Kasparov: Obama vs. Reagan

Congratulations to Reagan for creating a nation of attorneys and accountants.

I'll take that over a nation of big government bureaucrats running our lives. Funny that most Dem presidents have been lawyers, so I find it humorous that a liberal would have issues with that. Accountants are good because it means people need help managing money. Dems don't like people keeping their own money, so I'm sure they would like to trade accountants for bureaucrats who simply dole out other people's money.

Reagan hated communism and I think that is the main reason the left hated him. He did have a hand in breaking up the Soviet Union and the left refuses to give him credit simply because the majority of people know that was a good thing. Secretly, they loathe him for ending the 'pivotal experiment.' The left looks at past dictators with awe.

The tired old talking points about the evil right will always continue and the left will always point out the creation of wealth as a bad thing. Only redistribution is acceptable and too many are completely ignorant of the fact that it must be created in the private sector before government can think of stealing it. And there is an infinite amount to be created. Stop with the idiotic chatter about wealthy people taking more than their fair share and focus on policies that encourage others to create it, too.

Many small businesses began to thrive in the 80's and a lot of people did well financially and I am talking about average people who climbed the ladder of success. The left used to refer to it as the age of greed because so many "little" people amassed small fortunes.

The Federal Reserve has played a part in the economy since it's unwise conception and until it is abolished we will never fully be what we were meant to be. They tilt the playing field in favor of the real 1%, which is them and their cronies. The Republicans had nothing to do with it's creation. Woodrow Wilson was a liberal and started us down a dangerous path over 100 years ago. We can't get back on track until the damage he did is undone.
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How about the millions of Native killed for manifest destiny? Did God sanction this attempt at genocide?

Genocide of Native Americans is a myth, designed to recruit weak minded folks who can be persuaded to hate America.

I'm part Cherokee, no one has put any ideas into my head, the numbers account for themselves.
The Trail of Tears was not a piece of propaganda, nor was the discrimination my Grandmother lived.
Congratulations to Reagan for creating a nation of attorneys and accountants.

I'll take that over a nation of big government bureaucrats running our lives. Funny that most Dem presidents have been lawyers, so I find it humorous that a liberal would have issues with that. Accountants are good because it means people need help managing money. Dems don't like people keeping their own money, so I'm sure they would like to trade accountants for bureaucrats who simply dole out other people's money.

Reagan hated communism and I think that is the main reason the left hated him. He did have a hand in breaking up the Soviet Union and the left refuses to give him credit simply because the majority of people know that was a good thing. Secretly, they loathe him for ending the 'pivotal experiment.' The left looks at past dictators with awe.

The tired old talking points about the evil right will always continue and the left will always point out the creation of wealth as a bad thing. Only redistribution is acceptable and too many are completely ignorant of the fact that it must be created in the private sector before government can think of stealing it. And there is an infinite amount to be created. Stop with the idiotic chatter about wealthy people taking more than their fair share and focus on policies that encourage others to create it, too.

Many small businesses began to thrive in the 80's and a lot of people did well financially and I am talking about average people who climbed the ladder of success. The left used to refer to it as the age of greed because so many "little" people amassed small fortunes.

The Federal Reserve has played a part in the economy since it's unwise conception and until it is abolished we will never fully be what we were meant to be. They tilt the playing field in favor of the real 1%, which is them and their cronies. The Republicans had nothing to do with it's creation. Woodrow Wilson was a liberal and started us down a dangerous path over 100 years ago. We can't get back on track until the damage he did is undone.

That is because you have this infatuation with an illogical premise that all liberals are democratic, there are liberals in the GOP also.
Since I can't get a straight answer, I'll ask again. When were the communist taken out of our government. Was it under a republican? A democrat? Are you claiming they are still there? Obama can't be a Bolshevik, he's never lived in Russia from 1917 to 1930.
Reagan may well have been America's last great president. He is, without doubt, a towering figure who changed not only the country, but the world. Stark contrast to the midgets who succeeded him. Despite the whining, his legacy is well-assured.
If chessmasters have some sort of uniquely valuable insight on world politics, culture, society, etc., as the OP implies,

should we thus take extra notice and place extra value on Bobby Fischer's opinions?

Such as this one:

"A piece of garbage like Kasparov might be called a chess genius, but he's like an idiot savant. Outside of chess he knows nothing."

See, the "American" Left loathes and hates Reagan because they have a Kewpie doll love and understanding of Soviet Communism. They never lived under it, the don't recognize it as evil, it's their Oz. They're on the Progressive Yellow Brick Road to the most disgusting, dehumanizing and evil place on the planet and they're tap-dancing all the way there.

If they are ever to eliminate the Second Amendment, not a doubt in my mind that the Useful Idiots will be the first row of fertilizer in the mass graves, because people that fucking stupid won't be allowed to breed
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See, the "American" Left loathes and hates Reagan because they have a Kewpie doll love and understand of Soviet Communism. They never lived under it, the don't recognize it as evil, it's their Oz. They're on the Progressive Yellow Brick Road to the most disgusting, dehumanizing and evil place on the planet and they're tap-dancing all the way there.

