Katy Perry on Manchester bombing No barriers, no borders, we all just need to co exist

Katy Perry on Manchester Bombing: 'No Barriers, No Borders, We All Just Need to Co-Exist'

Pop megastar Katy Perry made an impassioned plea for people to “co-exist” and said that “barriers” or “borders” could detract from that goal in an interview following the terrorist bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, U.K. on Monday night that claimed the lives of at least 22 people and injured dozens of others.

What a dumb bitch, leading her little followers right into their own suicide mission while this rich little bitch can hide away, get armed body guards to cart her around everywhere she needs to go. She doesn't need to walk anywhere or take a bus anywhere.

What do you expect from a girl that married that freakazoid Russell brand?
Katy Perry on Manchester Bombing: 'No Barriers, No Borders, We All Just Need to Co-Exist'

Pop megastar Katy Perry made an impassioned plea for people to “co-exist” and said that “barriers” or “borders” could detract from that goal in an interview following the terrorist bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, U.K. on Monday night that claimed the lives of at least 22 people and injured dozens of others.

What a dumb bitch, leading her little followers right into their own suicide mission while this rich little bitch can hide away, get armed body guards to cart her around everywhere she needs to go. She doesn't need to walk anywhere or take a bus anywhere.

What do you expect from a girl that married that freakazoid Russell brand?

Maybe he has an enormous ... Nevermind!
Do a lot of people care about what that singer has to say?

Libs do. Look how they all circled around with their asses in the air when the Dixie chicks so endeared themselves to America. What a turd tornado.
I don't care what any celebrity thinks and don't believe they are smarter or more insightful than the average Joe. Less so, in fact.
But the hollyweirders and msm sure make it SEEM like their opinions count.
It's all in the fweeelings, my friend
The usual delusional people who immediately revert to Talking Points when an attack happens. I think most people get it, these are radicals, the most extreme of the extreme. The problem is, she feels a need to pretend she is taking a stand right after the murder of so many innocents.

Why doesn't she go preach her message to one of the parents who just lost one of their children. See how long they listen to her message while she waves her plastic finger.

These celebrity clowns who impulsively reach for a soapbox after every tragedy are getting really tiring, really fast. I prefer they just pass on their condolences and go on "away" status. I'm sure I'm not alone.
She gave a great super bowl half time show. She has awesome ta-tas. But she's about as dumb as they come and she has lots of competition.
Katy Perry on Manchester Bombing: 'No Barriers, No Borders, We All Just Need to Co-Exist'

Pop megastar Katy Perry made an impassioned plea for people to “co-exist” and said that “barriers” or “borders” could detract from that goal in an interview following the terrorist bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, U.K. on Monday night that claimed the lives of at least 22 people and injured dozens of others.

What a dumb bitch, leading her little followers right into their own suicide mission while this rich little bitch can hide away, get armed body guard to cart her around her everywhere she needs to go. She doesn't need to walk anywhere or take a bus anywhere.

Shut up I like her ....she made me laugh over this and the fall out was a classic

A lot of guys like dumb bitches. I'm not one of them.
What does she do besides sing and make singing h
Gives her opinion on politics
I looked up her wealth. She has bankrolled just under $250 million from her singing career. Not sure how much of that wealth came from making political statements.
I wonder how much of that wealth has been contributed to the poor, school lunch programs, etc...

None but she feels she's so extra special that she's helping kids out just with her very being on earth
This shook them up. Performers kinda thought since they are all liberal that the terrorists regarded them differently
You see now what they are and its a cold hard FACT
Stop getting yourself blown up via emotional "USA be nicer" panderings
and realize the dirt here
I like Katy Perry and it saddens me to say that those barbarians who support and do this would Love to have a big time with her where she would be begging to die.
Dirty, despicable lot wrapping themselves in the cloak of religion that Others try to cast off for them
Katy Perry on Manchester Bombing: 'No Barriers, No Borders, We All Just Need to Co-Exist'

Pop megastar Katy Perry made an impassioned plea for people to “co-exist” and said that “barriers” or “borders” could detract from that goal in an interview following the terrorist bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, U.K. on Monday night that claimed the lives of at least 22 people and injured dozens of others.

What a dumb bitch, leading her little followers right into their own suicide mission while this rich little bitch can hide away, get armed body guards to cart her around everywhere she needs to go. She doesn't need to walk anywhere or take a bus anywhere.
She went to the foreign policy school at Disneyland. " it's a small world after all."
Katy Perry on Manchester Bombing: 'No Barriers, No Borders, We All Just Need to Co-Exist'

Pop megastar Katy Perry made an impassioned plea for people to “co-exist” and said that “barriers” or “borders” could detract from that goal in an interview following the terrorist bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, U.K. on Monday night that claimed the lives of at least 22 people and injured dozens of others.

What a dumb bitch, leading her little followers right into their own suicide mission while this rich little bitch can hide away, get armed body guard to cart her around her everywhere she needs to go. She doesn't need to walk anywhere or take a bus anywhere.

Shut up I like her ....she made me laugh over this and the fall out was a classic

She wanted us to vote for Hillary. Nuff said.
Katy Perry on Manchester Bombing: 'No Barriers, No Borders, We All Just Need to Co-Exist'

Pop megastar Katy Perry made an impassioned plea for people to “co-exist” and said that “barriers” or “borders” could detract from that goal in an interview following the terrorist bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, U.K. on Monday night that claimed the lives of at least 22 people and injured dozens of others.

What a dumb bitch, leading her little followers right into their own suicide mission while this rich little bitch can hide away, get armed body guards to cart her around everywhere she needs to go. She doesn't need to walk anywhere or take a bus anywhere.

She can move to Syria or Iraq then. I mean whats the difference between there and the UK? No borders no nations.

She's a fucking libtart/snowflake/crybaby...

Stop! Just Stop! Katy Perry After Attack: ‘No Barriers, No Borders, We All Just Need to Co-Exist’
"We’re just all loving on each other." Except for the ones killing us.


Michael Horn


“Whatever we say behind people’s backs, the Internet can be a little bit ruthless as far as fan bases go but I think that the greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other,” Perry said, adding, “No barriers, no borders, we all just need to co-exist.”

"We’re just all loving on each other and we should just stay loving on each other," said Perry. “If this gets out to anyone, I just want to say that I love all of you out there and I just know that some of our fan bases kind of go both ways. Ari’s fans are my fans, and my fans are Ari’s fans. Tell everyone, ‘I love you’ today.”

According to The Guardian, suicide bomber Salman Abedi detonated a bomb and himself, killing 22 and wounding another 59. Though security services knew of his potential danger, they did nothing to stop him, probably to appease politically correct sensibilities like those of Perry.


Stop! Just Stop! Katy Perry After Attack: ‘No Barriers, No Borders, We All Just Need to Co-Exist’
This shook them up. Performers kinda thought since they are all liberal that the terrorists regarded them differently
You see now what they are and its a cold hard FACT
Stop getting yourself blown up via emotional "USA be nicer" panderings
and realize the dirt herein
I like Katy Perry and it saddens me to say that those barbarians who support and do this would Love to have a big time with her where she would be begging to die.
Dirty, despicable lot wrapping themselves in the cloak of religion that Others try to cast off for them
. I'm looking for the day a bomb explodes on the red carpet at an Emmy or Oscar award show. Maybe then these losers will understand.

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