Kash Patel Questions Emerging Narrative on Pentagon Leaks: ‘This Is an Extensive Cover-Up’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Kash Patel Questions Emerging Narrative on Pentagon Leaks:

‘This Is an Extensive Cover-Up’​

15 Apr 2023 ~~ By Kristina Wong

Kash Patel, former chief of staff at the Pentagon and former deputy director of National Intelligence, in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Friday, questioned the evolving narrative over the Pentagon leaks — specifically that a 21-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guard reservist acted alone to leak top secret military data.
Patel, a former federal prosecutor, said he does not believe “for a single second, this guy — a 21-year-old Air National Guardsman — ran this operation alone.”
Patel said, first, the suspected leaker, Jack Teixeira, would not have had access to the information without someone within the Department of Defense (DOD) or the intelligence community giving it to him, providing it to him, or telling him it should be put out there. “It’s just not possible,” he said.
He said even though he worked in information technology (IT), he still would not have had access to the information.
“You can be the biggest IT person in DOD, and you are still compartmented off of the actual information. Almost never does an IT person need to know, as we say, the substance of the intelligence. Their job is to provide the secure informations systems around it to protect any disclosures,” he said.
“This is crazy sensitive stuff,” he said. “Ninety-nine percent of people who have a Top Secret/SCI clearance don’t have access to this information. And me, as the former deputy DNI and chief of staff of the DOD and publisher of the [Presidential Daily Brief], with the highest security classification, knows that, literally, there is not a lot of people in the U.S. that have access to this kind of intel. It’s done for a reason. So this doesn’t happen.”
Patel said while the Joint Chief of Staff’s daily brief produced by its Directorate of Intelligence (J2) goes out to thousands of people, there is underlying contributing information that is compartmented and goes to fewer people. “The underlying intel — that’s very sensitive because it exposes how we got it, who we got it from, when we got it, and whether we can get it again, how is that delivered,” he said.
Second, Patel said the way the classified information was put out suggests Teixeira did not act alone.
“Whether he’s in IT or not, is irrelevant. The way it was produced, the way it was put out there — pages, printed photographs taken, published online — that is a methodical way of releasing classified information illegally,” he said.
“I think he’s definitely working with other people in DOD or the intel space to get this information out. This is an Assange-style operation. This kid — no offense to him — at 21 years old, cannot put out this five-months, unlawful disclosure of sensitive intelligence,” he said.
Patel said the tradecraft around the way the leaks are being disclosed also suggests a cover-up of how damaging the leaks are.
“Why hasn’t the Armed Services Committee subpoenaed [Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley] and [Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin] and demanded an answer under oath as to why they have been lying to the President of the United States, or permitted him to lie on the success and failure of our operations in Ukraine, who we have there, and how much money we’re spending there? Because they’ve been telling us for months and months and months that we’re on the verge of beating Putin,” he said.
“Why wasn’t this intelligence briefed to these members in Congress who are supposed to oversee our highest levels of intelligence? And if they were told it, it’s an even bigger problem because it clearly shows the U.S. position in the Ukraine failing,” he said.

The OIC supervisor of the accused needs to be suspended from duty and fully investigated regarding professional competency. Further, the chain of command from bottom to top needs to be investigated and replaced.
Teixeira isn't the real story here. Someone fed the documents to him and he foolishly posted them on his site. The real story is that the documents show how much of a coverup operation the Pentagon and the White House have been running about the situation in Ukraine. The docs reveal that the numbers of people killed fighting for Ukraine are way higher than we have been told. The docs also reveal that most of the funds the US provided to Ukraine have disappeared. And most importantly the docs reveal that the US has a special forces contingent with boots on the ground in Ukraine. That is direct involvement in the war. So we have moved beyond providing financial and material support to Ukraine for a proxy war. In short the documents show that our government, the Biden administration, has deceived us and lied to the American people about what is happening in Ukraine.
Teixeira is just the government's patsy. Probably Hunter or Jim Biden selling secrets for payola and they never thought it would be detected.
Why would the CIA want to release information?
Have you noticed the MSM is silent about Ukraine now that Tucker has reported the leak about US soldiers fighting russian soldiers in Ukraine?

That is a direct shooting war between us and russia and the MSM is silent on the matter.
That is a direct shooting war between us and russia and the MSM is silent on the matter.
They’re silent on the “matter” because it’s not really a “matter” and actually it’s just a made up story.

The MSM doesn’t report on all of Tucker’s lies. If they did, they wouldn’t have time to report on anything else. It’s just best to assume Tucker is lying.

