Karl Rove Concedes House GOP Blew It --> says answer is to bash Obama



Karl Rove Concedes House GOP Blew It On Payroll Tax | Mediaite

Even George W. Bush’s top strategist Karl Rove thinks House Republicans overreached in reneging on the payroll tax cut deal. His advice: having lost the politics, Republicans should wait until (or to see if?) President Obama flies off to Hawaii on vacation, bash him and congressional Democrats for abdicating their duties, and then … pass the same Senate payroll tax cut compromise they could have passed on Tuesday.


Can you believe it? It's what I've been telling you guys. Republicans screw everything up then blame Democrats. After Iraq, Katrina, 9/11, the economic meltdown, the downgrade, can it work AGAIN?

This has to be slipperiest, slimiest party ever. They are always looking for a "way out" and "someone to blame".

Now watch the USMB right wingers defend this behavior. On your mark, get set.......
Afraid he's correct. Especially on bashing the root of the problem.

I'll be glad when the O is voted back to private life.
Afraid he's correct. Especially on bashing the root of the problem.

I'll be glad when the O is voted back to private life.

Yea, because having a Republican clown in office is so much better. Look how well Bush did.
"Teh Rove" thinks Republicans "overreached" on the payroll tax yet I can find no articles or commentary from him about the NDAA which effectively ended our Bill of Rights.

Rove is a shill.
"Teh Rove" thinks Republicans "overreached" on the payroll tax yet I can find no articles or commentary from him about the NDAA which effectively ended our Bill of Rights.

Rove is a shill.

*True Enough* And selective in his outrages...
Afraid he's correct. Especially on bashing the root of the problem.

I'll be glad when the O is voted back to private life.

poor tommy... your guys can't get out of their own way and you blame the president?

obama derangement syndrome runs deep.

Karl Rove, to his credit, didn't actually seem to blame Obama-- he just recommended that Congressional Republicans blame Obama as a matter of "political theater". I agree with him that that would advance their political agenda. His plan, however, calls for hundreds of congresspersons to skip their Christmases, which is easier said than done.
Karl Rove, to his credit, didn't actually seem to blame Obama-- he just recommended that Congressional Republicans blame Obama as a matter of "political theater". I agree with him that that would advance their political agenda. His plan, however, calls for hundreds of congresspersons to skip their Christmases, which is easier said than done.

Because "political theater" is so much better for his ilk than doing something that would help the majority of Americans, which, of course, we all know is "socialism".

It's such a shame Republicans have these narrow and awful views.
Yea, because having a Republican clown in office is so much better. Look how well Bush did.

He did a lot better than obama is doing.
Obama doesn't have anyone to hide behind other than the blame game.

Obama hasn't needed to hide. He didn't lie the country into a war, cause the deaths of thousands of Americans, the maiming of tens of thousands of Americans, hold millions of Americans hostage to get tax cuts for billionaires. The list is endless. And Republicans take responsibility for none of it. None. Nothing. They take no responsibility for any of their fiascoes.

Even you have to admit that.
He did a lot better than obama is doing.
Obama doesn't have anyone to hide behind other than the blame game.

Obama hasn't needed to hide. He didn't lie the country into a war, cause the deaths of thousands of Americans, the maiming of tens of thousands of Americans, hold millions of Americans hostage to get tax cuts for billionaires. The list is endless. And Republicans take responsibility for none of it. None. Nothing. They take no responsibility for any of their fiascoes.

Even you have to admit that.
No, He only holds millions hostages on the welfare roles that would rather be working...

Obama doesn't have anyone to hide behind other than the blame game.

Obama hasn't needed to hide. He didn't lie the country into a war, cause the deaths of thousands of Americans, the maiming of tens of thousands of Americans, hold millions of Americans hostage to get tax cuts for billionaires. The list is endless. And Republicans take responsibility for none of it. None. Nothing. They take no responsibility for any of their fiascoes.

Even you have to admit that.
No, He only holds millions hostages on the welfare roles that would rather be working...


That's your argument? It doesn't even make sense. Then again, you never did. At least you're consistent.
Republicans trying to bash Obama for spending a few bucks Christmas shopping. How low will they go?
Obama hasn't needed to hide. He didn't lie the country into a war, cause the deaths of thousands of Americans, the maiming of tens of thousands of Americans, hold millions of Americans hostage to get tax cuts for billionaires. The list is endless. And Republicans take responsibility for none of it. None. Nothing. They take no responsibility for any of their fiascoes.

Even you have to admit that.
No, He only holds millions hostages on the welfare roles that would rather be working...


That's your argument? It doesn't even make sense. Then again, you never did. At least you're consistent.
Tell those outta work that got laid off because of the O's and Statists Democrat policies that...and I wouldn't blame them for decking your dumb ass.

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