Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill against gay couples

At the same time blue state does that right thing:

Connecticut launches LGBT adoption initiative

Yep. Getting at those most vulnerable kiddies. That really was what Obergefell was about at its roots. Will Connecticut have provisions that guarantee orphans get both father & mother from those marriage contracts? Gonna just dismiss those considerations as "frivolous technicalities"?

Connecticut has launched an initiative to get more LGBT people to foster and adopt, in contrast to other states’ efforts to restrict LGBT adoption rights.
John Pica-Sneeden, a Connecticut adoptive father said that LGBT couples could often related best to the children, as they too may have been shunned by their parents years ago.

He added: “They’re the ones that look at this child and say, ‘I will never throw you away.’ And that says everything to a child”.

Around 4,300 children are in Connecticut state’s care, and half are not likely to return to their biological families.
At the same time blue state does that right thing:

Connecticut launches LGBT adoption initiative

Yep. Getting at those most vulnerable kiddies. That really was what Obergefell was about at its roots. s.

Opposing Obergefell was all about intending harm for 'vulnerable kiddies'

Noting from Obergefell:

Excluding same-sex couples from marriage thus conflicts with a central premise of the right to marry. Without the recognition, stability, and predictability marriage offers, their children suffer the stigma of knowing their families are somehow lesser. They also suffer the significant material costs of being raised by unmarried parents, relegated through no fault of their own to a more difficult and uncertain family life. The marriage laws at issue here thus harm and humiliate the children of same-sex couples. See Windsor, supra, at ___ (slip op., at 23)

Why do you want children to come to harm Silhouette?
More on the issue:

Children in Oklahoma and Kansas Need Love and Stability — Not Discrimination Against Good Families

Supporters also say that if we don’t allow agencies to use religious screening, we won’t have enough agencies to recruit families for children. This claim has no basis in reality. Other states, such as Massachusetts and Illinois, have found that after requiring child welfare agencies to accept all qualified families — including same-sex couples — there were plenty of agencies available to take on the work of those agencies that dropped out. The problem isn’t a shortage of agencies; it’s a shortage of families. Allowing agencies to cast aside qualified families only makes matters worse for children in need of a home.

The reality: children will suffer if these bills are signed. Here are just a few things that could happen.

An agency could refuse to place a child with a relative because that relative is gay. A child with medical needs could lose out on being placed with a doctor who is able to care for her because the doctor is of a different faith than the agency and, thus, have to remain in institutional care. A large sibling group could be separated because the one family willing and able to care for all of them didn’t pass a religious litmus test.
a leftist piece of shit said:
cut and pasted agitprop

Faggots like RegressiveParasite cannot (and certainly should not) reproduce, so they have to recruit and I'd like to see if anyone has dared study how many times pervert deviant "parents" have abused these children.

Hopefully the coming SCOTUS will rule against homo marriage. Problem solved.

Hopefully the coming SCOTUS will rule against homo marriage. Problem solved.


It won't solve anything.

The only way this gets fixed is mass suicide, and keeping your kids away from deviant faggots like RegressiveParasite.


PP calls putting little kids in with a couple of sexually deviant queers a "loving and stable" home setting-- -- -- -- NOT in MY book!

PP calls little children living with a couple of homo fudge-packers a "good" family-- -- -- -- hate to see what you call a BAD one!

The ignorance is astounding

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

PP calls putting little kids in with a couple of sexually deviant queers a "loving and stable" home setting-- -- -- -- NOT in MY book!

PP calls little children living with a couple of homo fudge-packers a "good" family-- -- -- -- hate to see what you call a BAD one!

The ignorance is astounding

The faggory is sickening.
It would halt married homos from adopting children.

Just pass a law stopping the adoptions.

I personally don't care if deviant faggots "play house" and pretend to be married.

They can adopt cats.

I don't even care if they fuck their cats.

The bottom line really is, if they had just shut the fuck up years ago when people stopped jumping out of pick up trucks and kicking their asses, no one would care what they did. It wasn't good enough though. They insisted on having special rights and shoving their deviance in everyone's face.

