Kansas—a state that Trump won by 15 points 56-41 just 2 years ago—just voted to protect abortion access by a landslide 26 points, 63-37

That's not how the constitution is amended. Try reading your Constitution for the correct procedu

I never said a single thing about the process of amending the Constitution. There is no provision in the Constitution for a national referendum vote. Never was. We never vote as a country on a single issue, ever. Even the presidency is 50 separate elections
Yep…….and the pro-baby killing hysteria was just deflated in a big way………if they can’t even ban abortion in Kansas then the fear mongering of the democrats just lost its power………
In your delusions, maybe. In reality, there are 49 other states, many of which are dominated by groveling trumper State Reps who are the actual voters on abortion laws.
The Supreme Court is out of touch with the American people. They are representing a minority.
As you know, the job of the Supreme Court is not to reflect the opinion of the public but rather to determine if a law is constitutional or unconstitutional.

Clearly, Roe v Wade was unconstitutional. Even far-left jurist Ginsberg knew it was unconstitutional.
Do you people need to be knocked in the head? What makes you believe women want to surrender their HC? 80% of the country support abortion. The other 20% are religious wackos.
That 80% "support" is conditional on extreme circumstances. The "wackos" are the 19% who think abortion should be legal in all cases.

As you know, the job of the Supreme Court is not to reflect the opinion of the public but rather to determine if a law is constitutional or unconstitutional.

Clearly, Roe v Wade was unconstitutional. Even far-left jurist Ginsberg knew it was unconstitutional.
what fake conspiracy theorist did you get this list from ... you guys will believe just about anything ... sad ...
That's how detached the GOP is from what Americans want. Vote Them All Out.

LOL. So, you think Kansas and other red states are going to suddenly start voting blue? Keep on thinking that while I quickly put a call in to the people who will bring out the white suit for you.
LOL. So, you think Kansas and other red states are going to suddenly start voting blue? Keep on thinking that while I quickly put a call in to the people who will bring out the white suit for you.
you said that about trump and he lost by 7 million votes becare what you claim you could be eating crow again
The whole deal with RvW was that it let's the state's decide. So, I don't see certain states consenting to a 12 week abortion ban. Every state will be different. Some of the pinker states may do this. It is a mistake to think that a red state is going to turn blue because of this. Now, it might have an effect on a purple state.
The NBC schmuck who anchors Meet the Depressed did a little piece about the same numbers. It was of little interest then, either.
you said that about trump and he lost by 7 million votes becare what you claim you could be eating crow again
What? I don't understand what you're saying. What did I say about Trump? And, in 2016, you guys ate a lot of crow and, right now, Trump leads both Biden and Harris in a 2024 matchup. Once Republicans take back the House, we will have investigations and prime time hearings and impeachments, exposing democrats for their lies and abuse of power, all carefully timed around the 2024 election.

As you know, that's why Roe v Wade was overturned. It was a terrible decision and is an issue for the states to decide for themselves.

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The whole deal with RvW was that it let's the state's decide. So, I don't see certain states consenting to a 12 week abortion ban. Every state will be different. Some of the pinker states may do this. It is a mistake to think that a red state is going to turn blue because of this. Now, it might have an effect on a purple state.
if states feel they need to ban abortions then have it put on your state ballot ... then have the people vote on whether to beable have an abortion in your state... make it where it can't be repealed once it's been voted on ... this means if the people vote to be able to have an abortion you can ... where you can never reverse it ... if the people who feel you can't have and abortion if it passes into law you can't repeal that law either ... once the people accept whatever version you passed you can't ever reverse it ...... let the people decide not a bunch of politicians ... this way the pro-choice people can't reverse it, or the pro-life can never reverse the law passed... the voters spoke it's final ...period
That's how detached the GOP is from what Americans want. Vote Them All Out.

So what's the problem in turning the issue back to the states where it should have been in the first place?

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