Kari Lake: America will 'turn into a Venezuela' unless a judge installs me as governor

Lake is totally delusional. A fucking crackpot.

What the Hell has happened to the GOP? They're blowing the greatest opportunity they've ever had to win a load of elections.

But, instead of giving us strong, intelligent, electable candidates, all they give us are disgusting nitwits and conspiracy clowns - like Kari Lake, MTG, and that ridiculous Santos asshole.

Republicans are throwing election wins away. Then they cry and whine about cheating. Pathetic.

Give us candidates who DESERVE our votes.
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If there's still any doubts, I think we can conclude that Kari Lake has officially "jumped the shark." It's really unfortunate. If she simply accepted her loss like any mature, non-sociopathic adult would have done, she'd still have a political future and quite possibly be a strong candidate for Senate in 2024, but she can kiss any further runs for office goodbye. She's certifiably nuts.

Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is now claiming that America will "turn into a Venezuela" unless she is installed as governor.

The election has already been certified and her Democratic rival, Katie Hobbs, has been sworn in as governor.

Lake made the comments on the radio with right-wing student activist Charlie Kirk, during a segment in which she touted her legal efforts to challenge the results of the Arizona election. She later shared a clip of the segment on Twitter, with a link to give her money for that challenge.

following in Rudy's and The Donald's footsteps for sure
Only the click-bait media sees Kari Lake as having any consequence. Arizona has moved on to more serious issues such as Saudi Arabians plundering our water.
If there's still any doubts, I think we can conclude that Kari Lake has officially "jumped the shark." It's really unfortunate. If she simply accepted her loss like any mature, non-sociopathic adult would have done, she'd still have a political future and quite possibly be a strong candidate for Senate in 2024, but she can kiss any further runs for office goodbye. She's certifiably nuts.

Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is now claiming that America will "turn into a Venezuela" unless she is installed as governor.

The election has already been certified and her Democratic rival, Katie Hobbs, has been sworn in as governor.

Lake made the comments on the radio with right-wing student activist Charlie Kirk, during a segment in which she touted her legal efforts to challenge the results of the Arizona election. She later shared a clip of the segment on Twitter, with a link to give her money for that challenge.

I bet she doesn't even know where Venezuela is. Or Hugo Chavez was.
Lake is an idiot to fight obvious corruption. You count on that fact. They cannot risk not crushing her. None of that changes the fact the election was stolen.
That's fucking ridiculous. Lake lost her election because voters could see that she's a fucking idiot.

Ask yourself this question: why do trumptards always whine and cry about fraudulent elections when their candidates lose -- but they never say a fucking word about fraudulent elections when their candidates WIN? They are incredible hypocrytes.
That's fucking ridiculous. Lake lost her election because voters could see that she's a fucking idiot.

Ask yourself this question: why do trumptards always whine and cry about fraudulent elections when their candidates lose -- but they never say a fucking word about fraudulent elections when their candidates WIN? They are incredible hypocrytes.
How can you just repeat garbage? She did nothing wrong.
Meh..leave it to MSNbc to take creative license with her quote.

Her quote, specifically:

And we just need a judge to wake up and realize what's on the line here. And if we don't restore honest elections right now our country will turn into a Venezuela."

So, she never actually said "unless they install me as governor", rather her words are talking in a more general sense..when speaking about "honest elections". I suppose, if you wanted to interpret her words differently, you could come to that conclusion, but, you have to ask yourself, does she really believe that her being installed as the governor can prevent the United states from becoming Venezuela, or that not having honest elections would cause us to become venezuela?
How can you just repeat garbage? She did nothing wrong.
Reread post #52 (paragraph 2) until you understand it.

Kari Lake believes she is ENTITLED to be governor of AZ. Even though she says absolutely stupid shit every time she opens her big mouth.

She would have done better if she had enough sense to know when to keep her mouth shut.

By whining and crying (lying) about being "cheated" all she is doing is making herself look even more incompetent and senseless.

Imo, she has destroyed any possible chance of a successful future in politics.

She's a fucking nightmare. A non-stop whiner. Why would any reasonably intelligent person vote for her?
Reread post #52 (paragraph 2) until you understand it.

Kari Lake believes she is ENTITLED to be governor of AZ. Even though she says absolutely stupid shit every time she opens her big mouth.

She would have done better if she had enough sense to know when to keep her mouth shut.

By whining and crying (lying) about being "cheated" all she is doing is making herself look even more incompetent and senseless.

Imo, she has destroyed any possible chance of a successful future in politics.

She's a fucking nightmare. A non-stop whiner. Why would any reasonably intelligent person vote for her?
Comparing her and her opponent is like comparing a MENSA individual and one with chromosomes missing. This is why she keeps questioning the outcome.
Yes, you're right.

Hobbs does seem like a MENSA member, compared to dimwit Kari Lake. Glad you noticed.
Every death. Every vicious crime that happens I think of people like you. This exists everywhere. However, people like you with your utopian agendas cause it to be much worse even with spending endless dollars on issues. In a declining time, many like you will follow these cretins in the beginning at least with mass casualties.

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