The ignorance is astounding

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Indeed it is. Most of us wonder how you can walk around like that. Ignorance that dense must make your skull so solid it has it's own magnetic sort of force that repels knowledge.

It would halt married homos from adopting children.

Just pass a law stopping the adoptions.

I personally don't care if deviant faggots "play house" and pretend to be married.

They can adopt cats.

I don't even care if they fuck their cats.

The bottom line really is, if they had just shut the fuck up years ago when people stopped jumping out of pick up trucks and kicking their asses, no one would care what they did. It wasn't good enough though. They insisted on having special rights and shoving their deviance in everyone's face.

Let them play house without a piece of paper.
Well lets see L. Ingraham adopted 3 kids and never married so she is playing dual roles, she is Mother and Father. Not quite the same as being a divorcee and sharing the kids or having to raise kids while being single.

She premeditated adopting kids without being married , so since she can be daddy and mommy to her kids, I'd say it ok. Then again, she has money. Seems rules always change when on is a multi millionaire or even millionaire.
May 4 (Reuters) - The Kansas Legislature on Friday approved a bill that allows faith-based adoption agencies to turn away gay and lesbian couples based on religious beliefs, and the state's governor said he would sign it.

Under the measure, the Kansas Department for Children and Families cannot block any foster or adoption agency, including those that receive public funds, from participating in its programs only because it refuses to adopt or place children with gay people.

Opponents of the bill said they will likely mount a legal challenge.

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill critics say is biased against gay couples

Mixed emotions about this. As with ALL adoptions, every couple should pass a rigid strict test of some sort to make sure they are of sound mind. Which should already be the case, right?
And....if the agency that is handling the adoption states it is against their religious beliefs, that should be protected. Parents wanting to adopt can do so from other agencies that are not religious in nature, one would think.

Your thoughts?

These have already been stuck down in federal court.

Kansas just wasted tax payers money.

And homophobes should stop hiding behind the Christian bible. You're homophobes -- not real Christians.

PP calls putting little kids in with a couple of sexually deviant queers a "loving and stable" home setting-- -- -- -- NOT in MY book!

PP calls little children living with a couple of homo fudge-packers a "good" family-- -- -- -- hate to see what you call a BAD one!
:iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:Ha Ha Ha ! You people crack me up!! It's too easy to push you over the edge into an unhinged bigoted rant. But it is fun. It's like poking a hornets nest. The moronic hate and ignorance comes spewing out like projectile green pea puke rom the orifice of a demonically possessed child of Satan. Now :shutupsmiley:

PP calls putting little kids in with a couple of sexually deviant queers a "loving and stable" home setting-- -- -- -- NOT in MY book!

PP calls little children living with a couple of homo fudge-packers a "good" family-- -- -- -- hate to see what you call a BAD one!
:iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:Ha Ha Ha ! You people crack me up!! It's too easy to push you over the edge into an unhinged bigoted rant. But it is fun. It's like poking a hornets nest. The moronic hate and ignorance comes spewing out like projectile green pea puke rom the orifice of a demonically possessed child of Satan. Now :shutupsmiley:

Little PP, you couldn't push me over any edge on your best day with all the HIV testing packs in the world strapped to your stretched and worn bunghole.

PP calls putting little kids in with a couple of sexually deviant queers a "loving and stable" home setting-- -- -- -- NOT in MY book!

PP calls little children living with a couple of homo fudge-packers a "good" family-- -- -- -- hate to see what you call a BAD one!
:iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:Ha Ha Ha ! You people crack me up!! It's too easy to push you over the edge into an unhinged bigoted rant. But it is fun. It's like poking a hornets nest. The moronic hate and ignorance comes spewing out like projectile green pea puke rom the orifice of a demonically possessed child of Satan. Now :shutupsmiley:

Little PP, you couldn't push me over any edge on your best day with all the HIV testing packs in the world strapped to your stretched and worn bunghole.


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