If they are ever to eliminate the Second Amendment, not a doubt in my mind that the Useful Idiots will be the first row of fertilizer in the mass graves, because people that fucking stupid won't be allowed to breed

Russia was like that before communism...
If chessmasters have some sort of uniquely valuable insight on world politics, culture, society, etc., as the OP implies,

should we thus take extra notice and place extra value on Bobby Fischer's opinions?

Such as this one:

"A piece of garbage like Kasparov might be called a chess genius, but he's like an idiot savant. Outside of chess he knows nothing."

I don't think many give credence to a psychopathic self-loathing Jewish Nazi. Brilliant yes, but Fischer was bat-shit crazy.
See, the "American" Left loathes and hates Reagan because they have a Kewpie doll love and understand of Soviet Communism. They never lived under it, the don't recognize it as evil, it's their Oz. They're on the Progressive Yellow Brick Road to the most disgusting, dehumanizing and evil place on the planet and they're tap-dancing all the way there.

If they are ever to eliminate the Second Amendment, not a doubt in my mind that the Useful Idiots will be the first row of fertilizer in the mass graves, because people that fucking stupid won't be allowed to breed

Russia was like that before communism...

Here is an interesting comparison of Russia before and after communism....see if you can find the difference:

1. Before the Russian Revolution, the number of execution by the czarist government came to seventeen (17) per year, according to Solzhenitsyn. He pointed out that, in comparison, the Spanish Inquisition, at its height, destroyed 10 people per month.

a. But, during the revolutionary years 1918-1919, Lenin's Cheka executed, without trial, more than one thousand (1,000) people a month.

At the height of Stalin's terror, 1937-1938, tens of thousands of people were shot per month. Solzhenitsyn, "Warning To The West."

2. From Solzhenitsyn's "Warning To The West,"...
"Here are the figures: 17 a year, 10 a month, more than 1 ,000 a month, [under Stalin] more than 40,000 a month! Thus, that which had made it difficult for the democratic West to form an alliance with pre-revolutionary Russia had, by 1941, grown to such an extent and still did not prevent the entire united democracy of the world — England, France, the United States, Canada, and other small countries — from entering into a military alliance with the Soviet Union, How is this to be explained? How can we understand it? " Full text of "Solzhenitsyn: The Voice of Freedom"

I'm bettin' that even a math-Einstein like you can see the difference......true?
If chessmasters have some sort of uniquely valuable insight on world politics, culture, society, etc., as the OP implies,

should we thus take extra notice and place extra value on Bobby Fischer's opinions?

Such as this one:

"A piece of garbage like Kasparov might be called a chess genius, but he's like an idiot savant. Outside of chess he knows nothing."

I don't think many give credence to a psychopathic self-loathing Jewish Nazi. Brilliant yes, but Fischer was bat-shit crazy.

Ironic how much of that description applies to the poster who quoted Fischer. And, both from the same city, too.
If chessmasters have some sort of uniquely valuable insight on world politics, culture, society, etc., as the OP implies,

should we thus take extra notice and place extra value on Bobby Fischer's opinions?

Such as this one:

"A piece of garbage like Kasparov might be called a chess genius, but he's like an idiot savant. Outside of chess he knows nothing."

I don't think many give credence to a psychopathic self-loathing Jewish Nazi. Brilliant yes, but Fischer was bat-shit crazy.

So maybe he was the same sort of idiot-savant he labels Kasparov as.
Or it could be all those weapons he sold to Iran... :eusa_whistle:

...and nuns and peasnts murdered with the profits.

I love posts like this from morons like you, Cramp......

I look forward to your outrage about Franklin Roosevelt allying himself with a regime that murdered million.

He did that in 1933.

For your edification:
"The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор, "Extermination by hunger" or "Hunger-extermination";[2] derived from 'Морити голодом', "Killing by Starvation" [3][4][5]) was a man-made famine in the Ukrainian SSR in 1932 and 1933."
Holodomor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Democrats love FDR, who also locked thousands of Japanese-Americans for the simple crime of being Japanese-Americans.
If chessmasters have some sort of uniquely valuable insight on world politics, culture, society, etc., as the OP implies,

should we thus take extra notice and place extra value on Bobby Fischer's opinions?

Such as this one:

"A piece of garbage like Kasparov might be called a chess genius, but he's like an idiot savant. Outside of chess he knows nothing."

I don't think many give credence to a psychopathic self-loathing Jewish Nazi. Brilliant yes, but Fischer was bat-shit crazy.

Ironic how much of that description applies to the poster who quoted Fischer. And, both from the same city, too.

