Kathleen Riley's reaction: "I hope she rots in hell."


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
EXCLUSIVE: Kathleen Willey slams Hillary’s new sex assault survivors ad

Kathleen Riley:

“She’s a lying pig. I CANNOT believe that she had the gall to make that commercial. How dare she? I hope she rots in hell.“

Let's see our liberal friends defend this. And they will, by attacking the women who were assaulted and raped by Bill Clinton.

If the Democrats had any decency left, they would abandon Hillary Clinton.
EXCLUSIVE: Kathleen Willey slams Hillary’s new sex assault survivors ad

Kathleen Riley:

“She’s a lying pig. I CANNOT believe that she had the gall to make that commercial. How dare she? I hope she rots in hell.“

Let's see our liberal friends defend this. And they will, by attacking the women who were assaulted and raped by Bill Clinton.

If the Democrats had any decency left, they would abandon Hillary Clinton.

It should be a lesson, since many of Bill Clinton's victims, which Hillary viciously attacked, were Democrats...
And those who always state that many reported rapes are false fall all over this one.
And those who always state that many reported rapes are false fall all over this one.
Practically all of Clinton's accusers were Democrats... That's why they were around him (like Lewinsky and Wylie in the White House)...

Are you trying to say you just can't trust a Democrat????
EXCLUSIVE: Kathleen Willey slams Hillary’s new sex assault survivors ad

Kathleen Riley:

“She’s a lying pig. I CANNOT believe that she had the gall to make that commercial. How dare she? I hope she rots in hell.“

Let's see our liberal friends defend this. And they will, by attacking the women who were assaulted and raped by Bill Clinton.

If the Democrats had any decency left, they would abandon Hillary Clinton.
Golly, you're right. I am outraged, and withdraw all of my support for Hillary.

I had no idea that Hillary supporters, and all Democrats really, are pro rape!

I just had to open my eyes, to see what's realy going on.

Thanks Blackrock
Did Hillary Clinton sell her soul to the devil to get where she is today?
And those who always state that many reported rapes are false fall all over this one.
There it is, the first liberal defending Hillary's record of NOT BELIEVING her husband's victims.

How do you sleep at night? I hope alone, since you apparently don't think rape is a big deal.
And those who always state that many reported rapes are false fall all over this one.
You know what? you're right! I renew my support for Hillary.

Those Jezabel women are always luring sailors in so their ships get smashed on the rocks.

Wait, that's mermaids......ummmm....well the same goes for human chicks too! Just look at what they're wearing these days!
EXCLUSIVE: Kathleen Willey slams Hillary’s new sex assault survivors ad

Kathleen Riley:

“She’s a lying pig. I CANNOT believe that she had the gall to make that commercial. How dare she? I hope she rots in hell.“

Let's see our liberal friends defend this. And they will, by attacking the women who were assaulted and raped by Bill Clinton.

If the Democrats had any decency left, they would abandon Hillary Clinton.
Golly, you're right. I am outraged, and withdraw all of my support for Hillary.

I had no idea that Hillary supporters, and all Democrats really, are pro rape!

I just had to open my eyes, to see what's realy going on.

Thanks Blackrock

Hey so you are also an advocate of violence against women when it's a Democrat doing it. That's two, we will see more.
EXCLUSIVE: Kathleen Willey slams Hillary’s new sex assault survivors ad

Kathleen Riley:

“She’s a lying pig. I CANNOT believe that she had the gall to make that commercial. How dare she? I hope she rots in hell.“

Let's see our liberal friends defend this. And they will, by attacking the women who were assaulted and raped by Bill Clinton.

If the Democrats had any decency left, they would abandon Hillary Clinton.
Golly, you're right. I am outraged, and withdraw all of my support for Hillary.

I had no idea that Hillary supporters, and all Democrats really, are pro rape!

I just had to open my eyes, to see what's realy going on.

Thanks Blackrock

Hey so you are also an advocate of violence against women when it's a Democrat doing it. That's two, we will see more.
Gosh, you're right, I re-withdraw my support for Hillary!

Dang, I hate it when I'm all for violence against women.

When will I learn?
Any Republican who was accused of sexual violence against women would be forced to resign the same day.

And it's happened, more than once.

Democrats, on the other hand, circle their wagons to save the rapist.
EXCLUSIVE: Kathleen Willey slams Hillary’s new sex assault survivors ad

Kathleen Riley:

“She’s a lying pig. I CANNOT believe that she had the gall to make that commercial. How dare she? I hope she rots in hell.“

Let's see our liberal friends defend this. And they will, by attacking the women who were assaulted and raped by Bill Clinton.

If the Democrats had any decency left, they would abandon Hillary Clinton.
Golly, you're right. I am outraged, and withdraw all of my support for Hillary.

I had no idea that Hillary supporters, and all Democrats really, are pro rape!

I just had to open my eyes, to see what's realy going on.

Thanks Blackrock

Hey so you are also an advocate of violence against women when it's a Democrat doing it. That's two, we will see more.
Gosh, you're right, I re-withdraw my support for Hillary!

Dang, I hate it when I'm all for violence against women.

When will I learn?

I think that your brain is disconnected to your fingers typing the keyboard, because nothing you say makes any sense.
And those who always state that many reported rapes are false fall all over this one.
Practically all of Clinton's accusers were Democrats... That's why they were around him (like Lewinsky and Wylie in the White House)...

Are you trying to say you just can't trust a Democrat????
I didn't say that at all...but it IS interesting how those who claim false rape claims abound all believe these, even with investigations. Hey! Someone's doing the raping, eh?
I hope that men supporting Hillary Clinton are unmarried and live alone. Because none of them think rape is a big deal.
I hope that men supporting Hillary Clinton are unmarried and live alone. Because none of them think rape is a big deal.
Yeah, a few wives might decide to pull a Bobbitt, like Hillary should have done.
And those who always state that many reported rapes are false fall all over this one.
Practically all of Clinton's accusers were Democrats... That's why they were around him (like Lewinsky and Wylie in the White House)...

Are you trying to say you just can't trust a Democrat????
I didn't say that at all...but it IS interesting how those who claim false rape claims abound all believe these, even with investigations. Hey! Someone's doing the raping, eh?
This is the very bad argument, "So what if Bill rapes women? Lots of men rape women. You are helping to create a rape culture. I hope that you have no wife or girlfriend, because you can't be trusted around women.
I think this commercial was a really bad idea for Hillary Clinton. It increases people's resentment that Bill Clinton raped and assaulted numerous women, and Hillary was the enabler who let it happen.
The only way I see the democrats losing the presidency is if they play identity politics...Well, here they go playing it and dividing people.


Instead of fighting for more funding for infrastructure, science institutions, r&d investment and educational reform they do shit like this. GRRR

They could be arguing a higher minimum wage
They could be asking the public to support them in reforming education
They could be arguing that too many people go to prison because of drugs and it is worth legalizing them.

Most of these issues could unite 55-60% of this country behind them.

They could be doing this with dozens of different things that would gain them the white house...What do they do? They say I hate men! Has everyone in this goddamn country gone insane?

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