Karma Strikes - Trump Supporters Are Now The Routine Butt Hurt Snowflakes

As far as I can tell, Trump's supporters are remaining steadfastly on his side and those who do complain are merely responding to the far-left/communist/fascist crap being tossed about by the protesters, rioters and other scum who want to do away with our Constitution. I'm in favor of a Civil War to sort things out.

“As far as I can tell...”

Well that’s all anyone needs to know. Apparently you have a problem with the first amendment’s freedom of speech and press while ignoring a president who wipes his ass with both while riling up your dumbass with flag waving bullshit against those who are utilizing their rights to protest the inequality they see in their communities and our country. So you go ahead and climb your flagpole dreaming of a civil war, just remember... the higher up you go... the more ass you show.
it never ceases to amaze me how people cry out FREEDOM OF SPEECH - STOP TALKING ABOUT ME all in the same breath and never giggle at their own hypocrisy. you see, you can i suppose claim that right. but how come in your defense of it you so easily take away from others the very thing you are fighting for?

quite the quandrious dilemma to be sure.
We're not the ones running to safe spaces afraid to hear opposing ideas. That's what Snowflakes do and why they were described as such. To say that conservatives are the snowflakes is Typical of libtards trying to switch sides again. Just like they think they're not the ones who, as Democrats, fought for slavery and came up with Jim Crow laws. When you point that out to them, they cry and run to their safe space and make up bullshit about parties switching.
Trump supporters are submissive Idiots who would support him if he killed someone on Fifth Avenue
We're not the ones running to safe spaces afraid to hear opposing ideas. That's what Snowflakes do and why they were described as such. To say that conservatives are the snowflakes is Typical of libtards trying to switch sides again. Just like they think they're not the ones who, as Democrats, fought for slavery and came up with Jim Crow laws. When you point that out to them, they cry and run to their safe space and make up bullshit about parties switching.
Trump supporters are submissive Idiots who would support him if he killed someone on Fifth Avenue
come on now - who'd he kill?

now look around, is it the left or the right that is breaking out guns and shooting people to satisfy their own emotions? which side has normalized killing?

wouldn't be your fictitious trump killing on 5th ave now would it?
It had to happen because what goes around comes around and karma never gives a break. Following the 2016 Presidential election trump supporters routinely used the words "butthurt" and "snowflake" to describe and or insult anyone who dared to criticize their beloved leader. The terms and words were used in comments in the comment sections following news stories and on message boards like this one.

It is now obvious and easy to see that the tables have turned as these same folks fill the comment sections and message boards like this one with constant whining and complaining to the level of elementary school children. There are too many negative discussions about trump they cry. Too many complaints about trump they go on and on and on, The media is unfair they weep. It's all fake news they whimper.

It has gone so far that even when the President forgets or ignores to give proper traditional honor to killed in action soldiers they whine and complain that the news media covered the situation and make lame excuses for the Presidents unforgivable behavior and failure to fulfill his duties as the Commander in Chief responsible for the soldiers being in harms way. He asked them to serve in combat but didn't treat them with honor when their bodies were returned to America in coffins. Now the trump supporters are whining about the media and citizens criticizing him like butthurt snowflakes.
If you don't want to be called a butt-hurt snowflake, quit carrying on like one..
It had to happen because what goes around comes around and karma never gives a break. Following the 2016 Presidential election trump supporters routinely used the words "butthurt" and "snowflake" to describe and or insult anyone who dared to criticize their beloved leader. The terms and words were used in comments in the comment sections following news stories and on message boards like this one.

It is now obvious and easy to see that the tables have turned as these same folks fill the comment sections and message boards like this one with constant whining and complaining to the level of elementary school children. There are too many negative discussions about trump they cry. Too many complaints about trump they go on and on and on, The media is unfair they weep. It's all fake news they whimper.

It has gone so far that even when the President forgets or ignores to give proper traditional honor to killed in action soldiers they whine and complain that the news media covered the situation and make lame excuses for the Presidents unforgivable behavior and failure to fulfill his duties as the Commander in Chief responsible for the soldiers being in harms way. He asked them to serve in combat but didn't treat them with honor when their bodies were returned to America in coffins. Now the trump supporters are whining about the media and citizens criticizing him like butthurt snowflakes.
AvgGuyIA and Will Munny and others run for their Snowlflake Safe Spaces every chance they get. That’s what those Snowflakes do, then deny it. They just cry and jump up and down in anger.

