Kari Lake Wraps Up Trial With No Clear Evidence to Overturn Election

Despite all the frantic fake news by the fringe Right-wing election deniers..it's clear that Lake had no case to begin with and is headed for the inevitable defeat all sane people knew was coming:

Kari Lake, former candidate for Arizona governor, closed her two-day election trial on Thursday in what is anticipated to be a disappointing ruling for the Republican.
Lake, who was among the most prominent voices promoting former President Donald Trump's election fraud claims, spent two days making the case that she was the rightful winner of November's election. She lost to Democrat Katie Hobbs by more than 17,000 votes but asked a Maricopa County Superior Court judge to declare her Arizona's next governor or order a revote in the state's most populous county.
Judge Peter Thompson dismissed eight of her claims and narrowed the two he allowed to go forward. Lake's legal team can't just prove that there was fraud in the election, they must establish that someone intentionally interfered and that the result changed because of it.
Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani told Newsweek that Lake's lawsuit is so "frivolous on its face," he's surprised Thompson didn't dismiss it entirely.
On one claim, Lake had to prove that a Maricopa County election official purposely caused ballot printers to malfunction to sway the election. In the other, she had to prove that an employee contracted by the elections department intentionally added completed ballots without following the proper procedures.
The county has disputed the second allegation, contending that while there were printer issues as raised in the first claim, they did not prevent voters from casting their ballots.
David Schultz, election law expert and professor at Hamline University, told Newsweek that for Lake to win, she needs to show that the fraud in question was at "such a level that the results of the election could not be trusted."
"I do not believe she has shown that," he said. "Her legal team has failed to show any intentionality and they have failed to show that any mistakes made were so serious that they cost her the election."
Although Lake promised to unveil bombshell revelations that proved she won the election, evidence presented in the two-day trial was lackluster and didn't appear to meet the standards set by Thompson.
Rahmani said aside from the fact that Lake didn't present any evidence proving intentional printer interference or evidence that ballot chain of custody was violated, "Mere conclusionary allegations aren't enough."
"The law requires actual evidence of intentional wrongdoing," Rahmani explained. "At worst, election officials made a mistake in printing the ballots, but those mistaken ballots were still counted. That type of harmless error is not enough to meet the high bar necessary to overturn an election."
Norm Eisen, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, agreed that the testimony from the trial "made clear" that Lake's claims were "hypothetical & speculative."
Eisen pointed out while Lake's witnesses made the argument that larger ballots caused tabulator issues, it wasn't enough to stand as "evidence of actual, intentional or uncounted votes."

"Today's hearing didn't go well AT ALL for Kari Lake but if you just read her Tweets, you'd think she's on the verge of winning!" he tweeted after the first day of trial on Wednesday. "In reality, even her own expert conceded that the ballots got counted."
Kari Lake: We want to look at the evidence.

Dems: We will let you look at the evidence, but only if you show us the evidence first.
Kari Lake: We want to look at the evidence.

Dems: We will let you look at the evidence, but only if you show us the evidence first.
What are you complaining about here? You got your hearing. You were allowed to present in front of a judge.
Apparently, there is no evidence. Just conspiracy theory. Just like the rest of us knew. :)
What are you complaining about here? You got your hearing. You were allowed to present in front of a judge.
Apparently, there is no evidence. Just conspiracy theory. Just like the rest of us knew. :)
"Apparently no evidence"? Apparently you didnt watch the trial.
"Apparently no evidence"? Apparently you didnt watch the trial.
Evidence of what? The ballots were too big..some of them any way? The printers malfunctioned? So? The tabulators went down, for a while? So?
Lake's own expert was forced to concede that all of the ballots were counted, are you alleging they weren't? Are you alleging they shouldn't have been?
Since your post insinuates that anyone watching the trial would have/should have seen this 'evidence'..please bring it to our attention?
Despite all the frantic fake news by the fringe Right-wing election deniers..it's clear that Lake had no case to begin with and is headed for the inevitable defeat all sane people knew was coming:

Kari Lake, former candidate for Arizona governor, closed her two-day election trial on Thursday in what is anticipated to be a disappointing ruling for the Republican.
Lake, who was among the most prominent voices promoting former President Donald Trump's election fraud claims, spent two days making the case that she was the rightful winner of November's election. She lost to Democrat Katie Hobbs by more than 17,000 votes but asked a Maricopa County Superior Court judge to declare her Arizona's next governor or order a revote in the state's most populous county.
Judge Peter Thompson dismissed eight of her claims and narrowed the two he allowed to go forward. Lake's legal team can't just prove that there was fraud in the election, they must establish that someone intentionally interfered and that the result changed because of it.
Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani told Newsweek that Lake's lawsuit is so "frivolous on its face," he's surprised Thompson didn't dismiss it entirely.
On one claim, Lake had to prove that a Maricopa County election official purposely caused ballot printers to malfunction to sway the election. In the other, she had to prove that an employee contracted by the elections department intentionally added completed ballots without following the proper procedures.
The county has disputed the second allegation, contending that while there were printer issues as raised in the first claim, they did not prevent voters from casting their ballots.
David Schultz, election law expert and professor at Hamline University, told Newsweek that for Lake to win, she needs to show that the fraud in question was at "such a level that the results of the election could not be trusted."
"I do not believe she has shown that," he said. "Her legal team has failed to show any intentionality and they have failed to show that any mistakes made were so serious that they cost her the election."
Although Lake promised to unveil bombshell revelations that proved she won the election, evidence presented in the two-day trial was lackluster and didn't appear to meet the standards set by Thompson.
Rahmani said aside from the fact that Lake didn't present any evidence proving intentional printer interference or evidence that ballot chain of custody was violated, "Mere conclusionary allegations aren't enough."
"The law requires actual evidence of intentional wrongdoing," Rahmani explained. "At worst, election officials made a mistake in printing the ballots, but those mistaken ballots were still counted. That type of harmless error is not enough to meet the high bar necessary to overturn an election."
Norm Eisen, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, agreed that the testimony from the trial "made clear" that Lake's claims were "hypothetical & speculative."
Eisen pointed out while Lake's witnesses made the argument that larger ballots caused tabulator issues, it wasn't enough to stand as "evidence of actual, intentional or uncounted votes."

