Kari Lake: America will 'turn into a Venezuela' unless a judge installs me as governor

Venezuela ain't that bad, if you know the right people.
Hmmm, I guess it's getting more like that here in the USA too.
Well, I suggest y'all get out more and make some new friends in the right places.
---42% of the ballots (48 out of 113 ballots) examined by investigators in Arizona Election Challenge by Kari Lake were 19-inch ballots produced on 20-inch paper.---
If there's still any doubts, I think we can conclude that Kari Lake has officially "jumped the shark." It's really unfortunate. If she simply accepted her loss like any mature, non-sociopathic adult would have done, she'd still have a political future and quite possibly be a strong candidate for Senate in 2024, but she can kiss any further runs for office goodbye. She's certifiably nuts.

Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is now claiming that America will "turn into a Venezuela" unless she is installed as governor.

The election has already been certified and her Democratic rival, Katie Hobbs, has been sworn in as governor.

Lake made the comments on the radio with right-wing student activist Charlie Kirk, during a segment in which she touted her legal efforts to challenge the results of the Arizona election. She later shared a clip of the segment on Twitter, with a link to give her money for that challenge.

Looks like she's getting desperate after losing & hasen't had any job offers from Fox or other right wing news outlets.

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