Kamala will be a formidable candidate in 2024

as president of the senate, and now with a majority, Kamala has become the most powerful woman in the world !!!


None of which will change the unalterable and undeniable fact that she's a degenerate slut, who, if she hadn't sold sexual favors to powerful married man in exchange for political and career opportunities, would have never amounted to anything more than a mediocre ambulance chaser.

This is how low the Democrapic party has sunk, that it has put a whore like this only an unreliable heartbeat away from this nation's highest office.
She is also monumentally lazy. She was California AG. She paid so little attention to the job that the prosecutors went nuts and locked up all the black guys. She gave California the highest black incarceration rate in the whole country - and never knew. She giggled when she was told.

Since she is now over 50 and foreign heads of state can afford Where's like Fang Fang it's likely that she reached the end of her half life.
Conventional wisdom dictates that Biden will be a one term president, the obvious successor to the top of the presidential ticket for 2024 will be Kamala Harris, and what a candidate she will be, with very successful high level experience in all three branches of government; Attorney General of the largest state in USA (judicial), Senator (legislative), Vice President (executive), and when it comes to identity politics, no one even close to her: She is a woman of African American, Indian American, and Caribbean American descent, married to an educated white male, with white children, all these in addition to the fact that the American electorate keeps growing favoring an already established majority of democrats. She will be virtually impossible to beat...
Kamala Harris will never get my vote, but she could win in 2024. We know all the minorities will vote for her. Plus all the voting vaginas will vote for her. She could pull it off. And then it would be 4 years of disaster.
We do?
Is that why she dropped out before the first primary?
Because of her widespread support?
She was going against Booker (black) Yang (Asian) Klobuchar Gabbard Gillibrand Warren( women) in the primaries. The minority and female vote was split. If it's Harris versus DeSantis, she gets the minority vote and the female vote.
Conventional wisdom dictates that Biden will be a one term president, the obvious successor to the top of the presidential ticket for 2024 will be Kamala Harris, and what a candidate she will be, with very successful high level experience in all three branches of government; Attorney General of the largest state in USA (judicial), Senator (legislative), Vice President (executive), and when it comes to identity politics, no one even close to her: She is a woman of African American, Indian American, and Caribbean American descent, married to an educated white male, with white children, all these in addition to the fact that the American electorate keeps growing favoring an already established majority of democrats. She will be virtually impossible to beat...
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
On election day minorities stick together.
Obviously. That's why the senile white guy won the primary.
On election day women stick together.
President Hillary is proof.
This last election year during the primaries, blacks thought Biden was the most electable. I'm glad Hillary lost, but she lost because Comey announced he was reopening the investigation of her a few days before the election.

Note there is a difference between the primaries and the general election. On election day (general election) women and minorities vote like lemmings.
What you say?

Kamala will be the US President by February

California gun laws on steroids nationwide
Liberals are buying guns today. Defunding the police and the fact that police are now reactive rather than proactive means you are on your own when someone is breaking into your house. The cops will eventually arrive to put up crime scene tape.


As the liberals continue to defund police, people are taking matters into their own hands. After all, if people aren’t going to get help by calling 9-1-1, the liberals have basically forced people to buy guns so that they can be the law.

Almost every day, we hear a story where someone used a gun for good. They took down a criminal because it took too long for the police to arrive on the scene.

And, when the borders are wide open with criminals coming in from Central America and terrorists coming in from Afghanistan, what does the government expect us to do?

Biden’s America may want us to be sitting ducks. However, we’ll be sitting ducks who are armed to the teeth. Why? Because we have no other choice.

California gun laws on steroids will not be as popular with the democrat base as it once was.