Kash Patel Questions Emerging Narrative on Pentagon Leaks:

‘This Is an Extensive Cover-Up’​

15 Apr 2023 ~~ By Kristina Wong

Kash Patel, former chief of staff at the Pentagon and former deputy director of National Intelligence, in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Friday, questioned the evolving narrative over the Pentagon leaks — specifically that a 21-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guard reservist acted alone to leak top secret military data.
Patel, a former federal prosecutor, said he does not believe “for a single second, this guy — a 21-year-old Air National Guardsman — ran this operation alone.”
Patel said, first, the suspected leaker, Jack Teixeira, would not have had access to the information without someone within the Department of Defense (DOD) or the intelligence community giving it to him, providing it to him, or telling him it should be put out there. “It’s just not possible,” he said.
He said even though he worked in information technology (IT), he still would not have had access to the information.
“You can be the biggest IT person in DOD, and you are still compartmented off of the actual information. Almost never does an IT person need to know, as we say, the substance of the intelligence. Their job is to provide the secure informations systems around it to protect any disclosures,” he said.
“This is crazy sensitive stuff,” he said. “Ninety-nine percent of people who have a Top Secret/SCI clearance don’t have access to this information. And me, as the former deputy DNI and chief of staff of the DOD and publisher of the [Presidential Daily Brief], with the highest security classification, knows that, literally, there is not a lot of people in the U.S. that have access to this kind of intel. It’s done for a reason. So this doesn’t happen.”
Patel said while the Joint Chief of Staff’s daily brief produced by its Directorate of Intelligence (J2) goes out to thousands of people, there is underlying contributing information that is compartmented and goes to fewer people. “The underlying intel — that’s very sensitive because it exposes how we got it, who we got it from, when we got it, and whether we can get it again, how is that delivered,” he said.
Second, Patel said the way the classified information was put out suggests Teixeira did not act alone.
“Whether he’s in IT or not, is irrelevant. The way it was produced, the way it was put out there — pages, printed photographs taken, published online — that is a methodical way of releasing classified information illegally,” he said.
“I think he’s definitely working with other people in DOD or the intel space to get this information out. This is an Assange-style operation. This kid — no offense to him — at 21 years old, cannot put out this five-months, unlawful disclosure of sensitive intelligence,” he said.
Patel said the tradecraft around the way the leaks are being disclosed also suggests a cover-up of how damaging the leaks are.
“Why hasn’t the Armed Services Committee subpoenaed [Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley] and [Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin] and demanded an answer under oath as to why they have been lying to the President of the United States, or permitted him to lie on the success and failure of our operations in Ukraine, who we have there, and how much money we’re spending there? Because they’ve been telling us for months and months and months that we’re on the verge of beating Putin,” he said.
“Why wasn’t this intelligence briefed to these members in Congress who are supposed to oversee our highest levels of intelligence? And if they were told it, it’s an even bigger problem because it clearly shows the U.S. position in the Ukraine failing,” he said.

The OIC supervisor of the accused needs to be suspended from duty and fully investigated regarding professional competency. Further, the chain of command from bottom to top needs to be investigated and replaced.
Teixeira isn't the real story here. Someone fed the documents to him and he foolishly posted them on his site. The real story is that the documents show how much of a coverup operation the Pentagon and the White House have been running about the situation in Ukraine. The docs reveal that the numbers of people killed fighting for Ukraine are way higher than we have been told. The docs also reveal that most of the funds the US provided to Ukraine have disappeared. And most importantly the docs reveal that the US has a special forces contingent with boots on the ground in Ukraine. That is direct involvement in the war. So we have moved beyond providing financial and material support to Ukraine for a proxy war. In short the documents show that our government, the Biden administration, has deceived us and lied to the American people about what is happening in Ukraine.
Teixeira is just the government's patsy. Probably Hunter or Jim Biden selling secrets for payola and they never thought it would be detected.
Why would the CIA want to release information?
First it goes to Texeira not being able to access the documents, which is a case to be made. Almost certainly true!

Then he shifts to another topic on the credibility of the information released.
Pretty much established to be the real facts!

There's a long story to be told yet and it's going to reveal that America has an antiwar leaker at the highest levels. This is obviously the result of America being politically divided at higher levels of intelligence than the average goofs on this board. This war against Russia is not going to end satisfactorily for America as did the Iraq wars and even the Afghanistan war!

America is having a go in the big leagues now and the odds are far from what it though would be an easy cakewalk!

If this leak is an attempt to let the people know that this war has gone sour, then how can America get out gracefully?
The MSM doesn’t report on all of Tucker’s lies.

That's not what I said you fucking shill and YOU KNOW IT!

They are not reporting on UKRAINE...at all.

A week ago you couldn't go 4 minutes without "breaking news" out of ukraine...now I heard one TV "news" story all day. ONE!

Since tucker reported on the leak...the MSM has been ignoring ukraine like it's an old smelly turd.
That's not what I said you fucking shill and YOU KNOW IT!

They are not reporting on UKRAINE...at all.

A week ago you couldn't go 4 minutes without "breaking news" out of ukraine...now I heard one TV "news" story all day. ONE!

Since tucker reported on the leak...the MSM has been ignoring ukraine like it's an old smelly turd.
The whole narrative surrounding Ukraine has been destroyed. Money disappearing, troops on the ground, pissing off our allies, and the MSM is silent.
It all comes back to an incompetent administration that was aided by a dishonest MSM willing to cover it all up.
For those of us old enough to remember the lessons of The Pentagon Papers in 1973, nothing has changed. We knew then the Pentagon lies as a matter of practice. That was demonstrated again with the so-called Afghanistan Papers some years back. Why are people surprised today to find out that the Pentagon is still lying? I guess some are and some are not.

Whoever was ultimately responsible for the release of this material deserves the Congressional Medal of Honor.

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