Utah Lawmakers Pass Bill to Ignore Federal Laws

Your team is torpedoing the fix right now so they can use it as a campaign issue.

Don't try to pretend you really care.
Where was your government during nauvoo, haunts mill, Utah war, governor Boggs extermination order?
Lol, so then the Democrats only control 1/2 of the senate?

So then you control 1/2 of 2/3, right?

Actually commiecrats control more than half the senate because the "independents". lol, caucus with them.


Utah Lawmakers Pass Bill to Ignore Federal Laws

Republicans are continuing to destroy our country in a fit of pique.

I thought you guys supported the constitution?

Plus what happened to that whole "party of law and order" thingy?
Seems a bit unnecessary since State regulators and officials already don’t have to enforce federal law…but maybe a good reminder was necessary
I would argue cruelty is when you convince people in poor countries that they will be accepted into the West and live a better life there while profiting off of the trafficking of them. These migrants are only coming here because NGOs set up an extensive caravan system for them that they make loads of money from. They don't care that they are sending these people into a conflict at the border and that many of them will end up as slaves.
You would argue that contrived and weak Nonsense that you don't even believe, because that's about the best you've got Available. Notice you also have to ignore the conditions of their origin to make this hilariously bad point.

Utah Lawmakers Pass Bill to Ignore Federal Laws

Republicans are continuing to destroy our country in a fit of pique.

I thought you guys supported the constitution?

Plus what happened to that whole "party of law and order" thingy?
They're cutting their own throats. One of the first and best responses by the federal government will be to cut off all federal funding.
A law that itself is un-Constitutional.

Conservatives have nothing but contempt for the rule of law and the Constitution.
If the fucking Brandon regime declines to actually enforce the nation’s immigration laws, then what legally prevents a state from picking up that lawless slack?

The problem is that the Potato Administration has nothing but contempt for the rule of law and the Constitution.

As usual, you have it all bass ackwards, Adam_Clayton Joke.

Utah Lawmakers Pass Bill to Ignore Federal Laws

Republicans are continuing to destroy our country in a fit of pique.

I thought you guys supported the constitution?

Plus what happened to that whole "party of law and order" thingy?

Biden has now created a crisis and a tinderbox, by not enforcing the border laws. Millions of people now and more coming, all bypassing our immigration system.

Some nut job is going to go out there with a gun and do something terrible to these immigrants.. then more violence will occur in all of our cities.
This is all a real possibility thanks to Joe Biden, not representing his own citizens.
Biden has now created a crisis and a tinderbox, by not enforcing the border laws. Millions of people now and more coming, all bypassing our immigration system.

Some nut job is going to go out there with a gun and do something terrible to these immigrants.. then more violence will occur in all of our cities.
This is all a real possibility thanks to Joe Biden, not representing his own citizens.
Which border law is not being enforced? Could you post it?
Which border law is not being enforced? Could you post it?

Mr. Homan: “Yes, I will. The biggest thing about the border, when you cause a crisis this big, when you make promises that you can enter the country illegally, you’ll be released quickly, because this Administration is not enforcing the law, the only thing they have done is send more resources to the border to process quicker and release quicker. Because they care about the optics. When you do that, more are going to come. So, when they overwhelm the border patrol, I can tell you right now, in the last several months there have been times that certain sectors on the southwest border, 100% of border patrol agents were pulled off patrol, to come in and process.”

Mr. Homan: “Yes, I will. The biggest thing about the border, when you cause a crisis this big, when you make promises that you can enter the country illegally, you’ll be released quickly, because this Administration is not enforcing the law, the only thing they have done is send more resources to the border to process quicker and release quicker. Because they care about the optics. When you do that, more are going to come. So, when they overwhelm the border patrol, I can tell you right now, in the last several months there have been times that certain sectors on the southwest border, 100% of border patrol agents were pulled off patrol, to come in and process.”

Did you forget to identify and post the law being broken? All you did was post the opinion of the "I love putting kids in cages" white nationalist.
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The mayors of all the cities that have been receiving immigrants from Texas should send them all to Utah.
Did you forget to identify and post the law being broken?

Not enforcing the border and supporting the agents is not Supporting existing laws. Politicians know how to break laws by doing an end run around them, but more precisly its breaking the spirit of the law that all border enforcement is based on, and its just as devastating in results as anything.

We can all see what Biden has done, by aiding and comforting Cartels who promote Illegal immigration into the U.S. and by emboldening the immigrants themselves with his public words.
For example, publicly stating that he will remove razor wire from the Texas border does what? It lets Illegal immigrants know that they are welcome here by this admin. and he has done it right on down the line, from accusing Horse mounted border agents of Whipping Migrants , to inviting all of the third world here with his words during his presidential run.

Bottom line is , Illegal immigration is up and its in the Millions and its not by accident. He also cancelled pacts with countries like Guatemala and Honduras where those governments would help from their end.

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