Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

When has it ever happened to a Democrat nominee? It doesn't because Republicans aren't shameless scumbags like Democrats are.

You might want to repost this. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
No, I really don't.
And you ask why rape survivors hesitate to come forward?

If she came forward when it supposedly happened, it would have been water under the bridge. Trying to prove something that happened 36 years ago is like trying to predict what the weather will be on election night today.
They can find witnesses who were there and interview them. They can place Kavanaugh at the scene..or not. They unlike you...are not totally stupid
Um the witnesses so far are 3-0 calling bullshit on the story. What they all seem to agree on is the judge couldn’t hold his liquor at 17, but who could at 17?
I think Kavanaugh is toast.

Based on what? What can she say that we haven't already heard?

If a federal judge is denied the confirmation of a Supreme Court position based on what only one person said, we are doomed as a country, because this will go back and forth forever. Furthermore if you are correct, Trump is the kind of guy that will nominate somebody so far right that it will make Kavanaugh look like a liberal. And if we pickup more Senate seats, that person will be our new judge.

It ain't rocket science to see who's telling the truth.

So when did Kavanaugh ever say he doesn't want to talk to the FBI? When did Ford say she did?

Bigger question is what is stopping her from going into the fbi

She may have to if there is something suspicious about her answers during questioning.

The bigger question is why didn't she hire a private investigative business to look into this? If they found something, then they could attend the hearing and testify on her behalf. Then the FBI would have to look into it.

But what she's doing now is making a claim, and then insisting somebody else look for evidence to support that claim. It doesn't work that way. They FBI is not in the business of chasing ghosts.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.

Why not file a police report as well? They are asking the FBI and simultaneously refusing to testify because they know she will perjur herself.
Graham: Blasey’s Testimony Won’t Sway My Vote ‘Unless There’s Something More’

You mean like a thorough FBI investigation and witnesses allowed, Lindsey?
Looks like he and his cronies are doing everything possible to make SURE there is nothing more

Every witness she has mentioned has already provide sworn statements saying this didn’t happen. What is left to investigate other than her testimony?

Sworn statements to whom?

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