Katie Hobbs Sworn Into Office At Illegitimate Private Ceremony, Breaks Out In Laughter When Asked To Swear That She Will Support the Constitution

I mean I actually followed the gov race in AZ more than any other midterm including in my own state and I never once saw Hobbs on TV talking, being asked questions or interviewed!

Reminded me a lot of Biden's 2020 run.

Both just showed up, gave no campaign, acted like they were entitled to the offices and that the fix was already in for both of them so, FU to the voters!

So basically a couple of candidates who didn't have to do anything but be alive. (we assume)

Just like their cultists. Just barely there and certainly not actually qualified for anything but breathing.


Actually, McCarthy called Trump because it was Pelosi and the FBI that sent him to make the call in the first place, having started the mess and hoping that Trump would try and somehow get the mob to react to a snap of his fingers so they could then connect the two and then say that it was Trump who snapped his fingers and ordered the brouhaha in the first place!

Another failed plan by the left that didn't work, and people died.
The founding fathers were religious. They believed in a God who “governs in the affairs of men.”

Hobbs is a Godless lesbian. so that's why she found it funny
This is the problem we are facing, folks. Democrats despising the Constitution.

Lol, hey retard! Guess who is sitting in the governors office. Also guess who is not. Lol what a bunch of losers. Hilarious
You ever notice that the right wingers really struggle with witty comebacks.
Here are some examples of their BEST work. So Clever. LOL.

Useless stank.

It goes well with the butthurt you have from New Years eve, I bet.

We understand what happens in the world of you poor developmentally disabled folks.

Oh, look at that nice thing that you made with your crayons.

Did you do that assignment in your Award Winning Writing For Dummies class?

Ask the Buttgig about how ends meet.

Gfy, flamer. By now you must realize I think you're an idiot spammer
This is the problem we are facing, folks. Democrats despising the Constitution.

It was the official inauguration. Republicans despise the Constitution as they try to rewrite it.
The Corrupt Democratic Party's voter fraud crimes and ballot rigging crimes violate everyone's Right to Vote and undermine our 'democracy'.
If you vote Democrat, you are against Voting Rights and a free society.

Republicans are the Nazis trying to establish a dictatorship. Republicans have already taken away the right to vote from millions of people.

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