Kathy Griffin Holds Press Conference To Whine About Trump Family Bullying After 'Decapitated Trump'

Every time she tries to justify her effigiac beheading of sitting US President

She didn't behead or show images of a beheading. That would have involved much more special effect and done right, she would have been covered in blood as it squirted out of the prop whe she was sawing through it.

It would have been much better, much more artistic, if she was dressed up as Red Sonja, leaning on a sword, next to the head on a pike.

You go with that. Hold the picture up to an audience and tell them it has nothing to do with a beheading. Stand Up for Kathy!
Every time she tries to justify her effigiac beheading of sitting US President

She didn't behead or show images of a beheading. That would have involved much more special effect and done right, she would have been covered in blood as it squirted out of the prop whe she was sawing through it.

It would have been much better, much more artistic, if she was dressed up as Red Sonja, leaning on a sword, next to the head on a pike.

You go with that. Hold the picture up to an audience and tell them it has nothing to do with a beheading. Stand Up for Kathy!

I stand up for her right to pose in a photo of that. Just like I did for the TeaTards to hang and burn Obama in effigy. Or for Maher's use of a word that is so harmful to cupcakes and snowflakes, it must never even be uttered, not even in jest.......
Kathy Griffin is so hideous, I'd rather fuck the Star Trek salt vampire -- which she closely resembles.
Every time she tries to justify her effigiac beheading of sitting US President

She didn't behead or show images of a beheading. That would have involved much more special effect and done right, she would have been covered in blood as it squirted out of the prop whe she was sawing through it.

It would have been much better, much more artistic, if she was dressed up as Red Sonja, leaning on a sword, next to the head on a pike.

You go with that. Hold the picture up to an audience and tell them it has nothing to do with a beheading. Stand Up for Kathy!

I stand up for her right to pose in a photo of that. Just like I did for the TeaTards to hang and burn Obama in effigy. Or for Maher's use of a word that is so harmful to cupcakes and snowflakes, it must never even be uttered, not even in jest.......

OK.Everyone's all on the same page on the right to speak. In either case, no one as the mandate to be agreed with nor do they have the right to not get a negative backlash.
You know, this is a perfect case of free speech.

Kathy Griffin had the right to say and air the crap she did.

Others have the right to comment on the crap she said.

Sorry that it wasn't well received Ms. Griffin, but your display was beyond tasteless.

And yeah, I bitched when the tea baggers were burning and hanging Obama in effigy.
You know, I'd rather be talking about free speech and the behavior of Ms. Griffin, rather than how she looks.

It's easy to be catty about how she looks. It's harder to have an actual adult discussion about what she did.
You know, I'd rather be talking about free speech and the behavior of Ms. Griffin, rather than how she looks.

It's easy to be catty about how she looks. It's harder to have an actual adult discussion about what she did.

Nah, you may wanna check her out again. Crazy rough lookin. The many years of drug & alcohol abuse has clearly caught up with her. She's just plain scary at this point. I strongly recommend she disappear for a long time and go get some help. She's definitely not well.
You know, I'd rather be talking about free speech and the behavior of Ms. Griffin, rather than how she looks.

It's easy to be catty about how she looks. It's harder to have an actual adult discussion about what she did.

I would date her...she is cute...or I am getting old
You know, here's how I look at it.............while Griffin might have thought she was expressing her viewpoint, and making a statement against Trump, she failed to read the room (i.e. the American people), and also failed to understand that because of all the Islamic terrorist acts, beheading is considered by many to be a vile unspeakable act.

What she actually did was a form of bullying, and well............haven't we all decided to agree that bullying is wrong?

Now, she's catching the backlash of it and trying to cry victim, but she initiated the backlash when she did the act.

Now? She's got to be responsible for her actions, say what she did was wrong and hope that it blows over, but she's already boned up that course of action with her bungled "apology".
You know, here's how I look at it.............while Griffin might have thought she was expressing her viewpoint, and making a statement against Trump, she failed to read the room (i.e. the American people), and also failed to understand that because of all the Islamic terrorist acts, beheading is considered by many to be a vile unspeakable act.

What she actually did was a form of bullying, and well............haven't we all decided to agree that bullying is wrong?

Now, she's catching the backlash of it and trying to cry victim, but she initiated the backlash when she did the act.

Now? She's got to be responsible for her actions, say what she did was wrong and hope that it blows over, but she's already boned up that course of action with her bungled "apology".
You remember the pos in our WH now apologizing to Obama after years have calling him a foreigner? Trump is a punk with no balls ,,,a republican
You know, here's how I look at it.............while Griffin might have thought she was expressing her viewpoint, and making a statement against Trump, she failed to read the room (i.e. the American people), and also failed to understand that because of all the Islamic terrorist acts, beheading is considered by many to be a vile unspeakable act.

What she actually did was a form of bullying, and well............haven't we all decided to agree that bullying is wrong?