Tucker reviewed Camela's resume the other night. Born in Canada, grew up in Canada. Screws Montel Williams to get a "rep." Screws Willie Brown and delivers blow jobs to get government job advancement. Camela is obviously one of the most grotesque, anti-American, Europhobic, unqualified politicians in history. And folks, there is apparently nothing we as American citizens can do to correct the situation. Because protesting against this insane regime is "racist" and "insurrection."
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If Sleepy Joe is victorious, the D's will pack the court, add new liberal states to the union, and give millions of Illegals citizenship and the vote. Any D will be a shoo-in for the next hundred generations. Who is going to beat them? The Bushes? Mitt Romney? Kasich?
Gee, none of that happened.
Tucker reviewed Camela's resume the other night. Born in Canada, grew up in Canada. Screws Montel Williams to get a "rep." Screws Willie Brown and delivers blow jobs to get government job advancement. Camela is obviously one of the most grotesque, anti-American, Europhobic, unqualified politicians in history. And folks, there is apparently nothing we as American citizens can do to correct the situation. Because protesting against this insane regime is "racist" and "insurrection."
she was born in Oakland ca.....
Conventional wisdom dictates that Biden will be a one term president, the obvious successor to the top of the presidential ticket for 2024 will be Kamala Harris, and what a candidate she will be, with very successful high level experience in all three branches of government; Attorney General of the largest state in USA (judicial), Senator (legislative), Vice President (executive), and when it comes to identity politics, no one even close to her: She is a woman of African American, Indian American, and Caribbean American descent, married to an educated white male, with white children, all these in addition to the fact that the American electorate keeps growing favoring an already established majority of democrats. She will be virtually impossible to beat...

lol funniest OP of the month, and not even trying to be funny.

And lol on me; necro thread. Got me. Still the funniest thread I've read this week.
Conventional wisdom dictates that Biden will be a one term president, the obvious successor to the top of the presidential ticket for 2024 will be Kamala Harris, and what a candidate she will be, with very successful high level experience in all three branches of government; Attorney General of the largest state in USA (judicial), Senator (legislative), Vice President (executive), and when it comes to identity politics, no one even close to her: She is a woman of African American, Indian American, and Caribbean American descent, married to an educated white male, with white children, all these in addition to the fact that the American electorate keeps growing favoring an already established majority of democrats. She will be virtually impossible to beat...
Conventional wisdom dictates that Biden will be a one term president, the obvious successor to the top of the presidential ticket for 2024 will be Kamala Harris, and what a candidate she will be, with very successful high level experience in all three branches of government; Attorney General of the largest state in USA (judicial), Senator (legislative), Vice President (executive), and when it comes to identity politics, no one even close to her: She is a woman of African American, Indian American, and Caribbean American descent, married to an educated white male, with white children, all these in addition to the fact that the American electorate keeps growing favoring an already established majority of democrats. She will be virtually impossible to beat...
Lower ratings than Biden....knee height!!

Conventional wisdom dictates that Biden will be a one term president,

Only if you believe the polls.

the obvious successor to the top of the presidential ticket for 2024 will be Kamala Harris, and what a candidate she will be, with very successful high level experience in all three branches of government; Attorney General of the largest state in USA (judicial),

She suppressed discovery.

Vice President (executive),

She says $h!t like "water is wet." She's a fu(kin moron.

and when it comes to identity politics,

That's your measuring stick? Exactly what is identity politics? Do my customers care what color, religion, political bent or any other such measure or do they care if I can fix their electricity so they don't die in the fu(kin bathtub?

I reject your premise.

no one even close to her: She is a woman of African American, Indian American, and Caribbean American descent,

What does any of that matter?

She can be a three legged cyclops who masturbates furiously to gay circus midget porn and I wouldn't care if she could say sumpin other than "water is wet."

married to an educated white male, with white children,

Then her children would be half white, what the fu(k is a third of a half? Doesn't matter as math is racist. Her children are half black, a third of a half African American, a third of a half Indian American and a third of a half Caribbean American. I'm English, Dutch, German and I used to be part French till I had that part surgically removed. Not I'm smatterer and smell better too and I can't do that math.

all these in addition to the fact that the American electorate keeps growing favoring an already established majority of democrats.

What's your name now? Arresmillao? You are adorable.

I'm an old, white, Christian man. I am not the best there is but I'm as good as they come. Put aside all that, who do you want trouble shooting the GFCI in your bathroom that keeps tripping, me or someone that identifies with your politics? I'm in the bidness, I've yet to see a pink haired, nose ring sporting Bernie supporter that knows what I know.

Yet color and diversity matters when it comes to politics? Why? Shouldn't it be the best person for the job no matter what the other crap?

You are telling me that knowledge, experience, my grasp on reality should be inferior to color, religion, social status?

You are a fu(kin whack job.

How do, I'm Marchimedes.

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