"Today's hearing didn't go well AT ALL for Kari Lake but if you just read her Tweets, you'd think she's on the verge of winning!" he tweeted after the first day of trial on Wednesday. "In reality, even her own expert conceded that the ballots got counted."

I am shocked! Shocked I tell you!
Evidence of what? The ballots were too big..some of them any way? The printers malfunctioned? So? The tabulators went down, for a while? So?
Lake's own expert was forced to concede that all of the ballots were counted, are you alleging they weren't? Are you alleging they shouldn't have been?
Since your post insinuates that anyone watching the trial would have/should have seen this 'evidence'..please bring it to our attention?

Crybaby Loser

Any glitch in the vote counting means the loser gets declared the winner

Countdown to attacking your source as "fake news" may commence...

10... 9... 8...
To paraphrase a great man:

"We are going to whine so much. They are going to get tired of all the whining."

~~ Donald J. Trump

You're not tired of the losing? Most Americans are.

• A President who promised to "end fossil fuels" (Impossible and stupid to even attempt)

• Gasoline that rose 3 times the price it was in 2018, depending on location

• Ending US Keystone XL pipeline while waiving sanctions on Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline

• The price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel

• Draining our own Strategic Oil Reserve to the lowest level since 1984

• Having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil

• Inflation rate that rose as high as 9.1%, which was almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019

• A recession

• U.S. household wealth is down $13.5 trillion in 2022 - Second fastest decline on record

• The average middle-class family coming up about $6,000 short of purchasing power

• The DOW dropping 6,700 points in only a year

• The stock market losing $9 trillion dollars worth of value in only two years

• Retirement accounts losing $3 trillion dollars

• 30 year fixed mortgages rising by 4.43% in only two years, to 7.75%

• Home prices soaring 43% in only two years and housing sales slumping

• Median asking rent prices rising 79.7% in only two years

• Grocery prices increasing by 13.5% in only two years

• The price of electricity rising by 15.8% in only two years

• Hefty tax increases on the lower and middle class

• 84,000 new IRS agents arming and training to be home invaders

• Use of DOJ and FBI to harass political opponents

• A broken election system corrupt with fraud, sometimes taking months to count

• Wholesale mailing of ballots, ballot drop boxes, and illegal ballot harvesting

• Using a complicit media to lie, distort facts, and disseminate disinformation

• Conducting covert raids on American citizens and confiscating personal property

• Supply line disruptions, backorders, items out of stock or unavailable

• Sporadic shortages on grocery store shelves

• Food-processing plants mysteriously burning down

• Thousands of small businesses destroyed in order to benefit mega-corporations

• Continuing monumental trade deficit with China

• Allowing Communist China to operate "Police Stations" in American cities

• More COVID deaths than in 2020

• Vaccine mandates which caused deaths and debilitating health conditions

• Vaccine mandates which caused massive job losses for those who refused compliance

• A whole generation of kids physically and psychologically damaged by prison-style lockdowns

• Subjecting young girls to creepy boys posing as "transgenders" in girl's locker rooms

• Stealing women's ability to fairly compete by allowing transgender males in women's sports

• Subjecting children to pornographic "Drag shows" and grooming them to be sex objects

• The promotion of transgenserism in schools, resulting in the genital and fertility mutilation
of children and adolescents by unethical medical practices and Big Pharma.

• Mass shootings ocurring sometimes three times a week

• An exponentially-spiraling epidemic of violent crime and drugs

• Fentanyl seizures up 745 percent

• 100,000 fentanyl deaths in Biden's first year of presidency

• 120% increase in opioid deaths in just two years

• A President who encouraged illegals to "surge" across the border without reason for amnesty

• 4.9 million illegals crossing US border within only two years

• 900,000 "gotaways" who eluded apprehension and disappeared into American communities

• Record numbers of illegals dying while crossing the border

• Border Patrol arresting 98 who were on the terror watch list in 2022, 3X the last 5 years combined

• A President who wouldn't visit the border and said he had "More important things going on."

• A dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American soldiers their lives

• $7.12 billion worth of US military equipment and weaponry left to the Taliban

• Hundreds of US citizens and Afghans left behind in Afghanistan after the withdrawal

• People falling out of the wheel wells of aircraft leaving Afghanistan

• A weakened US military that's more concerned with "political correctness" than creating soldiers

• A weakened US military via destructive anti-white racism and transgender-promoting policies

• Record low enlistment numbers

• A revitalized Russian oil industry, despite US sanctions

• A war in Ukraine that has cost the US billions of dollars and killed thousands

• Increased possibility of nuclear war with Russia

• Traded an America-hating doper lesbian basketball player for a Russian terrorist arms dealer

• Iran expanding their nuclear enrichment program

• China becoming energy and militarily dominant

• A senile, angry, and incompetent president who falls off of a bicycle, falls up stairs, insults
half the people in America, labels people as "terrorists", divides the country, and tries to incite
a civil war.

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