Kasparov: Obama vs. Reagan

How about the millions of Native killed for manifest destiny? Did God sanction this attempt at genocide?

Genocide of Native Americans is a myth, designed to recruit weak minded folks who can be persuaded to hate America.

The white man gave the Indians blankets.
The Indians gave the white man tobacco.

It is a safe guess that the ravage caused by tobacco is far greater than the damage caused by blankets.

The genocide of one native tribe was committed by another tribe, but no way to know for sure, because they were too busy killing each other to write history.

There is no documentation of the infamous Amerherst-diseased blankets story.
The Left never needs proof if the story indicts America.

Earlier in the thread some moron showed how deeply ingrained the fable is.

The majority of Indian deaths was the result of diseases inadvertently carried by the first explorers.

Whatever the original number, historians agree that infectious disease brought about 75-95% decline after European settlement began.
Jared Mason Diamond is an American geographer, evolutionary biologist, physiologist, lecturer, and nonfiction author.

Diamond works as a professor of geography and physiology at UCLA. He is best known for the Pulitzer Prize-winning book "Guns, Germs, and Steel," which also won the Phi Beta Kappa Award in Science, in which he states “diseases introduced with Europeans spread from tribe to tribe far in advance of the Europeans themselves…[including] smallpox, measles, influenza, and typhus…”
...and nuns and peasnts murdered with the profits.

I love posts like this from morons like you, Cramp......

I look forward to your outrage about Franklin Roosevelt allying himself with a regime that murdered million.

He did that in 1933.

For your edification:
"The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор, "Extermination by hunger" or "Hunger-extermination";[2] derived from 'Морити голодом', "Killing by Starvation" [3][4][5]) was a man-made famine in the Ukrainian SSR in 1932 and 1933."
Holodomor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Democrats love FDR, who also locked thousands of Japanese-Americans for the simple crime of being Japanese-Americans.

I'm not a Democrat. Never have been. Thought FDR was a brilliant strategist and the right man for President in WWII. Also think he was a ganster and used some unethical tactics to win elections. Glad my dad and most of my uncles and 2nd cousins came home from WWII. They sure liked the guy and always spoke highly of him.

Don't need any references to the man made famine "holodomor". Been all over Ukraine, east and west. Traveled it with ethnic Ukraine's and ethnic Russian's. Spent time in Soviet style cities and traditional villages and towns. Have had many discussions while there about holodomor, WWII, living under Soviet rule and how life changed from era to era.
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I don't think many give credence to a psychopathic self-loathing Jewish Nazi. Brilliant yes, but Fischer was bat-shit crazy.

Ironic how much of that description applies to the poster who quoted Fischer. And, both from the same city, too.

So Kasparov thinks the Soviet Union could have succeeded if not for Reagan? What are his opinions on the merits of paper vs. plastic?

"...the merits of paper vs. plastic..."

Bet you actually believe that one is better than the other for the environment.

Leftists believe everything their masters tell them.
I love posts like this from morons like you, Cramp......

I look forward to your outrage about Franklin Roosevelt allying himself with a regime that murdered million.

He did that in 1933.

For your edification:
"The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор, "Extermination by hunger" or "Hunger-extermination";[2] derived from 'Морити голодом', "Killing by Starvation" [3][4][5]) was a man-made famine in the Ukrainian SSR in 1932 and 1933."
Holodomor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Democrats love FDR, who also locked thousands of Japanese-Americans for the simple crime of being Japanese-Americans.

I'm not a Democrat. Never have been. Thought FDR was a brilliant strategist and the right man for President in WWII. Also think he was a ganster and used some unethical tactics to win elections. Glad my dad and most of my uncles and 2nd cousins came home from WWII. They sure liked the guy and always spoke highly of him.

Don't need any references to the man made famine "holodomor". Been all over Ukraine, east and west. Traveled it with ethnic Ukraine's and ethnic Russian's. Spent time in Soviet style cities and traditional villages and towns. Have had many discussions while there about holodomor, WWII, living under Soviet rule and how life changed from era to era.

"I'm not a Democrat. Never have been."

If it walks like a duck, and looks like a duck........

C'mon....say 'quack,' Cramps
See, the "American" Left loathes and hates Reagan because they have a Kewpie doll love and understand of Soviet Communism. They never lived under it, the don't recognize it as evil, it's their Oz. They're on the Progressive Yellow Brick Road to the most disgusting, dehumanizing and evil place on the planet and they're tap-dancing all the way there.

If they are ever to eliminate the Second Amendment, not a doubt in my mind that the Useful Idiots will be the first row of fertilizer in the mass graves, because people that fucking stupid won't be allowed to breed

Russia was like that before communism...

The Communists did not overthrow the Czar, they overthrew a democratically elected government that was set up as the Czar gave up political power. Communists ran for election in that government, and were soundly defeated by the people. Only then did they create the revolution.
Concerning the New World Clash of Cultures:

The clash of Civilizations was inevitable, get over it!
I have Native American DNA also.
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See, the "American" Left loathes and hates Reagan because they have a Kewpie doll love and understand of Soviet Communism. They never lived under it, the don't recognize it as evil, it's their Oz. They're on the Progressive Yellow Brick Road to the most disgusting, dehumanizing and evil place on the planet and they're tap-dancing all the way there.

If they are ever to eliminate the Second Amendment, not a doubt in my mind that the Useful Idiots will be the first row of fertilizer in the mass graves, because people that fucking stupid won't be allowed to breed

Russia was like that before communism...

The Communists did not overthrow the Czar, they overthrew a democratically elected government that was set up as the Czar gave up political power. Communists ran for election in that government, and were soundly defeated by the people. Only then did they create the revolution.

That is absolutely correct.

Moreover, the Communists left no doubt that they are the most despicable liars, by calling themselves "bolshevik" which - loosely translated from Russian means "majority" while they dubbed their opponents "menshevik" which means "minority".

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