Kari's Attorneys are Confident on Their Lawsuits!

Lake's lawsuit has evidence of Hobbs and another election official not doing their jobs like making sure ballot printing machines had toner (among other things) in them (basic stuff) resulting in thousands of Lake voters being disenfranchised. The Democrats successfully counted all the early votes (mail in and ballot boxes) because they knew the early vote was Democrat. Republicans tend to show up at the polls on voting day and what do you know? SHAZAAM!!!!! Ballot printers are out of toner causing hundreds long lines at the polls and no parking. Voters waited hours and hours to vote and some just stopped waiting. Democrats have so many ways to commit voter fraud it's really amazing.
So you have a conspiracy without a shred of evidence. Typical.
There is no evidence. You and your fellow cult crybaby losers are stoll holding the same empty bag. Your tantrums change nothing.
There certainly is evidence.
I didn’t vote for Brandon and I’m not in your cult.
“Still” is spelled without an “o.”
No tantrums over here. Go have a trusted adult change your diaper, now.
In the precincts affected, 37% of the registered voters were registered republicans, the other 63% were registered democrats or independents. (The state Republican registered voter is 35%, so these precincts were just slightly higher)

In Arizona, I think I read that 80% of their vote is absentee or in person early voting.... Only 20% of the total vote is from election day.

That means that most Republican voters, voted early or via absentee already, before election day, in Arizona....unlike many other states, the disparity between Rs and Ds with early vs Election day voting, is very small.

The election day printer problems affected both Democratic and Republicans, in the sense of Long Lines...

But every person whose ballot would not scan, the BOX#3 ballot box was there for them to drop their ballots... And they did. 17000 ballots were put in box3 ballot boxes and those votes were counted.

Only 194 voters over all precincts with printer problems, checked in, but did not check out with a vote.

So 194 people might have been disenfranchised, which were made up of R, D, and I.
Tell it to the judge, Kari will tell her side backed up by evidence, not cooked stats from questionable data.
Tell it to the judge, Kari will tell her side backed up by evidence, not cooked stats from questionable data.
if the court takes up the case, no doubt it will be told/shown in court.

if you want to inform yourself, try reading Arizona local newspapers on it.

that is where my info came from....
There is no longer any doubt that Kari Lake was cheated out of her election!

Don't allow the discussion to die. The democratic will of the American people is being hijacked by Biden and his band of thieves.

You're convinced....by what? Her lawsuit makes large accusations but backs up nothing that could have changed the outcome of the election.
You're convinced....by what? Her lawsuit makes large accusations but backs up nothing that could have changed the outcome of the election.

Cons don't need evidence. Baseless claims are good enough for them when they like the candidate.
Cons don't need evidence. Baseless claims are good enough for them when they like the candidate.

That's not 'convinced'. That's just naked belief.

For example, Kari Lake insists that Republican voters were 'disenfranchised'....but can't name one that wasn't able to vote. Instead, where printer problems occurred, these voters used one of the many backup options and submitted their votes.

That's not disenfranchisement. And its certainly not going to overturn an election.

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