Kari Lake is a fighter

One poll shows Kari ahead in a 3-way race and tied heads up. Hard to say what's - what for sure.

But with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media campaigning 24 - 7 for dimocraps, I'd say she's in pretty good shape if that poll can be believed.

Republicans are always behind at this point in an election cycle. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, pmsMNBC, the New Yawk Slimes, WaPo, Gannett; and the VAST majority of local newspapers (because they're contracted to AP, Reuters or UPI) are as adamantly pro-dimocrap and anti-American as the aforementioned.

WaPo is still running with the IDF/Hospital bombing disinformation. What's that tell? The media in this Country is not more. If Li'Mac understood that, he/she/xem/xer/xim wouldn't have to ask stupid questions about propriety.

The dimocrap side are the scum, we're just now learning how to fight back.

Barely. Not very well, yet. But a little at least
Here's the Republican Congressional Representative that gets my support....


If you read about her life, it's pretty interesting how she overcame living in a shithole like Kaliphony by joining the Air Force and working her way through it. Which, BTW, the Air Force isn't all that easy to get into.

Be cautioned, if you read about her in the Encyclopedia for dumbasses and future graduates of the University of Phoenix -- Wikipedia, they do a bit of a hit-job on her. And they get if from WaPo, that ever so unbiased Viewspaper that still thinks Israel bombed a Baptist Hospital in Gaza.

I like her mostly because she got cut-off of FNC for comparing Ubercunt to Herpes.

Kari Lake is a fighter. She represents our values and she won't let minor setbacks stop her. In 2024 let's vote to send her to DC.

---"I'm really tired of watching our politicians retreat from every single important battle. They're cowards. That's how we got into the mess we're in right now because they have surrendered far too many hills," she said at a rally earlier this month. "I am not going to retreat. I'm going to stand on top of this hill with every single one of you, and I know you're by my side as I formally announce my candidacy for the United States Senate."

Kari Lake may be a fighter but she is definitely a complete loon.
How many law suits has she lost. The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different solution. That is Kari Lake and her many law suits. She is whacked.
Pugilism has replaced decency, intelligence and reason in the GQP.

They just want "fighters" who address any issue by beating on it with a stick, like cavemen. It's all about emotion. Rage.

When did this happen?
When the political rhetoric of populism replaced actual dialog. See: Every useless, lowlife magaturd on this board.
Kari Lake may be a fighter but she is definitely a complete loon.
How many law suits has she lost. The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different solution. That is Kari Lake and her many law suits. She is whacked.
She's letting scumbag dimocraps (I know, that's redundant) know that she's not going to put up with their bullshit. Win lose or draw, she will fight them.

Besides, everybody knows that Lawyers and Judges are the deepest of Deep State operatives.
When the political rhetoric of populism replaced actual dialog. See: Every useless, lowlife magaturd on this board.
Funny you would say that. I was just thinking about it. One of the main reasons I've given up on them here is that all they know is shallow talking points and vulgar personal attacks. It's like arguing with a middle school bully. Pointless.

It's like they think they're doing a radio talk show when they come here. Which would make sense, since that's where they get this stuff.
Funny you would say that. I was just thinking about it. One of the main reasons I've given up on them here is that all they know is shallow talking points and vulgar personal attacks. It's like arguing with a middle school bully. Pointless.

It's like they think they're doing a radio talk show when they come here. Which would make sense, since that's where they get this stuff.
Bingo. It's also easier to see when/where they get their talking points.
She's letting scumbag dimocraps (I know, that's redundant) know that she's not going to put up with their bullshit. Win lose or draw, she will fight them.

Besides, everybody knows that Lawyers and Judges are the deepest of Deep State operatives.
Republican judges have determined, according to laws, she is incorrect. MAGA minions continue to think everyone who does not like Trump is a Democrat. WRONG.
Many Republicans and independents do not agree with MAGA madness. Many conservative lawyers and judges disagree with MAGA interpretation of of our laws that are based onour Constitution.

Trump had to search high and low to find a few crazy lawyers that would back his theory that the election was stolen. Those same crazy lawyers are now pleading guilty to trying to illegally overturn the election.
Kari Lake is right there with the whole clown show.
She's letting scumbag dimocraps (I know, that's redundant) know that she's not going to put up with their bullshit. Win lose or draw, she will fight them.
If she runs and wins political office, then she works for the people, not the other way round, and she will put up with whatever 'bullshit' the office entails. Anyone who idolizes, or is afraid of publicly elected officials is a fucking rube. Full stop.
Kari Lake is a fighter. She represents our values and she won't let minor setbacks stop her. In 2024 let's vote to send her to DC.

---"I'm really tired of watching our politicians retreat from every single important battle. They're cowards. That's how we got into the mess we're in right now because they have surrendered far too many hills," she said at a rally earlier this month. "I am not going to retreat. I'm going to stand on top of this hill with every single one of you, and I know you're by my side as I formally announce my candidacy for the United States Senate."

Lying about fraud is not by “fighting”.
Kari Lake is a fighter. She represents our values and she won't let minor setbacks stop her. In 2024 let's vote to send her to DC.

---"I'm really tired of watching our politicians retreat from every single important battle. They're cowards. That's how we got into the mess we're in right now because they have surrendered far too many hills," she said at a rally earlier this month. "I am not going to retreat. I'm going to stand on top of this hill with every single one of you, and I know you're by my side as I formally announce my candidacy for the United States Senate."

Hasen't she been able to find work yet?

She stil slumming down at MAL drawing Trump's bath water?
Kari Lake may be a fighter but she is definitely a complete loon.
How many law suits has she lost. The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different solution. That is Kari Lake and her many law suits. She is whacked.

Maybe, but I don't think she is a true believer. I know she figures she can grift a bunch more money out of the MAGAGATARDS. Also she is probably trying to vie for that VP spot on the tRumptanic campaign!
Maybe, but I don't think she is a true believer. I know she figures she can grift a bunch more money out of the MAGAGATARDS. Also she is probably trying to vie for that VP spot on the tRumptanic campaign!
And you believe that stealing elections is the way to go. She is an American. You are a POS.
And you believe that stealing elections is the way to go. She is an American. You are a POS.
You had better get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady, Mike Pillow and the rightwing nutters nuz pronto. They are in immediate need of it!!!!!!
Maybe, but I don't think she is a true believer. I know she figures she can grift a bunch more money out of the MAGAGATARDS. Also she is probably trying to vie for that VP spot on the tRumptanic campaign!
Probably true. Most of those on the national stage supporting Trump are doing it for the money and fame, not Trump. We see how quick most jump off the Trump band wagon when things are not going well, like getting indicted.
But the poor everyday MAGA supporters are loyal. They don't realize they are being conned. Sad.It is like dedicating your life to a fake god.
Probably true. Most of those on the national stage supporting Trump are doing it for the money and fame, not Trump. We see how quick most jump off the Trump band wagon when things are not going well, like getting indicted.
But the poor everyday MAGA supporters are loyal. They don't realize they are being conned. Sad.It is like dedicating your life to a fake god.
Why spout the same old shit over and over when Trump's popularity and support is increasing? It is not working and you jokers are talking to yourselves. As far as being conned, you are. The MSM has been caught in countless lies and have not owned one of them.

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