian American, and Caribbean American descent, married to an educated white male, with white children, all these in addition to the fact that the American electorate keeps growing favoring an already established majority of democrats. She will be virtually impossible to beat...
She is unlikable and has an extremely fake smile that is obvious to everyone. She does that weird smile when an interviewer goes super negative with their questions, or when she is getting crushed on a debate stage. Her natural reaction should be irritation, not an overtly fake smile. It makes her look completely untrustworthy. She is going to have a hell of a time trying to convince people to vote for her.

Christ man, look her pretending to be in a good mood in the face of these questions. Its such a bad look.

So, you can read her mind?? you are a moron, she is the best qualified vice president in decades, and will be a super potus, a record 81 million americans voted for her, right wingers wont see those numbers in decades...

View attachment 433840

I need to read her mind in order to know that she had to be uncomfortable with the line of questioning, yet she is laughing and smiling unconvincingly? Nah, that theory is weak. She was a disaster as a presidential candidate. Thats why she had to beg for crumbs from a guy that she had just accused of being racist. She is weak and fake.
Conventional wisdom dictates that Biden will be a one term president, the obvious successor to the top of the presidential ticket for 2024 will be Kamala Harris, and what a candidate she will be, with very successful high level experience in all three branches of government; Attorney General of the largest state in USA (judicial), Senator (legislative), Vice President (executive), and when it comes to identity politics, no one even close to her: She is a woman of African American, Indian American, and Caribbean American descent, married to an educated white male, with white children, all these in addition to the fact that the American electorate keeps growing favoring an already established majority of democrats. She will be virtually impossible to beat...
She is unlikable and has an extremely fake smile that is obvious to everyone. She does that weird smile when an interviewer goes super negative with their questions, or when she is getting crushed on a debate stage. Her natural reaction should be irritation, not an overtly fake smile. It makes her look completely untrustworthy. She is going to have a hell of a time trying to convince people to vote for her.

Christ man, look her pretending to be in a good mood in the face of these questions. Its such a bad look.

So, you can read her mind?? you are a moron, she is the best qualified vice president in decades, and will be a super potus, a record 81 million americans voted for her, right wingers wont see those numbers in decades...

View attachment 433840

hey aress?.....how come you wont answer that question i asked you?....here i will ask again...you said....kamala has demonstrated she has what it takes to lead this country" ....i asked were has she demonstrated this?.....3rd time....care to answer this?...

just look at her CV (if you know what that is) fuckwad....

View attachment 433865

here it comes...the name calling....in other words you got nothing....her course of life means she has demonstrated she can lead the country?....you must be pretty fucking easily led....

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