Now, she's catching the backlash of it and trying to cry victim, but she initiated the backlash when she did the act.

Now? She's got to be responsible for her actions, say what she did was wrong and hope that it blows over, but she's already boned up that course of action with her bungled "apology".
You remember the pos in our WH now apologizing to Obama after years have calling him a foreigner? Trump is a punk with no balls ,,,a republican

Trump will say anything one day, then flip flop and go the other direction (sometimes even in the same day), if it's politically expedient for him.

He was bitching about Obama being a foreigner all the way up until he won the election, then held a "news conference" that was actually a 45 min. commercial for his products, followed by 45 seconds of him saying that Obama was a citizen.
Kathy Griffin is so hideous, I'd rather fuck the Star Trek salt vampire -- which she closely resembles.

Wow yeah, she does look pretty rough. Way too much drugs & alcohol. She should disappear for awhile and get some help.

Not only that, but she should sue her plastic surgeon! She's 55 going on 155. It's actually quite rare to see a women who is THIS ugly, grotesque and monstrous, inside and out. I wouldn't even fuck this creature with OBAMA'S dick (one of my most detested living things in human history).
Wow he's attending an event she may or may not still be attending.

You guys gonna Dixie Chicks her?

She has always been too vile and hateful for me. I quit watching her anywhere years ago. So it's difficult to not do what I was already not doing.

Yes, I sent back a Dixie Chicks CD to Amazon when they showed their behinds overseas. Had they made the statement in Texas, I wouldn't have cared.
Notice it's a righty who started this thread and boy do the righties love talking about this instead of Russia.

There is nothing to the Russia "issue". Even you are aware of that fact.
Wow he's attending an event she may or may not still be attending.

You guys gonna Dixie Chicks her?

She has always been too vile and hateful for me. I quit watching her anywhere years ago. So it's difficult to not do what I was already not doing.

Yes, I sent back a Dixie Chicks CD to Amazon when they showed their behinds overseas. Had they made the statement in Texas, I wouldn't have cared.

I was hating that Kathy Griffin abomination BEFORE it was cool; she always struck me as such a mean-spirited, gossipy, shallow, self-absorbed Cuntidy-**** (MUCH worse than a conventional ****). I've wished Kathy Griffin would die of cancer years ago. The fact she bragged she was going to give 10-year-old little boy Barron Trump a "verbal beatdown" shows what a verbal child-molesting **** that Griffin sow really is. A predatory fame-vulture, and if that Cunting-**** were to drop dead of cancer, not only would I dance on that ****'s grave, I would lead an entire C-WALKING SHUFFLE CLASS across it. Why that vulture-like SORRY evil detritus of the female gender!!!
Libs don't deal with reponsibility, and consequences very well...

View attachment 130352
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

My side is always right.
Your side is always wrong.





Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah!

Get a life, or at least some new material.

Why ? We are in the game.

You are on the sidelines.

You know, here's how I look at it.............while Griffin might have thought she was expressing her viewpoint, and making a statement against Trump, she failed to read the room (i.e. the American people), and also failed to understand that because of all the Islamic terrorist acts, beheading is considered by many to be a vile unspeakable act.

What she actually did was a form of bullying, and well............haven't we all decided to agree that bullying is wrong?

Now, she's catching the backlash of it and trying to cry victim, but she initiated the backlash when she did the act.

Now? She's got to be responsible for her actions, say what she did was wrong and hope that it blows over, but she's already boned up that course of action with her bungled "apology".
You remember the pos in our WH now apologizing to Obama after years have calling him a foreigner? Trump is a punk with no balls ,,,a republican

A guy who is your president..
You know, here's how I look at it.............while Griffin might have thought she was expressing her viewpoint, and making a statement against Trump, she failed to read the room (i.e. the American people), and also failed to understand that because of all the Islamic terrorist acts, beheading is considered by many to be a vile unspeakable act.

What she actually did was a form of bullying, and well............haven't we all decided to agree that bullying is wrong?

Now, she's catching the backlash of it and trying to cry victim, but she initiated the backlash when she did the act.

Now? She's got to be responsible for her actions, say what she did was wrong and hope that it blows over, but she's already boned up that course of action with her bungled "apology".
You remember the pos in our WH now apologizing to Obama after years have calling him a foreigner? Trump is a punk with no balls ,,,a republican

Trump will say anything one day, then flip flop and go the other direction (sometimes even in the same day), if it's politically expedient for him.

He was bitching about Obama being a foreigner all the way up until he won the election, then held a "news conference" that was actually a 45 min. commercial for his products, followed by 45 seconds of him saying that Obama was a citizen.
Yes biker he did admit BUT no apology
...Why can't you unintelligent leftist hacks ever approach an issue based upon principle instead of just flailing away like you do?
Because that would require analytical forethought... not exactly your average emoting LibTard's strong suit.

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