These far right Snowflakes talk about Southern Democrats in the Civil War while ignoring the tens of thousands of Northern Democrats who died to save the Union, which led to the freeing of all the slaves.

Lucky and other far right yellers want free speech only for themselves.

Jknowgood, since Trump won, when is the winning going to begin. His executive policies are just mediocre and his legislative program is in shambles, yet the GOP have the WH and Congress. Why is that?
The righties commandeered the term "fake news".

The lefties are trying to commandeer the term "snowflake".

You can always tell when a winger is wounded by a term.

As far as I can tell, Trump's supporters are remaining steadfastly on his side and those who do complain are merely responding to the far-left/communist/fascist crap being tossed about by the protesters, rioters and other scum who want to do away with our Constitution. I'm in favor of a Civil War to sort things out.

Agree with all but the Civil War part.

If we can stop the Democrat/Bolshevik Party's recruitment of illegal alien voters from Mexico and legal alien voters from the barbaric Middle East, there are enough rational people left in this country to put down the Marxist Movement by the Democratic Party without a war.

One out of five people in this country today is an alien. That's quite enough. Good for Trump for trying to shut down the mass migration to the greatest country in history...don't blame them for wanting to be here, but they no longer seek to assimilate; they seek to take over and impose their failed Cultures from elsewhere.
Someone posted that "One out of five people in this country today is an alien."

Will someone factually document that if they have the material.
But that does not mean they are "aliens" at all. And if our immigrant population is 43.7 million, then it is about 13% of our total population. And CIS is not a fair and equitable player in immigration policy studies yet places the total of aliens at 35% less than the 20% mark.

Once again, who can give us factual evidence that one in five living in America are aliens.
So this thread isn't about a legitimate news story ?
Maybe it belongs in the Rubber Room ?
Case in point. This is is what the USMB snowflake to all the time. This one is whining and wants to bury a negative trump thread in the Rubber Room. Mods must get tired of hearing from these crybabies.

The topic of the OP is a current event because it is an event that is currently happening. Proof of it is right here at USMB. Indeed, it is right here in this thread.

You said,
"Trump Supporters Are Now The Routine Butt Hurt Snowflakes".

You've stated this, as if it were a fact. Since you haven't linked to a legitmate news story, this then is simply your opinion, and not "real" news.
Many of our Far Right and Alt Right on the Board give daily examples of butt hurt snowflakes. The only reasonable response is

Many of our Far Right and Alt Right on the Board give daily examples of butt hurt snowflakes. The only reasonable response is

View attachment 154853
This is the Mother of all Butt Hurts for the poor Rubes that voted for Trump in Pennsylvania

WoW look what the dude who got Elected to Represent Pittsburgh just did to Pittsburgh and to Pennsylvania ...this is what I call a "Raw Schlonging"

It had to happen because what goes around comes around and karma never gives a break. Following the 2016 Presidential election trump supporters routinely used the words "butthurt" and "snowflake" to describe and or insult anyone who dared to criticize their beloved leader. The terms and words were used in comments in the comment sections following news stories and on message boards like this one.

It is now obvious and easy to see that the tables have turned as these same folks fill the comment sections and message boards like this one with constant whining and complaining to the level of elementary school children. There are too many negative discussions about trump they cry. Too many complaints about trump they go on and on and on, The media is unfair they weep. It's all fake news they whimper.

It has gone so far that even when the President forgets or ignores to give proper traditional honor to killed in action soldiers they whine and complain that the news media covered the situation and make lame excuses for the Presidents unforgivable behavior and failure to fulfill his duties as the Commander in Chief responsible for the soldiers being in harms way. He asked them to serve in combat but didn't treat them with honor when their bodies were returned to America in coffins. Now the trump supporters are whining about the media and citizens criticizing him like butthurt snowflakes.
Snowflake has nothing to do w trump but makes fun of needing "safe zones" to get away from life.

Trump has to be shielded from bad press which upsets him. He also has a daily Dossier of stories which praise him to bolster his ego. This would be a SNL skit if it wasn't true.

Then there's his "enemy du jour". Every day he has to attack someone to give focus to his outrage and to deflect on whatever stupid shit he pulled the day before.

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