Karl Marx gets shoutout during Barack Obama-produced film’s 2020 Oscars speech

Congratulations to the Great Obama
Promoting murder is not good

The Leftists aka Neo-Marxists aka Communists are promoting each day the murder of those who disagree with the Leftist Agenda, they are not even hiding it anymore, they are putting it out there fully in the open.

The latest is this below Leftist waste of human skin, remember they want ANYONE who disagrees with them to be dead, they will not hesitate to unleash mass murder IF they are given the opportunity, THEY must NOT be given that opportunity.



^^^^ The guillotine....what people have done for revolution before? Yes we know it was used during The Reign of Terror to MURDER those who disagreed, but the Leftists should also be reminded that the same guillotine ended up removing from earth many of those who directed The Reign of Terror and so they should be reminded that the pendulum again will swing the other way. IF they were educated instead of being INDOCTRINATED they would already know that Maximilien Robespierre who literally directed The Reign of Terror and ordered the mass executions of unlimited numbers himself was given the same date with the guillotine on July 28 1794.

Look below at this ugly bitch and typical she would be displaying the Faggot/Carpet Muncher/Transgender Psychotics Flag, the ugly bitch is of course one of those mentally ill pieces of Genetic Shit who don't know if they are man or woman or vegetable and so it's Non-Binary and it's proudly displaying it's merchandise with the guillotine on:



^^^^ Don't believe the above, as I said given the OPPORTUNITY they would not think TWICE about instigating mass murder against those who oppose the Leftist Agenda.

U.S. Senate candidate selects guillotine as ‘symbol of the work we have to do’

Meanwhile Creepy Senile Insane Joe Biden is literally telling law-abiding gun owning Americans that if they don't give their guns up then a Leftist aka Neo-Marxist aka Communist American Government will just bomb their house killing their entire family. As I said they are not even hiding it now that they want you DEAD:



Our Lord as a loyal servant to you I pray to you and ask you to strike down Joseph R. Biden who by his words illustrates he is a loyal servant of Lucifer, Our Lord see to it that Joseph R. Biden is punished and suffers incredibly and severely so that he feels slowly while still alive every excruciating pain and torment before his return to his father Satan in Hell. Amen.







Biden: ‘Rational’ Gun ‘Policy’ Is Banning ‘50 Clips In A Weapon’; AK-47 Won’t Protect You From Government
And yet the successes for the American people over the past 3 1/2 years as opposed to the failed Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat policies of 'class warfare', Marxist doctrine ideology, 'economic slavery', and lawlessness while attempting failed coup after coup debunk your propaganda...Fail.
63.4%: Labor Force Participation at Trump-Era High As Labor Force Grows by 574,000

"The current economic expansion, now in its 11th year, became the longest in U.S. history on July 1, 2019, beating the previous record that lasted from March 1991 through March 2001."
Surprise, surprise....

"Julia Reichert, the co-director of best documentary winner “American Factory,” which was produced by former President Barack Obama’s new film company, apparently quoted from Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ infamous book during her acceptance speech on Sunday night."

Karl Marx gets shoutout during Barack Obama-produced film’s 2020 Oscars speech
Your link:

"'Working people have it harder and harder these days — and we believe that things will get better when workers of the world unite,' Reichert said."

What's your problem with worker unity?

Donald Trump’s Outsourcing and Profiteering from Predatory Pricing is Subject of New AFL-CIO Mailer - Ohio AFL-CIO
Communism started in Russia through a workers revolution.
Surprise, surprise....

"Julia Reichert, the co-director of best documentary winner “American Factory,” which was produced by former President Barack Obama’s new film company, apparently quoted from Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ infamous book during her acceptance speech on Sunday night."

Karl Marx gets shoutout during Barack Obama-produced film’s 2020 Oscars speech
Your link:

"'Working people have it harder and harder these days — and we believe that things will get better when workers of the world unite,' Reichert said."

What's your problem with worker unity?

Donald Trump’s Outsourcing and Profiteering from Predatory Pricing is Subject of New AFL-CIO Mailer - Ohio AFL-CIO
Communism started in Russia through a workers revolution.
And demo commie shit stains are implementing it here.
Surprise, surprise....

"Julia Reichert, the co-director of best documentary winner “American Factory,” which was produced by former President Barack Obama’s new film company, apparently quoted from Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ infamous book during her acceptance speech on Sunday night."

Karl Marx gets shoutout during Barack Obama-produced film’s 2020 Oscars speech
Your link:

"'Working people have it harder and harder these days — and we believe that things will get better when workers of the world unite,' Reichert said."

What's your problem with worker unity?

Donald Trump’s Outsourcing and Profiteering from Predatory Pricing is Subject of New AFL-CIO Mailer - Ohio AFL-CIO
Communism started in Russia through a workers revolution.
Communism started in Russia through a workers revolution.
Worker Councils (or Soviets) were supposed to provide the grassroots of Russian government at least in urban areas. That never materialized after Bolsheviks took power.

Communism in Russia - Wikipedia

"In Russia, efforts to build communism began after Tsar Nicholas II lost his power during the February Revolution, and ended with the dissolution of the USSR in 1991.

"The Provisional Government was established under Prince Lvov, however, the Bolsheviks refused to accept the government and revolted in October 1917, taking control of Russia.

"Vladimir Lenin, their leader, rose to power and governed between 1917 and 1924."
A guy who never had a job outside of politics and community activism doesn't have any credibility when talking about the working man. He never worked a day in his life. Him talking about the working man is like AOC talking about economics.

Both Obama and AOC rose from a middle class background to obtain higher office.

Trump rose from a Reality TV Show
Trump did far more then a reality show. Obama and AOC are opportunists that were/are out of their league. Their agendas are what you are approving. Obama was a good talker but nothing else. Progs march in lockstep. His staff knew what to do without him saying a word. He was probably the most lazy president in history. He pumped the agendas furthet to the left at warp speed. Of course this can not endure because the taxes needed rose in a huge fashion. Real fundamental changes are needed and we do not have the courage to do it.
So I guess they will evenly re-distribute any and all profits to people not involved in the project. Just to help the workers of the world to unite.

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