So Kasparov thinks the Soviet Union could have succeeded if not for Reagan? What are his opinions on the merits of paper vs. plastic?
If chessmasters have some sort of uniquely valuable insight on world politics, culture, society, etc., as the OP implies,

should we thus take extra notice and place extra value on Bobby Fischer's opinions?

Such as this one:

"A piece of garbage like Kasparov might be called a chess genius, but he's like an idiot savant. Outside of chess he knows nothing."

I don't think many give credence to a psychopathic self-loathing Jewish Nazi. Brilliant yes, but Fischer was bat-shit crazy.

So maybe he was the same sort of idiot-savant he labels Kasparov as.
You seem to know little about either. If you did you wouldn't be making an idiot of yourself.
See, the "American" Left loathes and hates Reagan because they have a Kewpie doll love and understand of Soviet Communism. They never lived under it, the don't recognize it as evil, it's their Oz. They're on the Progressive Yellow Brick Road to the most disgusting, dehumanizing and evil place on the planet and they're tap-dancing all the way there.

If they are ever to eliminate the Second Amendment, not a doubt in my mind that the Useful Idiots will be the first row of fertilizer in the mass graves, because people that fucking stupid won't be allowed to breed

Russia was like that before communism...

Here is an interesting comparison of Russia before and after communism....see if you can find the difference:

1. Before the Russian Revolution, the number of execution by the czarist government came to seventeen (17) per year, according to Solzhenitsyn. He pointed out that, in comparison, the Spanish Inquisition, at its height, destroyed 10 people per month.

a. But, during the revolutionary years 1918-1919, Lenin's Cheka executed, without trial, more than one thousand (1,000) people a month.

At the height of Stalin's terror, 1937-1938, tens of thousands of people were shot per month. Solzhenitsyn, "Warning To The West."

2. From Solzhenitsyn's "Warning To The West,"...
"Here are the figures: 17 a year, 10 a month, more than 1 ,000 a month, [under Stalin] more than 40,000 a month! Thus, that which had made it difficult for the democratic West to form an alliance with pre-revolutionary Russia had, by 1941, grown to such an extent and still did not prevent the entire united democracy of the world — England, France, the United States, Canada, and other small countries — from entering into a military alliance with the Soviet Union, How is this to be explained? How can we understand it? " Full text of "Solzhenitsyn: The Voice of Freedom"

I'm bettin' that even a math-Einstein like you can see the difference......true?

The "American Left" considers 40,000 government sanctioned murders a month "the good ole days"

"Uncle Joe" Stalin only killed people who needed killing, amiright? The Lefties will be loved and adored as heroes for helping to overthrow us, right?
How about the millions of Native killed for manifest destiny? Did God sanction this attempt at genocide?

Genocide of Native Americans is a myth, designed to recruit weak minded folks who can be persuaded to hate America.

The white man gave the Indians blankets.
The Indians gave the white man tobacco.

It is a safe guess that the ravage caused by tobacco is far greater than the damage caused by blankets.

The genocide of one native tribe was committed by another tribe, but no way to know for sure, because they were too busy killing each other to write history.
If chessmasters have some sort of uniquely valuable insight on world politics, culture, society, etc., as the OP implies,

should we thus take extra notice and place extra value on Bobby Fischer's opinions?

Such as this one:

"A piece of garbage like Kasparov might be called a chess genius, but he's like an idiot savant. Outside of chess he knows nothing."


Here are more of Bobby Fisher's pearls of wisdom:


Pay close attention to Bobby Fisher's quotes about Jews, America and Americans. Yeah, take extra notice and place extra value on his opinions.

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Russia was like that before communism...

Here is an interesting comparison of Russia before and after communism....see if you can find the difference:

1. Before the Russian Revolution, the number of execution by the czarist government came to seventeen (17) per year, according to Solzhenitsyn. He pointed out that, in comparison, the Spanish Inquisition, at its height, destroyed 10 people per month.

a. But, during the revolutionary years 1918-1919, Lenin's Cheka executed, without trial, more than one thousand (1,000) people a month.

At the height of Stalin's terror, 1937-1938, tens of thousands of people were shot per month. Solzhenitsyn, "Warning To The West."

2. From Solzhenitsyn's "Warning To The West,"...
"Here are the figures: 17 a year, 10 a month, more than 1 ,000 a month, [under Stalin] more than 40,000 a month! Thus, that which had made it difficult for the democratic West to form an alliance with pre-revolutionary Russia had, by 1941, grown to such an extent and still did not prevent the entire united democracy of the world — England, France, the United States, Canada, and other small countries — from entering into a military alliance with the Soviet Union, How is this to be explained? How can we understand it? " Full text of "Solzhenitsyn: The Voice of Freedom"

I'm bettin' that even a math-Einstein like you can see the difference......true?

The "American Left" considers 40,000 government sanctioned murders a month "the good ole days"

"Uncle Joe" Stalin only killed people who needed killing, amiright? The Lefties will be loved and adored as heroes for helping to overthrow us, right?

And all murders committed by rwer's are justifiable homicide..

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